Name: Jonny Maclain (partial of my real, due to ident-stealers)
Age: aching but working (44)
Racial stock: Scots/Irish... heavy on the Scots [Dunn/Forbes]
Country: Colorado, USA (but started in Nevada) now Utah
Favorite Traveller Version: Original Traveller (I screamed and ran when Mangled-Traveller appeared)
Military Service: 8 years of the '80s chasing 'trons around black boxes from USMC jets
Favorite hobbies: SCA (inactive, no decent group near), SCUBA (not for the last 11 years), RPG (very little anymore)... dang, I guess all I have left is reading!
Favorite Supplement: so many things, so little room to type... but all of the Paranoia Press, for a start
Favorite Sector: Reaver's Deep
Favorite Race to play: Aslan or "something completely different"
Favorite Major Race: Aslan
Favorite Minor Race: Sphinxian Treecat (yes, I have integrated them into my Traveller universe [every time I read MTU my first thought is "Mega-Traveller universe, so I won't use it])
Favorite Empire: Terran Confederation (ok, Solomani before running the 2nd Imperium corrupted them)
Favorite time period: that brief moment when the 1st Imp. and the Terrans paused their fighting to take a breath... just before the 1st Imp. fell.
Favourite Role: either (first played 1983, first DM'ed 1985)
Favorite kind of campaign to run: "let's all go Space Truckin'" or "what's over that way, Charlie?"
Favorite kind of game to play in: action/combat/thinking mix
Favorite kind of character to play: something new
Favorite current character: my "lost world" ex-cop (joined off-world free traders when her world was rediscovered) turned Earth Liberation/anti-Vilani terrorist
Favorite World: none
Favorite ship: my "100 ton" (actually 60) jump 2 T.L. 14 light yacht
Favorite Personal Weapon: Ram Grenade Launcher (I once played a female Aslan in a con Traveller game... I used it as my primary weapon on a space station, and never missed even once)
Favorite Ship Weapon: missiles (with the JTAS missiles supplement)
Favorite Traveller moment: "A K'Kree, a Droyne, a Heavyworlder and an Aslan walk into a bar together... no, really... I'm not joking, look behind you!" Happened in the last adventure I ran ... ok, the K'Kree was a bit psycho (6 sectors from K'Kree space, and by himself), and hired the others as crew... the Aslan had his own 30ton fighter that fit in the upper cargo hold of the K'Kree's 300ton Armed Merchant.