I guess this is a beef with me. Big ships, land, air, sea, can be controlled by a single man. They can't necessarily operate with a crew of one (or at lest not efficiently, size depending), but a super tanker, any navy ship, any jetliner, can be piloted by one individual. Even something like a tugboat or a modern navy DD can essentially be crewed by one man given the upgrades in software technology (and assuming said person has knowledge of the software). The days of large crews in engineering sections aren't neccesarily over, but they are more streamlined than in previous generations. So much, that in my opinion, a Traveller ship could be (and perhaps should be) flown by one person, or least that option should be there. Larger ships, say a Soli Free Trader, would run more efficiently, and probably with a larger degree of safety were it fully manned, but I think software (with or without AI) could give a single individual the capacity to take that vessel from point A to point B.
This has been something that's been gnawing at the back of my mind for some time how. Ever since I first read through the rules and was playing other games in the genre. Traveller had the attraction that you could build a vessel with the rules, and it had all kinds of weapons and gear that other games didn't have (other games mostly had monsters and aliens as an emphasis, with a smattering of basic scifi weapons/gear), but it had the draw back that you needed lots of characters to get anything done, and specifically to fly a ship.
And to this day I'm still agog about the reasoning behind this. I understand that big Imperial navy ships probably have all kinds of sensors, communications, and what not that require a person to watch over them. And it makes sense to have more than one helm station and more than one person on board who knows how to steer the ship. But in a non combat or non crisis situation, again to me, the crew rule requirement seems a little wonky, and more aimed at trying to balance the game for the sake of it; i.e. making sure a single PC or small group of PCs don't run off with an Imperial BB or something.
I've just always been at odds with this aspect of the game.