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Zero-level Skills Made Easy


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
I've decided to simplify my over-complex "default skills" (Zero-Level Skills) system to a few "rule-of-a thumb" guidelines in semi-accordance to LBB1.

Note that these depend on Homeworld - which should be chosen before chargen (I'll eventually have a map of MTU, anywhere within the Solar Triumvirate would be ok). The homeworld's TL and trade codes should be noted on the character sheet.

Using a skill with no skill (not even skill-0) should incur a -4 DM in most cases (referee discretion; some actions are quite easy to perform without any training whatsoever).

Weapon "proficiency" is a rule-of-a-thumb, and shouldn't be listed on the character sheet in most cases - the character's career signifies what weapons he or she is "proficient" (i.e. skill-0) without having a real skill. "Proficiency" is equivalent to having a few firing ranges with the gun, knowing how to cock it, how to operate the safety, how to load a magazine, the basic firing position, what kind of recoil to expect and so on, but not real training or experience with the weapon as signified by a skill of 1 and more.

The Referee may also apply the "unskilled" -4 DM to weapons above the character's homeworld TL if he so desires.

So, on to the skills:

1) Transportation Skill: All characters have either Equestrian-0 (or Animal Handling in my variant) if their homeworld's TL is 4-, Ground-Car-0 if their homeworld's TL is 5-9, or Grav-Vehicle-0 if their world's TL is A+.

2) Weapons Skills: There are four levels of weapon familiarity (i.e. Skill-0):
2-A) Barbarian - Skill-0 in Brawling, Bows, Crossbows and all melee weapons. Applies only to Barbarians.
2-B) Civilian - Skill-0 in Brawling, all non-automatic LBB1 weapons (that is, everything but the Auto-Rifle and SMG), Laser Pistol (Striker or JTAS), Snub Pistols (LBB4), Dagger, Blade and Cudgel. Applies to Merchants, Belters, Diplomats, Doctors, Bureaucrats, Scientists, Technicians and Colonists.
2-C) Paramilitary - Skill-0 in Brawling, all LBB1 weapons, all melee weapons, and all LBB4 Slug-Throwing Small Arms. Applies to Scouts, Pirates, Nobles, Hunters and Law Enforcement personnel.
2-D) Military - Skill-0 in Brawling, all LBB1 weapons, all melee weapons, all LBB4 Small Arms, LMG, LAG, all Grenade Launchers and TAC-missiles. Applies to Navy, Marines, Army, Sailors and Flyers.

3) Every non-Barbarian has Vacc-Suit-0 and Steward-0.

4) Every Barbarian has Survival-0 and Hunting-0.
I've decided to simplify my over-complex "default skills" (Zero-Level Skills) system to a few "rule-of-a thumb" guidelines in semi-accordance to LBB1.

Note that these depend on Homeworld - which should be chosen before chargen (I'll eventually have a map of MTU, anywhere within the Solar Triumvirate would be ok). The homeworld's TL and trade codes should be noted on the character sheet.

Using a skill with no skill (not even skill-0) should incur a -4 DM in most cases (referee discretion; some actions are quite easy to perform without any training whatsoever).

Weapon "proficiency" is a rule-of-a-thumb, and shouldn't be listed on the character sheet in most cases - the character's career signifies what weapons he or she is "proficient" (i.e. skill-0) without having a real skill. "Proficiency" is equivalent to having a few firing ranges with the gun, knowing how to cock it, how to operate the safety, how to load a magazine, the basic firing position, what kind of recoil to expect and so on, but not real training or experience with the weapon as signified by a skill of 1 and more.

The Referee may also apply the "unskilled" -4 DM to weapons above the character's homeworld TL if he so desires.

So, on to the skills:

1) Transportation Skill: All characters have either Equestrian-0 (or Animal Handling in my variant) if their homeworld's TL is 4-, Ground-Car-0 if their homeworld's TL is 5-9, or Grav-Vehicle-0 if their world's TL is A+.

2) Weapons Skills: There are four levels of weapon familiarity (i.e. Skill-0):
2-A) Barbarian - Skill-0 in Brawling, Bows, Crossbows and all melee weapons. Applies only to Barbarians.
2-B) Civilian - Skill-0 in Brawling, all non-automatic LBB1 weapons (that is, everything but the Auto-Rifle and SMG), Laser Pistol (Striker or JTAS), Snub Pistols (LBB4), Dagger, Blade and Cudgel. Applies to Merchants, Belters, Diplomats, Doctors, Bureaucrats, Scientists, Technicians and Colonists.
2-C) Paramilitary - Skill-0 in Brawling, all LBB1 weapons, all melee weapons, and all LBB4 Slug-Throwing Small Arms. Applies to Scouts, Pirates, Nobles, Hunters and Law Enforcement personnel.
2-D) Military - Skill-0 in Brawling, all LBB1 weapons, all melee weapons, all LBB4 Small Arms, LMG, LAG, all Grenade Launchers and TAC-missiles. Applies to Navy, Marines, Army, Sailors and Flyers.

