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Which ship design rules work best?

One of the Robs did over 1000 vehicles for Traveller, and several Hundred Starships, using the MT rules.

I've released to the TML some 15+ MT designs, admittedly often in groups of 3-5 near-identical TL progressions, and about a dozen variants in FF&S1 for TNE.

But far and away, the most prolific stats have always been HG... because it was easy enough for non-grogs and non-gearheads, and twidgity enough for lighter gearheads. Plus the computer simulations which generated hundreds of designs which were at one point circulating on WWIV-net.
Originally posted by Mr TeK:
Are you not on the ct-starships yahoo group?
Nope :(

There was a discussion over the summer that resulted in a series of house rules to produce ships based on boo2 to, but using highguard systems, that could be used in book 2 combat.
Thanks for the heads up.

I'll have to go and see if they'll let me join...
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
You'll get a lot of opinions on this, but the "best" system is whatever best meets your needs. I like the detail of FF&S, others prefer the simplicity of LBB2.


LBB2: ?
High Guard: http://www.downport.com/amv/software/hgs.html
MT: http://www.mega-traveller.com/downloads/downloads.html
FF&S1: ?
FF&S2: http://www.traveller3d.com/downloads/FFS2XL97.xls
T20: http://www.falkayn.com/traveller/downloads.html
For LBB2, try http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/scripts/SDC.html . It` is a little more HG than LBB2, tho...
ok going to throw my two cents into this one..(sorry all that ive been gone, medical and work issues kept me away from puter for a while) i admit i use T20 primarily, due to the fact thats what i started playing on, and while after making up 20+ designs i understand its format, what i find is that you end up doing a lot of back and forth page turning while trying to figure things out, and that having been said, i also find that i like overall the ease of using it due to "most" of it being A leads to B which leads to C.

thanks all
In general, T20 is HG; Computers and streamlining are the only significant changes to the design system. Everything else is essentially tableizing from the formulae of HG.

(The combat system, however, is VASTLY different.)
Originally posted by GypsyComet:

I see the Higginbothams have resurfaced however: http://republicofnewhome.org/lair///games/traveller/trav2.html

Ah, the good old days: http://dbdev2.pharmacy.arizona.edu/archives/TML_Archives/

Why yes, Virginia, I did play in that campaign (or at least one of them). I must have come in late, as I wasn't in the Islands per se, but in Tobia massing Imperial forces.

It was very interesting.

Mind I seem to recall it happening in '93 or '94.
I've seen mention of the ct-starships list, but if you are a serious HG2 or Bk2 Ship Designer, the yahoo "ct-starships" list is probably a good place to check...

"Um, yes, I am the moderator. What do you mean, unbiased?"
Unfortunately, I can't access the yahoo groups during my free time :( Otherwise, I'd be there.