I sincerely hope this is not what the Mongoose people think when they speak of multiple Traveller universes. Other Traveller universes are fine by me, but the whole point of having an Official Traveller Universe is to have a baseline that keeps new products set in the baseline universe compatible with old ones.fiat_knox said:This is MGT. Anything can now happen. The Fifth Frontier War could start, or it might never happen because Something intervenes to prevent the key events leading to the war from ever happening.
Does that mean I think they shouldn't publish a module where Strephon decided to promote Duke Norris instead Dulinor, set 350 years later when the 3rd Imperium has been brought down by a coalition of Vargr and Aslan ihatei? Of course not (At least, not if the module explains how the basic nature of Aslans and Vargr changed enough to allow them to cooperate at any level much bigger than the subsector -- but that's irrelevant to my main point). If Mongoose thinks such a module would sell enough to be worth publishing, they should absolutely go ahead and publish it. But they should label it clearly as an alternate universe ("All new! All different! What if Strephon had promoted Norris instead of Dulinor?! Mongoose proudly presents: The Norrisverse!)
For one thing, it's only proper to warn me that I'm not going to want to buy this module, but that's not the main reason. No, the main reason is that when, in a couple of years, Brilliant and Innovative Newcomer Author sits down to write an adventure set in the Spinward Marches in 1116, he doesn't grab a copy of Norrisverse: After the Meltdown! and writes an adventure that assumes that Norris has been Archduke for 20 years, the 5th Frontier War resulted in the Zhodani getting kicked out of the Marches, and Regina is a smoking ball of dirt that glows in the dark.
I do have one objection to alternate universes, but it's a small and entirely practical one. Describing a slice of a universe the size of Charted Space is a big task. Really big. You just won't believe how hugely, mindbogglingly big it is

What rumors? Just because you and I have read the official information about Yaskoydray doesn't mean there are any rumors about him in the OTU. At best, a handful of adventurers has told a story about visiting him and been promptly ridiculed. Everything we know about Yaskoydray was told in authorial voice for the benefit of referees.And all the rumours about Grandfather being the progenitor of the Ancients can all be utterly bogus. Yaskoydray turns out to be a role they play on TV; every generation or so, they generate a Sport whose sole function is to be a Trickster and muck things up for everybody, just to keep the gene pool filled with interesting genetic combinations.
This also means that it can be retconned with little or no difficulty. If Mongoose decides to make him a Trickster sport generated every couple of centuries to muck things up (and gets Marc Miller's permission to do it), they can retcon the OTU without spoiling any previously published material other than Secret of the Ancients. But if they do, they should make it clear that this is the new official truth, that this is the way it is now and always were. That's what retroactive continuity is all about.
Your TU can be anything you want. It always could. My TU can be anything I want. It always could. But the OTU needs to be a fixed, relatively constant and dependable baseline. That's how I see it, anyway.The Traveller Universe could be anything. Anything you want.
Note the 'relatively'. There is one thing more important than having a dependable baseline, and that is to have a self-consistent dependable baseline. Which is why I advocate explicitly fixing canonical discrepancies. If they can be fixed the way I like best, so much the better (for me, that is), but the really important part is that they be fixed (and fixed explicitly, so that half the grognards don't think it's just a mistake and debate endlessly if it's this or the previous version that is "The Truth"
