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Q: Order of Deneb, Order of the Spinward Marches, Order of the Third Imperium

Meteoric Assault

Marquis de Sharkbait
Admin Award
I know there is GURPS as a source for Deneb, is there any other? With regards to the Order of the Third Imperium and Spinward Marches is there any published material respectively?
“Published” was the key word … even under the Order of the spinward marches It notes moi was a contributor.
I am asking for any hints on appearances and such. I am working on designs,
I know there is GURPS as a source for Deneb, is there any other? With regards to the Order of the Third Imperium and Spinward Marches is there any published material respectively?

I built all of wiki pages noted above. The answer is no. I have all sources listed. The Order of the Spinward Marches and the Order of the Third Imperium are entirely derived from the T5 Patent Cards.

The Order of the Third Imperium is particularly perplexing, because if you go onto the Patents Registry, there is the Order of the Third Imperium, Order of the Empire, and Order of the Imperium (once). Since they are self reported, the last one may be a misprint or abbreviated listing, but is Order of the Empire related to Order of the Third Imperium? Further, GypsyComet introduced the Order of the Knights Imperial in Imperiallines #7 as one of the two most common orders of knighthood into which most Honor and Ceremonial Knights are inducted. Is it related to any of the above? Order of he Third Imperium is very common on the cards.

I don't know.
I built all of wiki pages noted above. The answer is no. I have all sources listed. The Order of the Spinward Marches and the Order of the Third Imperium are entirely derived from the T5 Patent Cards.

The Order of the Third Imperium is particularly perplexing, because if you go onto the Patents Registry, there is the Order of the Third Imperium, Order of the Empire, and Order of the Imperium (once). Since they are self reported, the last one may be a misprint or abbreviated listing, but is Order of the Empire related to Order of the Third Imperium? Further, GypsyComet introduced the Order of the Knights Imperial in Imperiallines #7 as one of the two most common orders of knighthood into which most Honor and Ceremonial Knights are inducted. Is it related to any of the above? Order of he Third Imperium is very common on the cards.

I don't know
I was confounded by that. I was also looking for all my cards I think my kids gave them away as credit cards five years ago.
I was confounded by that. I was also looking for all my cards I think my kids gave them away as credit cards five years ago.

I believe all of your patents are on the Registry and you also have a PC entry on the wiki with noble holdings and House-affilitions listed (Huelcyn-Aadarkhi, Wilson-Aadarkhi, etc).
I've been collecting notes for a potential upcoming game, and realized that, years ago, during my last Traveller campaign, I'd had a couple of nobles in the party and had scoured my available sources for Orders of Knighthood, because I figured they'd be a good source of patrons and adventure hooks. But I was unable to find anything about the Orders at all, not even a basic primer on social engagements and the like, The few articles on Traveller nobility I did find didn't cover them at all.
  • Adventure Gaming #1 (July 1981): "Sceptre & Starship: A Traveller Variant," by Charles Ahber & Rick Stuart (a noble career is given, with an extensive list of benefits.
  • Dragon #73 (May 1983): "Relief for Traveller Nobility," by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh (Provides additional options for players whose characters have a SOC above 8.)
  • Mjölnir #5 (1982): "Orion, Del 4," by Anders Blixt (Part 4 of the author's description of his home campaign, with extensive notes on house rules; in this one he talks about Noble ranks and a new shotgun cartridge. Swedish.)
  • White Dwarf #22 (December 1980): "Robe & Blaster: Upgrading Aristocracy in Traveller," by Rick D. Stuart (Provides additional options for aristocrat characters.)
This feels like a neglected area that somebody should write an article about, either for the new Mongoose Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society or for Freelance Traveller...
I've been collecting notes for a potential upcoming game, and realized that, years ago, during my last Traveller campaign, I'd had a couple of nobles in the party and had scoured my available sources for Orders of Knighthood, because I figured they'd be a good source of patrons and adventure hooks. But I was unable to find anything about the Orders at all, not even a basic primer on social engagements and the like, The few articles on Traveller nobility I did find didn't cover them at all.
  • Adventure Gaming #1 (July 1981): "Sceptre & Starship: A Traveller Variant," by Charles Ahber & Rick Stuart (a noble career is given, with an extensive list of benefits.
  • Dragon #73 (May 1983): "Relief for Traveller Nobility," by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh (Provides additional options for players whose characters have a SOC above 8.)
  • Mjölnir #5 (1982): "Orion, Del 4," by Anders Blixt (Part 4 of the author's description of his home campaign, with extensive notes on house rules; in this one he talks about Noble ranks and a new shotgun cartridge. Swedish.)
  • White Dwarf #22 (December 1980): "Robe & Blaster: Upgrading Aristocracy in Traveller," by Rick D. Stuart (Provides additional options for aristocrat characters.)
This feels like a neglected area that somebody should write an article about, either for the new Mongoose Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society or for Freelance Traveller...
GURPS Traveller: Nobles has some (not extensive) information on the more common Orders of Knighthood described in prior editions of Traveller. And (IIRC), bullet-points 1, 2, and 4 above are all included as excerpted-articles on the FFE Traveller CD: Apocrypha #3.

