Doyle Hunt
Can't remember where I first saw it, if it was canon for some version of Traveller or just a house rule…
X-boat routes should be laid out to connect all Class A and Class B starports within a polity, and all Sector and subsector capitals regardless of starport class, by routes not to exceed J4, though they *can* be shorter if the ports are closer together.
Class C and worse ports should only be part of the X-boat route if the Class A/B ports are more than 4 parsecs apart and an intermediate stop is necessary for refueling.
When creating my own sectors/subsectors, I applied this rule of thumb with one modification of my own, in that I included Hi-Pop Class C ports along with the Class A and Class B starports.
When a series of 4~5 ports all in a line and all on a main are shown connected by a series of J1 x-boat routes, it does *not* mean that all x-boats stop at all ports along the way. Four boats could be sent out at the same time, one to the first port, one to the second, and so forth, and info would arrive at all four ports in one week, rather than taking four weeks to reach the fourth world with three intermediate stops. Showing four parallel routes, each of a different length, would unnecessarily clutter the map, and so it ends up *looking* like four J-1 routes in a straight line when mapped.
Yeah, it's retconning. Yeah, it's non-canonical. But it makes sense from nonsense.
X-boat routes should be laid out to connect all Class A and Class B starports within a polity, and all Sector and subsector capitals regardless of starport class, by routes not to exceed J4, though they *can* be shorter if the ports are closer together.
Class C and worse ports should only be part of the X-boat route if the Class A/B ports are more than 4 parsecs apart and an intermediate stop is necessary for refueling.
When creating my own sectors/subsectors, I applied this rule of thumb with one modification of my own, in that I included Hi-Pop Class C ports along with the Class A and Class B starports.
When a series of 4~5 ports all in a line and all on a main are shown connected by a series of J1 x-boat routes, it does *not* mean that all x-boats stop at all ports along the way. Four boats could be sent out at the same time, one to the first port, one to the second, and so forth, and info would arrive at all four ports in one week, rather than taking four weeks to reach the fourth world with three intermediate stops. Showing four parallel routes, each of a different length, would unnecessarily clutter the map, and so it ends up *looking* like four J-1 routes in a straight line when mapped.
Yeah, it's retconning. Yeah, it's non-canonical. But it makes sense from nonsense.