Rhialto the Marvelous
Thanks much!
That would be only 3131 light years, or about 2700 light years from Terra/Sol.And not forgetting that just getting to the galactic edge to find said barrier is a very very very very long trip, even at J6It's some 24 sectors from Capital to the edge (if the map on travellermap.com is to be trusted).
That would be only 3131 light years, or about 2700 light years from Terra/Sol.
That would more likely take you to the outer edge of the Orion Arm, if that.
It should be more like 15,000-20,000 ly to the outer rim of the Galaxy, you have to go through the Perseus Arm first.
The core and the rim are fine, but you're going to find more suitable worlds / alien races by travelling around the galaxy in a circular route or down the Arms, spinward or trailing.
It might be even more fun to visit globular clusters first, assuming a jump route can be found or set up.I bet you a few different expeditions will go to the edge of the Orion Arm just to see what the edge of the ga LAX y looks like. They won't be doing it for the aliens.
Looking at the TU on the travellermap at the Galactic scale one realizes what a tiny place it is.
What does canon have to say about the rest (and where/in which books?)?
There's the Zhodani expedition to the core. What else is there? Races, civilizations, sikkrits, anything.
With the potential of finding a pre-contact Terra-type powderkeg that will light a whole new set of Interstellar Wars!But seriously... IMTU regions beyond Charted Space have a handful of technological sophonts per sector, with a few that have multi-world sublight domains. Randomly, some are close enough to have trade/conflicts or be heterogenous. There are an equivalent number of "dead" civilizations/worlds with ruins of a high-tech civilization.
In other words, it's cold, dark, and lonely away from home.
I would like to see the specs for this in T5!Canon both T5 & SJG allow for something like a kiloparsec drive.
This would allow you to Star Trek - the original series, if you like using Traveller...good thing most of the FASA adventures were written by the Keiths...hence very Traveller like.
The Skip drive which, if I'm understanding correctly, can do 200 parsecs per week?
(I just read it last night, but, it was a late night...)
Quazar dragons. Draco Godawfulus Armageddonus
Be very afraid!
I once sent my group outside the galaxy. Where, as per Sagan's speculation, imagine a world where instead of a sunrise, you see a Galaxy-rise. P.S. I already have an adventure in the works that has this as a component.
Anyway, have a look at this image; http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/101/5/a/Galaxy_Rise_by_KycklingLord.jpg
Variants can do 10 parsecs/week in 10-parsec increments, others can do 100p/week, again in 100p increments.
That would be a skip 2 drive. A skip 1 does 100, and a skip 6 does 600, etc.