"Traveller Digest, Issue #9" from DGP had an article entitled "Noblesse Oblige" as well.

The Fanzine "Into the Deep, Issue #2" also had a variant take on Nobles entitled "Nobility in Traveller – A Suggested Variant", but with an extensive table of House Benefits which also references bullet-points #1 & #4 above as sources.
Last edited:
Other knightly orders from (I guess) canon sources:
  • Kinghts of the Emperor Guard (traveller Digest #1, the order Dur telmon and all the troupe were raised to)
  • Knights of the Blue Feather (Challenge #47, page 20)
  • ITTR tehre was also an Order for each domain, but I cannot find the source, if I am right on it...
I have collected the following Orders. Some of this is Canon and some not, where I needed to create Orders:
Senior Orders: Seniority
Order of the Starship and Crown
Est: 17, Non-Hereditary(except The Emperor), Aprox 200 Members(very exclusive), Ranked by date of induction
The oldest Order still awarded, founded in 17 to reward victorious military officers. It can be awarded to any rank of officer who is in command at a battle deemed by his or her superiors of sufficient importance.
This is only awarded in a single degree, that of Knight (KSC) and is one of only five orders that can be worn on undress uniform. The insignia of the order is a golden crown upon two stylized crossed starships
enameled white suspended on a white ribbon. The Grand Master of this Order (GMSC) is decided by date of installation; the current Grand Master is Brigadier General Baron Julius Protz the commander of
the marine garrison on Capital.
Honorable Order of the Emperor's Guard
Est: 52, Aprox 2,500 members, Ordinary members known as "Companions"(C.E.G), Higher ranking members
are known as 'Knight Commanders'(K.C.E.G) of which there are aprox 100 including The ArchDukes and Duchesses, The head of the order
is known as The Grand Commander(G.C.E.G.) which is assumed by The Emperor apon elivation to the throne and can be assigned to
another upon The Emperor's resignation of the post(but that has never been done)
Knight Commanders of the order often receive fiefs on their elevation
(This has been given for Artistic Excellence)

More Exclusive:
The Honorable Order of the Arrow (Honoring Interstellar Explorers)
Est: 62, Interstellar Explorers and scientists in related fields, members are Fraters or Sorer(Brother or Sister) of the Order( F.A or S.A.)
Emperor Artemsus establishes the Order of the Arrow, open only to members of the IISS. Nobles,
692: Empress Margaret expands membership of the Order of the Arrow to include explorers in a more broadly defined sense, including notable scientists in fields such as astronomy, sophontology and sociology.
Empress Margaret expanded membership of the Order of the Arrow in 692, to include explorers in a more broadly defined sense, including notable scientists in fields such as
astronomy, sophontology and sociology
Senior members are Knight Commanders(K.C.A.) and the Order Head is the Grand Commander(G.C.A.). Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia
Guuilbataasgullibaa Alkhalikoi is a current K.C.A.
Companions(C.A.S.), Knights(K.A.S.), The Knight Commander(Position held by The Current Emperor)
Knight Defenders of the Realm(Honoring Higher ranking officers earning military merit)
Domain Orders
Ancient and Preeminent Order of Sylea
Ancient Order of Vland
Kiduunuuzii Balandin(Translates to: Knight of The order) (K.B), Apkallu Kiduunuuzii Balandin(Knight Commander..held by The
ArchDuke Vland) . This order is second in the precedence of Domain orders
Order of Ilelish
Companionis(C.I.), Knight of the Order of(K.I) and the Knight Commander(K.C.I) being the current ArchDuke Ilelish.
This order is third in the precedence of Domain orders
Order of Antares
Companion of the Royal Order(C.R.A.), Knight of the Royal Order of(K.R.A.) and the Grand Commander(G.C.R.A.) being the
current ArchDuke Antares.
Order of Deneb
Currently 36 members(all 6 Archdukes and the senior nobility of The Deneb Domain)
Established: 001-1118, Consisting of Companions(C.D.), Knights(K.D.) and The Grand Commander(G.C.D.) Currently ArchDuke Norris
The order's headquarters, including Admin offices, a Order Grand Hall, Library and quarters for visiting Senior members will be constucted
in Wavecrest City on Mora
Order of the Gateway
Smallest of the Domain Orders, Companions(C.G.), Knights of the Order(K.G, Held by fewer than a dozen),
The Knight Commander(The Current ArchDuke Gateway)
Order of Sol
Formerly the Order of Terra, Consists of Companions(C.S.), Knight of the Order(K.S.) and the Knight Commander(K.C.S.) being the
current ArchDuke Sol.
Currently counted as the least prestigious after nearly bevoming extinct following the Solomani Rim War

