Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
For homeworld level 0 skills, I do it much like you do WJP. If the player can make a convincing case for having some experience with the skill from his homeworld then he gets it at level 0.
I never give level 1 for homeworld skills though.
I wouldn't give a Level-1 skill to a character in a situation described above, but I have been known to detail out homeworlds, with their own skills tables, for chargen.
I just did that for my current campaign. I detailed Aramis, Pysadi, Natoko, Vanejen, and Patinir. Players rolled where their character was from, and I have different background tables for different homeworlds.
Also, once per term, I allow a character to "trade in" one of his career skills and roll on the homeworld table instead. I call this a "Fifth Table" (because it's the Fifth Table the character has to choose from during chargen).
Here's a taste of what I prepared for my campaign:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">FIFTH TABLE
Pysadi Vanejen Natoko Patinir Aramis
1. Bus Vice Transportation Space Transportation
2. Bus Vice Bus Bus Bus
3. Transportation Bus Vice Vice Vice
4. Personal Transportation Technical Technical Technical
5. Vice Personal Space Personal Space
6. Combat Combat Personal Combat Personal
7. Bus Vice Combat Space Combat</pre>[/QUOTE]The process I use is this: Characters "trade in" one of their skills earned during the term for an *opportunity* to roll on the Fifth Table.
The roll is 2D for SOC or less.
If the player bricks this roll, he looses the skill (it costs him a skill to fail the roll).
If the player makes the SOC check, he can roll on the Fifth Table (which takes the character to another table indicated in the chart).
If the player makes his SOC check by 3+, then he receives a +1DM on the Fifth Table (not mandatory).
If the player makes his SOC check by 5+, then the player can pick the Fifth Table to roll on (instead of rolling for the table as indicated above).
I figure characters with higher SOC have more choice in life and are exposed to a wider variety of experiences in life. The Fifth Table are all homeworld based skills which might indicate a character's hobby, personal interest, or what-not.
Low SOC characters are stuck with "the usual" that a career offers.
To give you an idea of what a Fifth Table looks like, here's the Transportation table:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">TRANSPORTATION
+1DM/EDU 8+ +1DM/EDU 8+ EDU 8+ only
Pysadi Vanejen Natoko Aramis
1. Equestrian Equestrian Equestrian Grav Belt
2. Equestrian Wheeled Veh. ATV Vacc Suit
3. Sm. Watercraft Sm. Watercraft Hovercraft Vacc Suit
4. L-T-A Craft L-T-A Craft Grav Belt ATV
5. Wheeled Veh. Lg. Watercraft Air/Raft Grav Veh.
6. Lg. Watercraft Submersible Helocopter Ship's Boat
7. ---- Prop Aircraft Jet Aircraft ----</pre>[/QUOTE]And here's the Technical Table:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">TECHNICAL
Natoko, Painir, Aramis Technical Sub-Tbl
1. Mechanical Computer
2. Electronics Robot Ops
3. Communications Robotics
4. Computer Gravitics
6. Technical Sub-Tbl SPACE Tbl</pre>[/QUOTE]There are several others, of course, but I won't bore you with them.