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Wiki Sector/data


I could swear I've asked this before and forgotten, but I can not find it to save my life. Specifically, I'm looking at Spinward_Marches_Sector/data and I am curious what some of the headers are and where the information is used at.

Hex - Location
Name - Given
UWP - Universal World Profile
PBG - Planets, Belts, & Gas Giants
Ix - Importance (T5)
WTN - World Trade Number? GURPs Far Trader? or others as well?
RU - Resource Units? source/use?
GWP - Gross World Product? source/use?
Trade - tons per year? source/use?
Passengers - per year? source/use?
Build - Uh.. I got nothin
Army - Value = ? source?
Port - no idea, not number of ports as I can see some class A with value 0
SPA population - Star Port Authority population? some are 0, automated?
Subsector - general location

Any help is much appreciated, even if only to point to where I asked before. :eek:
I could swear I've asked this before and forgotten, but I can not find it to save my life. Specifically, I'm looking at Spinward_Marches_Sector/data and I am curious what some of the headers are and where the information is used at.

Hex - Location
Name - Given
UWP - Universal World Profile
PBG - Planets, Belts, & Gas Giants
Ix - Importance (T5)
WTN - World Trade Number? GURPs Far Trader? or others as well?
RU - Resource Units? source/use?
GWP - Gross World Product? source/use?
Trade - tons per year? source/use?
Passengers - per year? source/use?
Build - Uh.. I got nothin
Army - Value = ? source?
Port - no idea, not number of ports as I can see some class A with value 0
SPA population - Star Port Authority population? some are 0, automated?
Subsector - general location

Any help is much appreciated, even if only to point to where I asked before. :eek:

External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Trade_map_key#Sector_Economic_Data Data Key]
