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What's your area of Traveller expertise?

What's your area of Traveller expertise?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I might be wrong, but I think Rob wants a list of go-to people he can reach out to for expertise on various subjects when he needs assistance.
Many (not all!) Traveller players specialize. What's yours? What are you really good at -- what thrills you about Traveller? Which subject do you just get lost in?

Do you find yourself quoting a specific section of a Traveller book from memory?

Which discussions on COTI draw you in to post your work, or draw your constructive (or otherwise) criticism, or inspire you?

If you find yourself selecting a LOT of these boxes, then perhaps you're not a specialist. Maybe you're more of a generalist!

Fixing MT. In all aspects..

And working very hard to keep the gearheads from turning MT into T5.
I might be wrong, but I think Rob wants a list of go-to people he can reach out to for expertise on various subjects when he needs assistance.

Yes, but what sort of expertise?
For example, In worldbuilding, is it more important to have expertise in using book 6, Scouts RAW or is it preferable to have the expertise to know that the temperature equation in the RAW is incorrect?

And does it really matter? After all, in many cases, changes made to reflect accuracy, such as ensuring thruster plate efficiencies and not over-unity, can make changes, both minor and far-reaching, to the OTU setting.

Thus my confusion. Expertise in the application of the rules? or expertise in determining how the rules might differ from known RW situations.

In any case, using a position of expertise in any field to bolster an argument is against the forum rules, isn't it?

I guess I am just confused over exactly what the poll is asking, even though I do not care why it is being asked.
Yes, but what sort of expertise?


Thus my confusion. Expertise in the application of the rules? or expertise in determining how the rules might differ from known RW situations.

You might be asking a question that others are thinking but did not want to voice.

Rules expertise.

When you play Traveller, what do you find yourself gravitating to? What interest concerning Traveller tends to captivate you?

Does that help you understand what I'm asking for?
Yes, thank you for the clarification.

I'm afraid that I have no expertise based on that, though.
While I enjoy world-building and gearhead hijinks, I have found that the RAW fall short of my expectations and have thus made my own rules to use in such cases. Hence I have had no rules expertise using the official RAW in quite some time.
Nathan, nowadays they would have had medicine for kids like you.

What do they do to old guys? I've got a few maps on the walls in the basement.




Yes, I picked astrographics.
Fixing MT. In all aspects..

And working very hard to keep the gearheads from turning MT into T5.


My sub-speciality is in the weapons tables, with a smattering of MT ship design, a bit of robots, and a chunk of trade goods. (Not Mt trade goods, which is *yawn* the Merchant Prince rules, but trade goods that are disguised as referee adventure hooks.)
You might be asking a question that others are thinking but did not want to voice.

Rules expertise.

When you play Traveller, what do you find yourself gravitating to? What interest concerning Traveller tends to captivate you?

Does that help you understand what I'm asking for?

In that case I put myself down for world building, astrography and writing.

Having done a little work on capability studies, culture/country/issues Estimates, and too many assessments of who is doing what to whom and why, I may be able to help understand why some tribe/nation/planet/system/starpolity hates and/or competes with another.
I wouldn't claim expertise, but if I could instead state a focus, it would be the OTU, specifically Hard Times to the New Era.
And working very hard to keep the gearheads from turning MT into T5.

That's one of the most intriguing statements I've heard on this board lately.

I'll remember to not try to dabble with MT; you're too right that I tend to look at it and say "hey, that's almost T5-like, all it needs is ..." (and yes, Range Table, I'm looking at YOU).
[ . . . ]
When you play Traveller, what do you find yourself gravitating to? What interest concerning Traveller tends to captivate you?[ . . . ]
I'm a bit of a gear head, although I do dabble in sociology and world building. Some things I like thinking about are (categorised):

World building

I like making settings with a degree of verisimilitude - plausible dynamics that could support aspects of a setting. For example,
  • Who are the main movers and shakers (at whatever level) and what are their motivations. Where do they get their power from? So on and so forth.
  • Roughly how did the current state of events come about?
  • What is happening - the setting isn't completely static.
  • What is the role of random parties of adventurers in the setting - how does the economy that supports this sort of thing work?

Lower level aspects of the environment that the players may interact with.
  • What are social mores that affect the players. Where do they originate and how did they spread across the region?
  • What aspects of the societies (e.g. organised crime, traditions, values) are a part of the setting and there for the players to interact with - some flavour and pre-made things or circumstances that the players can encounter.

Unless you're playing Trillion Credit Squadron, large Imperial warships are a fairly pointless object. Your party can't meaningfully interact with a battleship on a regular basis unless you're playing the crew of a capital ship.

I'm a lot more interested in the sort of things that a party could meaningfully do something with. For example, I'm a bit of a small ship universe guy1 as these are the sort of things that a party could meaningfully interact with. Likewise, the latest Imperial Marine Grav APC isn't much use, but older tech that's widely available on the grey market and might be encountered by a party or in the hands of their adversaries is much more relevant to a game.

I've done a lot of work in the past on 'older' tech - think of things that might fit a similar role to older cold-war era soviet equipment - as the sort of things widely available on the grey market through Interstellarms or similar outfits.

I did a campaign setting around the fall of the Second Imperium and put together some history that meshes reasonably well with published OTU timeline. It's a whole topic in its own right though.

1 Enough to do a re-balance of high guard to make small ships, but that's a topic for a whole other discussion.
It boils down to what level of granularity you want in your campaign.

That's one of the most intriguing statements I've heard on this board lately.

I'll remember to not try to dabble with MT; you're too right that I tend to look at it and say "hey, that's almost T5-like, all it needs is ..." (and yes, Range Table, I'm looking at YOU).

Nothing wrong with dabbling. We could use some help on the TAC missile rules. The key is simply keeping it at the MT baseline of granularity. We don't need Harpoon levels of accuracy, just something that works around the table.

Every campaign has subsystems that the group finds intriguing and wants to dive deeply into, and others that they simply aren't interested in.

The reason I use the MT ruleset for Traveller is that I prefer it's base level of granularity. One of the greatest strengths of Traveller IMO, is that we can easily swap subsystems out of different versions, depending on what interests the people sitting around the table. I use subsystems from almost every version in my campaign, tailoring the game to the players.

In my review of the monolith, I said that there would be 50 - 100 pages that every group would say How have we lived without this? But it would be a different 50 - 100 pages for every group.

I have always felt that the monolith was designed for GMs that didn't have an active campaign.
I can only see two pictures, there is an odd symbol on my screen instrad of a thirs picture...

They're both on the same site. Only difference I can see is that Universe is a .png and 2300 is a .jpg. The .jpg is 250x250. Old ad blockers used to block "standard" pic sizes. Could that be it?

How about this one?


It's a slightly bigger .png of the same area as the .jpg.

All except the Traveller map are from Nyrath's site.