One thing that I would dearly love to see on TravellerWorlds is a better image layout scheme for the world map.
Regina/Regina/Spinward Marches for example.
I look at the image of the world map and ... it's just confusing to look at.
There is Stuff on top of Stuff on top of Stuff even when zoomed all the way out to see the entire world map.
Or take a look at
Vilis/Vilis/Spinward Marches.
The symbols used for stuff just pile up on top of each other in confusing ways, making things hard to read.
To be specific here, I'm talking about the symbology used by the map legend. The presentation just makes the symbols all jumble up on top of each other when there are multiple symbols per hex. I'm thinking that's a problem. So what I'm talking about is more a matter of visual presentation/layout issues than anything else.
Ideally, it would be nice to have checkboxes on the map legend items such that details could be turned on or off. By being able to selectively view information (such as, where are the Resources) it becomes possible to de-clutter the map in order to have to map selectively tell you what you are wanting to know.
Alternatively, various map symbology elements could be better "arranged" within the confines of each hex (so, layout issue) which reduces the opportunity for those elements to overlap each other.
I mean, if we're doing wish list items, updating the presentation of the world maps would seem to be a Nice To Have™ feature upgrade.
Could even be something as simple as checkboxes and an Update Map button to impose the changes onto a new render of the world map (along with an automatic refresh of the web page). That way you could use the checkboxes to modify the page URL and use that to control the variations in map presentation upon page refresh.
Also, you might as well just make the Ice Cap terrain a white hex with no symbol for it. The symbol just clutters up the map hex presentation for little in the way of added value (especially at the north pole hex).
And something I just noticed ... how does
Equus/Lanth/Spinward Marches manage to have a liquid water ocean when the surface temperature at the equator is -60º C during the day at the equator? Considering that Equus is supposed to have a significant
Dolphin sophont population (10%, which is 20 million Dolphins

), if Equus is an ice ball due to freezing temperatures at the equator that tell Antarctica "hold my beer" ... I'm thinking all of those Dolphins would undoubtedly DROWN underwater due to a lack of access to the atmosphere through the "hard candy shell" of ice covering the entire surface of the planet preventing Dolphins from breaching the surface in order to breathe.
Simplest solution would be to update the orbit of Equus to be somewhere that results in a more temperate climate suitable for liquid water ocean on much of the world's surface.
Oh and I think I found a bug for you.
This way of looking at symbols taken from a post by Thomas Jones-Low found
The link provided does not work.
Probably an artifact of the move to new forum software.
Simplest fix would be to find the post in the new forum software and update the link URL.
Hmmm ...

Upon further poking around, I do not see any links on page at TravellerWorlds to either TravellerMap nor to the TravellerWiki (let alone links that take you to a presentation of the world under examination on TravellerWorlds). Might be worth adding such a feature (although TravellerWiki can sometimes be tricky to link to when there are multiple worlds with identical names, such as
Kinorb or
Aramis, for example).
Paya/Aramis/Spinward Marches may be a Garden World ... but according to TravellerWorlds,
only at night when you won't expire from heat exhaustion.
Incidentally, Paya is a Disaster World according to
Paya was settled by colonists from Rethe and Inthe in the Regina subsector, Paya grew quickly, ultimately reaching a population of some 12 million people before disaster struck in
Considering that the disaster killed more than 99% of the population, there probably ought to be an impact crater somewhere on the map (a big 'un).