Most of my playing in traveller is MT, through I've played CT too.
I studied and tryed T4, but I find schooling too important in character creation, as they make too powerful characters on any edu based task.
Here I guive a comparative example of two chractes from T4 and MT and some tasks for them (I know that Mark is an extreme example as the character creations differences, it's intentional):
As an example, let’s see the history of two twin brothers, Mark and Mike.
Intial UPP: 777777 homeworld St A, Lg size, std atm, wet, hi Pop, mod Law, HiSt TL
In T4:
Background skills: for homeworld: computer 1, grav veh 1
Tables : Mark: survival, computer, clandestine (streetwise),gun combat (rifle)
Mike: brawling, gun combat (rifle), busines (broker), mechanics
First term:
Mark is lucky enough to enter college and pass his perseverance.There he gains +4 edu + 4 skills. Luck dictates all four skils ar jack of all trades. He tries and passes NOTC, adquiring tactics and bureaucracy (leadership). He also is lucky on his honors roll, gaining a +1 ed more. He is naval rank 1.
Mike is not so lucky to enter the college, and joins the Navy. He is not injuried and rolls low enought to commission and promote. He rolls for 6 skills on various tables, adquiring astrogation 3 times, pilot (starship), gambling and bureaucracy (leadirship). He is naval rank 2.
Second term:
Mark joins the medical school and passes his perseverance. He adquires +4 to ed (as this whould up his ed to G, he only gains +3) and 4 skills, luck dictates they are research (two times) and admin (two times too). As for benefits he also gains medical 3 (minimum). He rolls for honors and has them, gaining +1 to medical and computer too. He is now naval rank 3.
Mike follows his career at the navy, not injured and promoting again. He gains 5 skills: vacc suit, pilot again, astrogation twice again, and sensors. He is naval rank 3 too.
Third term:
Mark reports for duty at Navy. He is not injuried and is promoted. He gains skills: vacc suit, astrogation, first aid, carousing and tactics. He is now naval rank 4
Mike follows his naval career, also uninjuried and promoted . he gains 5 skills: techincal (engineering) twice, vacc suit, pilot and environment combat. He’s naval rank 4 too.
After 3 terms, both muster out. Both have 5 benefits rolls.
Mark: he rolls three of them on benefits, adquiring a blade ( cutlass), weapon again (long blade skill 1), and TAS membership. He rolls two a cash, gaining KCr 30.
Mike: he rolls three at benefits too, obtaining TAS, blade (cutlass too) and +1 ed; and two at cash gaining KCr 40.
Final UPPs are:
Mark: 7777F7. Computer 3, Grav veh 1, survival 1, streetwise 1, rifle 1, Jack all trades 4, tactics 2, leadership 1, research 2, admin 2, medical 4, vacc suit 1, astrogation 1, first aid 1, carousing 1, long blade1. Navy Lt Commander. TAS membership, cutlass, 30000 Cr.
Mike: 777787. Computer 1, grav veh 1, brawling 1 rifle 1, broker 1, mechanics 1, astrogation 5, pilot 3, gambling 1, leadership 1, vacc suit 2, sensors 1, engineering 2, environment combat 1. Navy Lt Commander. TAS membership, cutlass, 40000 Cr
Now let’s see their careers on MT advanced character generation ( I resumed the terms instead of describing each year because I know this entry is already long enought):
Background skills: Grav veh 0, computer 0
First term:
Mark goes to the college: +1D-2 edu (5-2=3). No skills.NOTC: naval rank 1. No skills. Honnors: no skills
Mike joins the navy: crew. He enters OCS and promotes afterwards (line officier). He gains 7 skills (basic and adv training, OCS’ 3, and another on duty): navig tree times, pilot, ship tactics. He’s O2
Second term:
Mark goes to medical school: +1 ed, medical 3, admin 1. Honors: medical 1, computer 1. He is naval O3.
Mike: Stays on naval line. He obtains a promotion, special duty (intelligence school), 1 MCUF, 2 CSR, 1 CC, and 5 skills ( three of them from intell. school): navig, interpers. (carousing), forgery, streetwise, gun combat (lasers) . He’s now O3.
Third term:
Mark repports for duty at Navy (medical):he ends the term with a promotion, no decorations, 3 skills: jack all trades, vacc suit, electronics.
Mike: keeps on naval line. Earns a MCUF, another CSR, promotion and 4 skills: navig, battledress, zero g, pilot.
Mustering out:
Both same as T4, changing blade by weapon (laser rifle) and longblade skill by lasers 1 and +1 edu by +2 edu
Final UPPs:
Mark: 7777B7. Grav veh 0, computer 1, medical 4, Joack o t 1, vacc suit 1, electronics 1,
lasers 1. Navy Medical Lt Commander. Laser rifle, TAS membership, Cr 30000
Mike: 777797. Grav veh 0, computer 0, navig 5, pilot 2, ship tactics 1, carousing 1, forgery 1, streetwise 1, lasers 1, battledress 1, zero g 1. Naal Line Lt Commander. Laser rible, TAS membership, Cr 40000.
Now let’s see them on some adventuring examples:
They must find the cure of a unknown disease:
T4: impossible research(edu).
Mark: target 17. 4D to obtain 17 or less (quite easy)
Mike: no way
MT: impossible(med, edu)uncertain:
Mark: 19+ on 2D. +2 (edu) +4 (med)= no way, unless cautious task ( 8+ to succeed on dermination). If so, 9+ to succeed (less than 25% counting the need to succeed on determination). The uncertain result makes even more difficult to be sure about what to do next.
Mike: no way
They are trying to compute a jump on the middle of an empty hex, sensors damaged.
T4 impossible astrogation (edu):
Mark: target 16. 4D for a 16-
Mike: target 13. 4D for a 13-
As you see, you can trust more your doctor with some astrogation knowledge than one of the best astrogators the navy had. Both have a fair chance to do it, through. Note too that if de referee determines that int, not edu is the characteristic, mark’s target whould be 8, while mike’s 12.
MT: impossible (nav, edu)
Mark : 19+: no way, even if cautious
Mike: 19+: DMs: +1 (edu), +5 (navig): no way unless cautious
Even if Mark had navig 1 as in T4 characters, he whould need a 12 to succeed (asuming cautious task and perseverance rolled).
Trying to do any difficult task they’re both unskilled at but referee allows use of Jack all trades:
Mark: target 12 (if edu), 8 (any other characteristic): 2.5D for a 12- or 8-
Mike: no way.
Mark: 15+ (unskilled raises it to formidable). DMs: +1 (+2 if edu): no way. If cautious task may be used ( and determination roll passed) 10+, with a retry if failed due to Jack all trades skill
Mike: much the same, but without rerolling possibility.