3) Every non-Barbarian has Vacc-Suit-0 and Steward-0.

4) Every Barbarian has Survival-0 and Hunting-0.
I agree with the transportation list, but not with Civilians having a default weapon skill, even brawling.

While one can argue that Brawling is nothing more than swinging your fist, there are right ways and wrong ways to do it.

Skill-0 in a weapon or combat to me denotes a basic familiarity (e.g., this is how you hold the pistol to control recoil) and anything else above that denotes more refined execution of that skill (i.e., a better shot).

A civilian can go their entire career without touching a gun.

Having said that, you can always fudge by having the ex-Marine corporal in the party teach the civilians weapons basics, thus giving the level 0 skill.
I agree with the transportation list, but not with Civilians having a default weapon skill, even brawling.

While one can argue that Brawling is nothing more than swinging your fist, there are right ways and wrong ways to do it.

Skill-0 in a weapon or combat to me denotes a basic familiarity (e.g., this is how you hold the pistol to control recoil) and anything else above that denotes more refined execution of that skill (i.e., a better shot).

A civilian can go their entire career without touching a gun.

Having said that, you can always fudge by having the ex-Marine corporal in the party teach the civilians weapons basics, thus giving the level 0 skill.
Not everybody in a TL4- society will be able to ride a horse (or dinosaur or camel or what-have-you). Actually, most won't. They'll have to walk everywhere. Maybe farmers will know how to ride a cow....

Why would Bureaucrats have any weapons familiarity? Please........

And, why would anyone not living in space or in a profession that regularly goes there have Vacc Suit-0? And, Steward? Please, most people will hardly know how to boil water in a very Hi-TL society.

As far as the weapons skills, I am breaking mine up by how the weapon operates (so, machine guns are different from rifles/carbines are different from pistols are different from revolvers are.....) Most weapons are similar, though - if its already loaded and the safety is off, anybody who has fired weapons can probably get a few shots off. 0-g and Laser weapons will not get the default level, though, as they have some serious differences (don't lead the target with a laser, for one).
Not everybody in a TL4- society will be able to ride a horse (or dinosaur or camel or what-have-you). Actually, most won't. They'll have to walk everywhere. Maybe farmers will know how to ride a cow....

Why would Bureaucrats have any weapons familiarity? Please........

And, why would anyone not living in space or in a profession that regularly goes there have Vacc Suit-0? And, Steward? Please, most people will hardly know how to boil water in a very Hi-TL society.

As far as the weapons skills, I am breaking mine up by how the weapon operates (so, machine guns are different from rifles/carbines are different from pistols are different from revolvers are.....) Most weapons are similar, though - if its already loaded and the safety is off, anybody who has fired weapons can probably get a few shots off. 0-g and Laser weapons will not get the default level, though, as they have some serious differences (don't lead the target with a laser, for one).
I'm not saying that the avarage person on a low-TL world knows how to ride a horse (I was thinking of something such as a donkey or mule, btw - far more common than horses and far easier to ride), I was talking about a very broad assumption in the spirit of LBB1.

Similarly, most bureaucrats won't see weapons in their lives, but a few do - and remember than most PCs had an inclination to adventure from early on in their lives, and probably went, for the very least, to a few firing ranges before going on adventuring.

And weapons AREN'T grouped into one group in one cases - they are split into several ones (see the CharGen document in my sig) - defaulting means very basic familiarity that suffices to know how to load the weapon, operate the safety and point it a target and shoot; it isn't even enough to clear the jam.

And Vacc Suit-0 is in place so that characters die just because they don't know how to wear a vacc suit - I figure that everybody who intends on travelling alot gets to a short course (a few hours? a few days?) of basic vacc-suit use.

I was just following the LBB1 guidelines for zro-level skills, and getting far more stringent than them in the regard of weapons.
I'm not saying that the avarage person on a low-TL world knows how to ride a horse (I was thinking of something such as a donkey or mule, btw - far more common than horses and far easier to ride), I was talking about a very broad assumption in the spirit of LBB1.

Similarly, most bureaucrats won't see weapons in their lives, but a few do - and remember than most PCs had an inclination to adventure from early on in their lives, and probably went, for the very least, to a few firing ranges before going on adventuring.

