High Guard across the TLs.
Abstract – a study of the changing nature of space warfare across the range of TLs detailed in High Guard.
Overview of TL changes.
TL7 Computer model 2 limits the hull size to no larger than 3,999t, the maneuver drive maximum of 2 also limits agility to a maximum of 2, power plants require 4t per EP. Armour is 4+4a.
Weapon systems are limited to the 100t missile bay and turret mounted lasers (pulse and beam), missiles, and sandcasters.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 5%
M-drive 2%, 5%
Armour 8->32%
TL8 ships are limited in the same way as TL 7 with regards to size, power plant and armour, but they may now have a maneuver drive 5 and hence agility of 5.
An additional weapon becomes available, the 100t PA bay, and the turret mounted sandcaster increases in effectiveness.
Note there is a spinal PA available, but it is larger than the biggest ship that can be constructed at TL8, and the power plant to power it would be half the 3,999t ship
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 5%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%
Armour 8->36%
TL9 ship may now be built up to 9,999t, the maneuver drive achieves its 6g agility 6 maximum, and power generation is more efficient requiring 3t per EP. The main breakthrough is the jump drive, and weapon wise the spinal mount remains too large to be ship mounted on the hull size available.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 4%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel
Armour 8->40%
TL10 ship building makes enormous progress. Ships may now be constructed up to 49,999t and can at last carry spinal PA weapons. Armour becomes lighter at 3+3a. In addition to the spinal PA ships can now mount 100t repulsors for missile defence, while 100t bay missile launchers and PA are more effective, and the turret mounted sandcaster increases in capability once again. This TL also sees the introduction of the 50t bay and plasma gun weapons. The 50t bay may mount PA, missile and plasma weapon systems, with plasma guns also available as turret mounts in slightly larger turrets.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 4%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel
Armour 6->33%
TL11 Maximum ship size almost doubles to 99,000t, the meson spinal mount becomes available, and plasma guns of all types improve. Jump 2 is now achievable.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 4%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel, 3% + 20% fuel
Armour 6->36%
TL12 Ship size now reaches its effective maximum, although at higher TLs bigger ships may be constructed.
100t and 50t bay weapons improve across the board, the plasma turret improves once again, and fusion guns are available in 50t bays and turret mounts. Armour becomes lighter at 2+2a. Jump drive performance increases to 3 parsecs. The nuclear damper and meson screen systems come online.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 4%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel, 3% + 20% fuel, 4% + 30% fuel
Armour 4->26%
TL13 Ship size is now unrestricted, 100t missile are more effective achieving their maximum rating, and the meson gun is introduced. The 50t fusion gun is more effective. Turret mounted missiles and laser improve. Screens improve, and the power plant becomes more efficient. Jump 4.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 3%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel, 3% + 20% fuel, 4% + 30% fuel, 5% + 40% fuel
Armour 4->28%
TL14 Ship size remains unrestricted, 100t bays are more effective. 50t bay weapons are more effective, and the repulsor is introduced. The turret mounted fusion gun improves and the PA barbette is introduced. Screens improve, armour becomes lighter and jump 5 can be achieved.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 3%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel, 3% + 20% fuel, 4% + 30% fuel, 5% +40% fuel, 6% +50% fuel
Armour 2->15%
TL15 Ship size remains unrestricted, 100t meson and repulsor bays are more effective. 50t bay meson guns are introduced and repulsors are more effective. The turret mounted PA is available. Screens improve, jump 6 can be achieved.
Bridge 2%
PP+fuel 2%
M-drive 2%, 5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%
J-drive 2% +10% fuel, 3% + 20% fuel, 4% + 30% fuel, 5% +40% fuel, 6% +50% fuel, 7% +60% fuel
Armour 2->16%