Personally I liked "Champions" because it had scifi elements in it, although it wasn't "space oriented" unless your villain was from another planet or something. Did some Bab-5 D20, but didn't like it much primarily because of the Bab-5 property.
Star Wars D6 was a lot of fun. FASA's Trek RPG was a bit cumbersome with all the skills in the book laid out on every character sheet. It just made for ... bookish gameplay; i.e. "Hang on while I check to see if I have that skill" kind of thing. It also lacked support, which was kind of the criticism that some of us had with MT, however more forwardly put MT was than CT. For the record MT had a lot of background material support, but our group was waiting for the MT version of the Adventures and Short Adventures.
I tried to get a GURPS game going several times. It was always my feeling that GURPS, because of the huge library of supplements, could lend itself to taking conventional CT era characters, and really challenging them into environments where to quote the producers of the first Heavy Metal film "situations in which they shouldn't belong..." Maybe someday.
Blue Planet is well researched, but also lacks support. I had high hopes for T20, and am sorry that Hunter has passed on for a variety of reasons. He really put his heart and soul into that and this website, or so I am of the opinion.
GAMMA World had some of the same issues with FASA's Star Trek game. Bought Star Frontiers, but never played it.
Star Wars D6 was a lot of fun. FASA's Trek RPG was a bit cumbersome with all the skills in the book laid out on every character sheet. It just made for ... bookish gameplay; i.e. "Hang on while I check to see if I have that skill" kind of thing. It also lacked support, which was kind of the criticism that some of us had with MT, however more forwardly put MT was than CT. For the record MT had a lot of background material support, but our group was waiting for the MT version of the Adventures and Short Adventures.
I tried to get a GURPS game going several times. It was always my feeling that GURPS, because of the huge library of supplements, could lend itself to taking conventional CT era characters, and really challenging them into environments where to quote the producers of the first Heavy Metal film "situations in which they shouldn't belong..." Maybe someday.
Blue Planet is well researched, but also lacks support. I had high hopes for T20, and am sorry that Hunter has passed on for a variety of reasons. He really put his heart and soul into that and this website, or so I am of the opinion.
GAMMA World had some of the same issues with FASA's Star Trek game. Bought Star Frontiers, but never played it.