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Worlds of the Gateway: Gergigi (Ley 2537)


Gergigi 2537 A896340-B Lo Ni 623 IC G0 V

Gergigi is a large moon of a "blue jovian" world named Kiishar in the habitable zone of a yellow sun in the Outworlds subsector. Colonists inhabited the world before the Sydimic war sprung out. It was a livable world, if not pleasant due to it’s very active volcanism induced by tides of Kishaar. But the colonists were able to select spots some distance away from the regions of the worst volcanism, and prospered for a time, even establishing some interstellar trade, establishing a few large cities with serviceable starports.

Unfortunately, the colony was still rather small and did not have some of the resources of larger worlds to assess threats to it. In 904, a comet that was not considered a threat unexpectedly shattered as it passed close to Kiishar, and a fragment of the comet struck Gergigi near a major city. Many died immediately from the shock and heat; many more died from starvation and failure of their environmental systems resulting from the dust and ash thrown into the atmosphere.

But a few small groups persevered, primarily by the ingenuity of many of their scientists and engineers in adapting and modifying existing technology and scientific solutions to problems of life support and sustenance that faced them, not to mention various marauding survivors and opportunistic offworlders.

Over the intervening years, the atmosphere cleared and food production returned to a level that could easily sustain the remaining populace. Pirates and other outlaws hiding out in the ruins of the shattered cities remained a problem, but the inhabitants were able to scavenge and repair enough systems to restore a respectable (if small) starport and, eventually, interstellar trade.

When the Scout Service contact branch started efforts in earnest to find potential client states to get a toehold in the Outworlds subsector, Gergigi was an immediate candidate. The promise of piracy patrols, developmental aid and restoration was immediately lucrative to the natives, who were understandably hasty in entering into a relationship with the Imperium.

Life has stabilized much on Gergigi in intervening years. The natives are friendly and talented at piecing together technology, but protective of their world. Scientiests and engineers are accorded high positions and regarded as especially valuable to the people; this attitude has been applied to a small number of immigrants. Something of a small research institute has been created on the world, and has been used as the launching pad for many Imperial scientific expeditions into the extra imperial regions in the subsector and neighboring sectors.

Gergigi’s starport is the remnant of a formerly much larger facility. Though the locals have restored it to operation, massive sections of it remain unused and the capacity is currently very limited. The Imperial navy operates a small patrol squadron out of a section of the starport leased from Gergigi, but since the beginning of the rim war, only 1 or 2 partrol cruisers are typically here at any time.

Additional notes: the main city remaining in use is Kaebar, and hosts a large but mostly unused downport. Iisdamsei was the largest city pre-cataclysm, but is now vacant except for occasional scavengers.

UWP: A896340-B
PBG: 623
TRADE CODES: Non-industrial, Low Population


1. Basic World Type: Moon
2a. Moon Diameter: 8,000 miles (12,800 km)
2b. Moon Density: Molten Core, 1.02 terra
5. Moon Mass: 1.02 terra
6. Moon Gravity: 1.02 terra
7. Planet Mass (Kiishar): 150 terra
Moon Distance From Kiishar: 12 diameters / 912000 miles
Moon Orbit Period (around Kiishar): 7.9 standard days
7a. Stellar Mass: 1.04 terra
7b. Orbital Distance: 1.0 AU
7c. Orbital Period: 358.157 standard days


1. Atmospheric Composition: Standard oxygen-nitrogen mix, with sulfur compounds taint
2. Surface Atmospheric Pressure: 2.0 atm
3. Surface Temperature: 300 (Earth-normal)
3a. Stellar Luminosity: 1.05
3c. Energy Absorption: 0.74
3d. Greenhouse Effect: 1.15
3e. Base Temperature: 27.2 degrees C (FI)
(Temp data deleted as I reworked temp with GT:FI)
12. Native Life: Exists
13. Atmospheric Terraforming: Has not occurred
14. Greenhouse Effect Terraforming: Has not occurred
15. Albedo Terraforming: Has not occurred


1. Hydrographic Percentage: 64%
2. Hydrographic Composition: Tainted liquid water
3. Tectonic Plates: 11
4. Hydrographic Terraforming: Has not occurred
5. Terrain Terraforming: Has not occurred
6. Continents and Oceans: 9 major continents, 9 minor continents, 10 major islands, 10 archipelagoes
8. Resources and Goods:
Natural Resources: Agriculture, Ores, Compounds
Processed Resources: Agroproducts, Non-Metals
Information Resources: Documents
9. Weather Control: Is not practiced


1. Total World Population: 6,000
2. Cities If Population LT 1,000,000: All population in one large city
4. Primary Cities: 1
5. Starports and Spaceports: A
6. Orbital Cities: 1 old highport (Iisdamsei Highport). Usually unmanned, or only a small staff.
7. Social Outlook:
7a. Progressiveness: Progressive, Enterprising
7b. Aggressiveness: Unaggressive, Peaceable
7c. Extensiveness: Discordant, Friendly
8a. Number of Customs: 3
8b-g. Local Customs/Practicing Group:
Unusual significance of technology/All population.
Live under special care/Academic figures.
Unusual beverages/Certain age groups.


1. Representative Authority Guide: Representative Democracy
2. Representative Authority: Ruler
3. Division of Authority: 3-way division
4. 3-Way Division: Representative Authority=Legislative, Other Authorities=Executive, Judicial
5. Organisation of Other Authorities: Ruler, Several Councils


1. High Common Tech Level: B
2b. Low Common TL: 5
3b. Energy TL: B
4b. Computer/Robotics TL: C
5b. Communications TL: A
6b. Medical TL: D
7b. Environment TL: C
8b. Land Transport TL: B
9b. Water Transport TL: B
10b. Air Transport TL: B
11b. Space Transport TL: C
12b. Personal Military TL: C
13b. Heavy Military TL: B
14. Novelty Tech Level: D