• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Wiki Sector information


While skimming the wiki I came across this page:


Which I found very interesting due to the following header over the data:

Hex Name UWP PBG {Ix} WTN GWP(BCr) Trade(BCr) Passengers RU Build Cap Army Port SPA pop
--- -------------------- --------- --- ------- --- -------- ---------- ---------- ------ ----------- ------ ---- --------
0101 Zeycude C430698-9 613 { -1 } 8 9 1,627 5,200 162 6,899 1 4 555
0102 Reno C4207B9-A 603 { 1 } 9 140 3,110 26,000 1,440 66,000 15 4 295
0103 Errere B563664-B 910 { 3 } 8 40 1,050 15,000 315 9,000 12 4 115

Hex - Sector location
Name - obvious
UWP - World profile
PBG - Planets Belts Gas Giants
Ix - Importance
WTN - World Trade Number?
GWP - Gross World Production?
Trade - ?
Passengers - ?
RU - Resource Units - ?
Build Cap - Build Capacity?
Army - ? Battalions?
Port - ?
SPA pop - Star Port Authority population?

Has anyone seen a link to a definition of these headers on the wiki?

This data is generated by the Trade map generator I run periodically on the sector data from Traveller Map and from the T5 Second Survey as well as others.

Most of the questions you have is data as described in various GURPS Traveller Books.