Order of The Iridium Throne
Other Orders:
Legion of Breskain(order of knighthood for combating the Vargr)
Order of Muan Gwi: (Honoring Imperial Vegan Citizens), Est: 1005
Order of The Shield(Honoring those who specifically fought to hold worlds from invasion in the Spinward Marches)
Knight Defenders of the Realm

Order of the Scepter - Homegrown - Awarded for significant servicce to the empire though organization and management

The Naval Order of Cleon V
Founded in 615 to reward the naval commanders who re-conquered the Home Worlds, this may now be awarded to all serving naval personnel; it is awarded in four degrees
Member (MCV) awarded to other ranks carrying a pension but not a knighthood
Knight (KCV) awarded to those of Petty Officer rank and higher
Knight Commander (KCCV) awarded to officers only
and Grand Knight (GKCV) awarded to officers of flag rank
The Order’s badge is an Imperial Sunburst in red enamel set with a fouled anchor in bronze (members), silver (knights) or gold (knight commanders and above). Members wear this as a badge, knights and above on either
a pendant ribbon or with a sash of black-red-black, grand knights additionally wear a knotted gold cord on the hilt of their dress daggers. The Grand Master (GMCV) is the Lord High Admiral who is appointed to the Order
on his promotion if he is not already a member; the current holder is Duke Jean Soult.

Order of Steel:
Another Military Order of Chivalry; created by the Emperor Constantus in 609, to reward his fellow army officers. Emperor Nicolai confirmed the decoration during his brief reign; ironically his successor George murdered
the Emperor just after being created a Knight of the Order. The Order can be awarded in four degrees;
Member (MOS) awarded to other ranks carrying a pension,
Knight (KOS) awarded to NCOs and above
Knight Commander (KCOS) awarded to officers
Grand Knight (GKOS) awarded to general officers
The insignia of the Order is a base metal greek cross with a rim of black enamel(Members and Knights), or silver(Knight Commanders and above). Members wear this as a badge, Knights and above on either a
pendant ribbon or with sash of dove gray, grand knights wear a grey knotted cord on their dress swords. The Marshal-General is Grand Master (GMOS) of the Order; this appointment is immediate on promotion
to Marshal-General.

End - Part 1
Part 2:

The Order of the Tower and Sword:
This Order was created by Empress Marava, rewarding commanders of the assault on the Grand Palace of Martin II, in 620. Empress Arbellatra expanded the Order to reward
military personnel responsible for either capturing or defending fortified positions; The Order is awarded in two equal degrees: that of "Knight Guardian" and "Knight Victor".
Both are signified by the letters KTS.
The insignia of the Knights Victor (the original award) is "two gold swords crossed behind a ruined tower enamelled in black"
That of Knights Guardian has the tower in gold with the black swords crossing in front
The ribbon of the order is black with a series of gold bends
A civilian degree was created in 790, to reward those who have defended ideals and ephemeral beliefs. These Knights Bachelor wear their badges on a ribbon of black,
and silver bends
This Order has two grand officers;
The Vicar General (VTS), currently Countess Elizabeth Fang, who heads the Order of the Knights Bachelor
The Master General (MTS), currently Brigadier General Baroness Naina McMullen Colonel of the Sol Guard, who heads the Knights Guardian and Victor.

Order of the White Star
640 Empress Arbellatra founds the order, open to any Imperial knight with psionic ability
See adventure "Ghost Ship" in The Travellers' Digest 14

The Order of Hlyuea and the Order of Gvadakoung
to honor loyal Aslan and Vargr citizens respectively, established by Empress Arbellatra in 642
Order of Hlyuea (Honouring loyal Aslan citizens)
Order of Gvadakoung (Honoring loyal Vargr citizens, Commanded Arch Duke Brzk)
642 Empress Arbellatra establishes the Order of Hlyuea and the Order of Gvadakoung to honor loyal Aslan and Vargr citizens respectively.
Other knightly orders from (I guess) canon sources:
  • Kinghts of the Emperor Guard (traveller Digest #1, the order Dur telmon and all the troupe were raised to)
  • Knights of the Blue Feather (Challenge #47, page 20)
  • ITTR tehre was also an Order for each domain, but I cannot find the source, if I am right on it...

Thank you for the Knights of the Blue Feather
I had not come across that before. I am checking out the magazine now
Other knightly orders from (I guess) canon sources:
  • Kinghts of the Emperor Guard (traveller Digest #1, the order Dur telmon and all the troupe were raised to)
  • Knights of the Blue Feather (Challenge #47, page 20)
  • ITTR tehre was also an Order for each domain, but I cannot find the source, if I am right on it...
The storyline for the that set of adventures starts in Challenge #44 and works forward.

