But the VOLUME should mostly remain the same.
Not ... necessarily. It depends on your assumptions (doesn't it always, though?

There is kind of the same sort of question involved with international trade economics having impacts of employment and standards of living knock on effects.
One of the comparative thought experiments (which I can't find the youtube video for which explains it) is that you can have 2 countries with identical resources (so basically the same) but with one difference. Country 1 has zero international trade, while country 2 does engage in international trade beyond their own borders. What happens?
Long story short is that Country 2 winds up with higher employment, higher living standards and greater wealth than country 1. The difference between the two countries is what economists call the Intensity of Trade ... which basically amounts to a question of how much of a national economy is dependent upon imports/exports. Country 1 with no international trade would have an Intensity of Trade of 0%.
Towards the end of the video, a rather startling statistic was revealed ... that the (real world) nation with the highest Intensity of Trade globally was actually the United Kingdom, with an Intensity of Trade above 60% (if memory serves, I think it was around 64%!). Needless to say, I saw this video a few years ago pre-BREXIT ... and anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see how well raising trade barriers against yourself in an economy with such a high Intensity of Trade is working out on the world stage.
But getting back to your point,
The way that you have framed the question/solution is basically that of a Zero Sum Game.
Trade never increases, you simply "shift things around" and everything essentially remains in a more or less steady state.
Except that's not how things work.
You reach the Zero Sum Game condition once a market is saturated, but not before.
Until that market saturation is achieved, exponential growth is possible (see S-curve adoption rates), which for the purposes of our discussion here can result in some pretty dramatic changes in demand for trade transport services, rather than a Zero Sum Game condition that always adds up to the same totals no matter what happens.
This is partly why my proposed quantity scheme above in
post #7 relies on exponents (square, cube, quad) to determine daily arrivals/departures, for population numbers that increase on a logarithmic scale.