And weapons AREN'T grouped into one group in one cases - they are split into several ones (see the CharGen document in my sig) - defaulting means very basic familiarity that suffices to know how to load the weapon, operate the safety and point it a target and shoot; it isn't even enough to clear the jam.

And Vacc Suit-0 is in place so that characters die just because they don't know how to wear a vacc suit - I figure that everybody who intends on travelling alot gets to a short course (a few hours? a few days?) of basic vacc-suit use.

I was just following the LBB1 guidelines for zro-level skills, and getting far more stringent than them in the regard of weapons.
I understand, 2-4601. I think its perfectly OK for a character to be at risk for something like no weapons or vacc suit skill, though. Of course, they probably want to pick that up pretty quickly - which gives an incentive for somebody to have Instruction skill. ;)
I understand, 2-4601. I think its perfectly OK for a character to be at risk for something like no weapons or vacc suit skill, though. Of course, they probably want to pick that up pretty quickly - which gives an incentive for somebody to have Instruction skill. ;)
I used to give characters level 0 in all the skills on the Aquired Skills Table for their career, except for the 8+ Education Advanced Skills table.

I've now decided to limit this to just level 0 in the Service Skills.
I used to give characters level 0 in all the skills on the Aquired Skills Table for their career, except for the 8+ Education Advanced Skills table.

I've now decided to limit this to just level 0 in the Service Skills.
What do you think about level-0 in ship's boat for character's with an asteroid home world. Seems like it might be a common way of getting around from one place to another...or would they just use grav craft of some sort?
What do you think about level-0 in ship's boat for character's with an asteroid home world. Seems like it might be a common way of getting around from one place to another...or would they just use grav craft of some sort?
To borrow from T4, why not simply roll on a table for civilian level-0's (rather than T4's level 1's), say,

Combat, 1d
1 Brawling
2 Brawling
3 Civil Firearms
4 Blades
5 Blades
6 Any combat

Vehicles, 1d, DM+2 if TL A+, DM -2 if TL4-
1- Equestrian
2 Wheeled Vehicle
3 Watercraft
5 wheeled vehicle
6 Tracked Vehicle
7 Air/raft
8 Grav Vehicle

I usually allow my MT characters to swap any one level 0 for something useful...
To borrow from T4, why not simply roll on a table for civilian level-0's (rather than T4's level 1's), say,

Combat, 1d
1 Brawling
2 Brawling
3 Civil Firearms
4 Blades
5 Blades
6 Any combat

Vehicles, 1d, DM+2 if TL A+, DM -2 if TL4-
1- Equestrian
2 Wheeled Vehicle
3 Watercraft
5 wheeled vehicle
6 Tracked Vehicle
7 Air/raft
8 Grav Vehicle

I usually allow my MT characters to swap any one level 0 for something useful...
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I used to give characters level 0 in all the skills on the Aquired Skills Table for their career, except for the 8+ Education Advanced Skills table.

I've now decided to limit this to just level 0 in the Service Skills.
Nice and simple, and related to what they do. I like it.

Originally posted by Prospero:
What do you think about level-0 in ship's boat for character's with an asteroid home world. Seems like it might be a common way of getting around from one place to another...or would they just use grav craft of some sort?
Makes sense.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I used to give characters level 0 in all the skills on the Aquired Skills Table for their career, except for the 8+ Education Advanced Skills table.

I've now decided to limit this to just level 0 in the Service Skills.
Nice and simple, and related to what they do. I like it.

Originally posted by Prospero:
What do you think about level-0 in ship's boat for character's with an asteroid home world. Seems like it might be a common way of getting around from one place to another...or would they just use grav craft of some sort?
Makes sense.
Ship's boat makes perfect sense. Grav Craft are too slow for much else besides planetary work. Some environments should garner automatic skills.

IMTU, extreme environment homeworlds get you a 1, forgot that zerolevel crapola. I posit that living on a Vacc world with skill 0 in vacc suit, would decrease your chances of making it to 18 considerably. likewise, if you lived on a waterworld, that is watercraft 1. From canoe to submarine, dependent on tech level.
Ship's boat makes perfect sense. Grav Craft are too slow for much else besides planetary work. Some environments should garner automatic skills.

IMTU, extreme environment homeworlds get you a 1, forgot that zerolevel crapola. I posit that living on a Vacc world with skill 0 in vacc suit, would decrease your chances of making it to 18 considerably. likewise, if you lived on a waterworld, that is watercraft 1. From canoe to submarine, dependent on tech level.