Building upon this, these would be scarred societies and utopian at the same time. They have been scarred by creating a society based upon fleeing political, religious, or whatever persecution - otherwise, why not join the great war effort against the Vilani. But, the same time tried to create idealized communities without Vilani taint.
So, as I said, these are good ole boys from the Deep South/Rim. And, I do not want to offend Southern Pride, but, there are some within that movement that take things to the extreme, as viewed by outsiders. Conversely, the colonies could be landgrabs set up a victorious ROM awarding these territories to noteworthy service personnel (as they dictated they wanted something closer to Terra not Vland) - thus, these settlers could be akin the Freikorps and we all know that those people were capable of. Now, imagine entire Pocket Empires populated by said individuals - growing a Dynasty of multiple interlocking power bias only to find their sphere of influences contracting before just limited to a couple of systems.
Then, the Refugees from the War of Solomani Liberty recontact them. Sure, we will provide you the muscle for your weakened armed forces but there is a price to be paid. And, blood will be paid with blood.
On the issue of the Sphere, I always viewed that as an appeasement tactic of Margaret. Give the Solomani nobles, a sandbox in which they could create a parallel Imperium - take the best ideas and incorporate it into the mainstay Imperium. But, as Solomani Nobles grabbed power, so did the Solomani populace. This usually came through the heretical practice of electing their Nobles (sometimes for life or sometimes for a short time) but in anyhow - the Solomani Party has its roots in Nobles trying to sway a population of rebellious Solomani worlds and Solomani worlds trying to change the Imperium. And, it is not be construed as a modern political party until after the Solomani Rim War. And, even afterwards, party is more of a debating society. It then takes on more meaning as republicanism takes hold, but, the Sphere/Confederation is just that a loose association of worlds/pocket empires that is only slowly consolidating. And, when the Rimward boys see this ramshackle affair they are determined to do something about it.
Hence, the Rimward colonies play a critical role in restructuring and reorganizing the Confederation into a viable political polity but their price is being applied. And, that is where scarred and utopian (however distopian they may seem to us) comes into play.