Started mapping today. No sector labels yet. But I did notice that Gateway (top-right sector) has its stars spaced out evenly almost. Big dots are high pop worlds.
In general that looks pretty close to what I get (for Gateway sector), though in this I scale the size of the dot representing the system by Log(population).
However, I do count 34 worlds with the Hi (High population) remark, which seems to be more than you show.
{"Guntar", "Granth", "Shaneyfelt", "Galvestar", "Tarkaan", "Nng Min \
Sa", "Wolden", "Windfleet", "Vosrin", "Foriv", "Quetzal", \
"Condominium", "Plavis", "Tamerij", "Tharver", "Salur", "Galesta", \
"Hanumisk", "Cresta", "Perelaar", "Urel", "Orage", "Taravesh", \
"Trindel", "Vole", "Dolmen", "Dover", "Megucorp Alpha", "Sardis", \
"Harper", "Balaclaron", "Santee", "Ravashar", "Megucorp Beta"}