The details for the Order are on Pg 25 of Challenge Issue 47 :D
I built all of wiki pages noted above. The answer is no. I have all sources listed. The Order of the Spinward Marches and the Order of the Third Imperium are entirely derived from the T5 Patent Cards.

The Order of the Third Imperium is particularly perplexing, because if you go onto the Patents Registry, there is the Order of the Third Imperium, Order of the Empire, and Order of the Imperium (once). Since they are self reported, the last one may be a misprint or abbreviated listing, but is Order of the Empire related to Order of the Third Imperium? Further, GypsyComet introduced the Order of the Knights Imperial in Imperiallines #7 as one of the two most common orders of knighthood into which most Honor and Ceremonial Knights are inducted. Is it related to any of the above? Order of he Third Imperium is very common on the cards.

I don't know.

Oh yeah.

Meta explanation: The "Knights Imperial" was a placeholder in the article drafts that didn't get replaced by something cooler. When Wayne asked me about it after publication, I came up with this:

Knightly Orders (Imperial) [Addendum - Unreviewed]
There are, and have been, many Orders of Knighthood within the Third Imperium. Most Orders are limited in their membership in one way or another, either having a chartered limit on their living membership, or being able to appoint members from limited pools or for very specific deeds. A few Orders, including a few of the most well known, are limited because they have specific roles within the Imperium and there are only so many spots to fill. There is also a relative handful of Orders with no official limits on membership. Whether they represent a general population of Knights compared to the perceived elites of the limited Orders, or whether they are trusted to exist in larger numbers than the secretive specialists is dependent on which expert you ask, what era of the Imperium you are asking about, and how much news exposure a given Order had received recently.

A comprehensive list of the Specialist Orders is impossible, though many are cross-referenced in other places. Three of the unlimited Orders, colloquially referred to as Knights Ordinary by some, are noteworthy for their shared histories.

Knights Ordinary (Order of the Knights Imperial, Order of the Empire, and Order of the Third Imperium)
Founded as the Order of the Third Imperium (OTI) by Cleon I as a counterpoint to the Order of the Emperor's Guard (OEG). Originally intended to be used as the Knights Resident on worlds added to the early Imperium, as the exploration and annexation advanced that role would eventually be taken over in many long-annexed regions by the OEG. The frontiers were dominated by newly minted Knights of the OTI, or simply "Knights of the Third Imperium", and some regions retained that balance well past the Civil War. The OTI split twice in its history. The first split occurred by an accident of language, while the second was more considered.
During the grinding conquests of the rimward half of the Imperium, the story goes, the founding of the Knights Imperial came on a world with a linguistic history that included the so-called Romance languages of old Terra. While awarding a number of local heroes with Imperial Knighthood, the translation for the local populace's newscasts rendered their titles as "Chevalier Emperialle". Through what was undoubtedly a comedy of diplomatic correctness, the name, rendered as "Knights Imperial", made its way into the communiques back to Capital. The Emperor decided to honor the linguistic lapse, and gracefully accepted his role as the Grand Master of yet another Order. Despite this, the Knights Imperial and the Knights of the Third Imperium present in the rimward campaigns considered themselves to be brothers in the same Order for years after, only officially splitting when Capital confirmed the Emperor's actions.
The creation of the Order of the Empire came about during the Civil War, though which of the Barracks Emperors was responsible for making it official is not known with certainty. The revolving door of short-lived Emperors strained the loyalties of many of the nobility, which included many Knights. It became a point of dark humor among the OTI near Capital that they served "the Empire", often to their cost only a few months later. It is not known which of the Barracks Emperors heard of this, but a group of Knights who had served under one of them was unwisely defiant before the next one and executed enmass. Not wishing to dishonor such loyalty or stain the Orders from which they had emerged, the new Emperor published their death notices with the note "Knight of the Empire", which very quickly became a standard practice of subsequent Barracks Emperors. Arbellatra, when presented with the option, allowed those who would have received such a notice to live, but made them the first living members of the Order of the Empire. Coincidentally, all had been OTI. Arbellatra did not allow the new Order to bear the implied dishonor of their creation, granting all honors in public. Only the oldest records of the Order of the Empire tell the truth, and only to those the Master of the Order considers worthy.

The three Orders consider themselves of equal precedence, and the majority of Imperial Heralds agree. There are no chartered limits on the membership of the three Orders either individually or in aggregate, and they are not, as a rule, geographically concentrated by the 1100s. The criteria that Nobles or the Emperor use to assign one of these Orders over the others to an individual Knight is unknown, and may in fact not be to any plan.