Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
I love the conceit in the timeline there that travel between the Spinward Marches and Diaspora/Old Expanses is effectively instantaneous.Might have been something he did in Diaspora, maybe the same that resulted in him being promoted to lieutenant commander. Diaspora is close to the Solomani Confederation, so there's plenty of potential for espionage and counter-espionage.Promoted sub-lieutenant and posted to Diaspora 1086. Served in terrorist suppression on several worlds in Diaspora and Old Expanses sectors 1087-1088. Attended Staff College 1089. Promoted lieutenant 1090. Served in Diaspora 1090-1092. Promoted lieutenant commander and posted back to the Spinward Marches 1093. Assigned to Tactics College on Macene 1094-1096.
Even at the most generous of travel arrangements ... going from Rikhani/Libert/Diaspora to Mora/Mora/Spinward Marches via J6 while remaining inside Imperial borders is a 35 jump voyage, which will basically take "a year" to complete (as a matter of transport logistics). I used the Jump Route feature on Travellermap to generate the itinerary required for the voyage.
Slightly more plausible if Norris got put into a low berth and "shipped off to Diaspora" (as cargo?) for deployment, since that way he wouldn't lose YEARS off his lifespan "in transit" between such distant sectors.205 parsecs -- 35 jumps
* Rikhani (Diaspora 1404)
Jump 6 to
* Nilton (Massilia 1239)
Jump 6 to
* Nagiida (Massilia 1233)
Jump 6 to
* Dreva (Massilia 1028)
Jump 6 to
* Nananana (Massilia 0624)
Jump 6 to
* Tephant (Massilia 0618)
Jump 6 to
* Daho (Massilia 0513)
Jump 5 to
* Ticularosta (Massilia 0508)
Jump 6 to
* Kaggushus (Massilia 0402)
Jump 6 to
* Azpun (Core 0138)
Jump 6 to
* Brygella (Core 0132)
Jump 6 to
* Shurkig (Dagudashaag 2928)
Jump 6 to
* Baladine (Dagudashaag 2922)
Jump 6 to
* Duunkhan (Dagudashaag 2518)
Jump 6 to
* Lashgaiika (Dagudashaag 2512)
Jump 6 to
* Shuakhuar (Dagudashaag 2506)
Jump 6 to
* Khruel (Dagudashaag 1903)
Jump 6 to
* Nulisud (Vland 1937)
Jump 6 to
* Mekhe (Vland 1831)
Jump 6 to
* Gunavarum (Vland 1726)
Jump 5 to
* Robbuun (Vland 1323)
Jump 4 to
* Ramir (Vland 1219)
Jump 6 to
* Gukhaga (Vland 1114)
Jump 5 to
* Rishiin (Vland 0711)
Jump 6 to
* Hakkat (Vland 0109)
Jump 6 to
* Brytsee (Corridor 2710)
Jump 6 to
* Darkmoon (Corridor 2111)
Jump 6 to
* Nubotech (Corridor 1513)
Jump 6 to
* Strand (Corridor 0916)
Jump 6 to
* Yubitty (Corridor 0313)
Jump 6 to
* Atsah (Deneb 2913)
Jump 6 to
* Giikusu (Deneb 2316)
Jump 6 to
* Polizzi (Deneb 1719)
Jump 6 to
* Vincennes (Deneb 1122)
Jump 6 to
* Isurkun (Deneb 0524)
Jump 6 to
* Mora (Spinward Marches 3124)
Trouble is, I'm not aware of any J6 cargo transports used by the IN for the movement of low ranking officers (sublieutenant is O2 rank), so movement would probably have been by J4 instead of J6, which makes the journey require more jumps.
I can easily envision the IN having J4 "popsicle" transports for moving low berths loaded with Frozen Crews around between their duty postings to distant sectors.205 parsecs -- 53 jumps
* Rikhani (Diaspora 1404)
Jump 4 to
* Yovanne (Diaspora 1102)
Jump 4 to
* Melot (Massilia 1038)
Jump 3 to
* Ryson (Massilia 0836)
Jump 4 to
* Crussel (Massilia 0733)
Jump 4 to
* Quuke (Massilia 0530)
Jump 4 to
* Nowell (Massilia 0526)
Jump 4 to
* Marach (Massilia 0522)
Jump 3 to
* Salt (Massilia 0519)
Jump 4 to
* Emsingale (Massilia 0415)
Jump 4 to
* Chigan Taal (Massilia 0411)
Jump 4 to
* Selonopod (Massilia 0308)
Jump 4 to
* Fournier (Massilia 0304)
Jump 4 to
* Brekin (Core 0240)
Jump 4 to
* Andula (Dagudashaag 3138)
Jump 4 to
* Lumzashgu (Dagudashaag 2935)
Jump 4 to
* Ushiik (Dagudashaag 2831)
Jump 4 to
* Dummur (Dagudashaag 2529)
Jump 4 to
* Khusgulur (Dagudashaag 2525)
Jump 4 to
* Proctonir (Dagudashaag 2521)
Jump 4 to
* Giku (Dagudashaag 2517)
Jump 4 to
* Luguk (Dagudashaag 2513)
Jump 4 to
* Eshsii (Dagudashaag 2409)
Jump 4 to
* Uurku (Dagudashaag 2405)
Jump 4 to
* Anka (Dagudashaag 2302)
Jump 4 to
* Miizam (Vland 2039)
Jump 4 to
* Ekhin (Vland 1936)
Jump 4 to
* Sharan (Vland 1932)
Jump 4 to
* Nimmer (Vland 1928)
Jump 4 to
* Kalimgar (Vland 1725)
Jump 4 to
* Robbuun (Vland 1323)
Jump 4 to
* Ideshe (Vland 1120)
Jump 4 to
* Darmagu (Vland 1116)
Jump 4 to
* Askhu (Vland 1012)
Jump 4 to
* Rakurram (Vland 0610)
Jump 4 to
* Lankhi (Vland 0209)
Jump 4 to
* Habretic (Corridor 3010)
Jump 3 to
* Brytsee (Corridor 2710)
Jump 4 to
* Hishumaki (Corridor 2311)
Jump 4 to
* Enrick Down (Corridor 1912)
Jump 4 to
* Depot (Corridor 1511)
Jump 4 to
* Buagki (Corridor 1112)
Jump 4 to
* Teras (Corridor 0714)
Jump 4 to
* Muugagen (Corridor 0312)
Jump 4 to
* Berth (Deneb 3112)
Jump 2 to
* Atsah (Deneb 2913)
Jump 4 to
* Kasmar (Deneb 2515)
Jump 4 to
* Piram (Deneb 2116)
Jump 4 to
* Kennebec (Deneb 1717)
Jump 4 to
* Thane (Deneb 1319)
Jump 4 to
* Northammon (Deneb 0921)
Jump 3 to
* Mushinag (Deneb 0622)
Jump 4 to
* Daumier (Deneb 0223)
Jump 3 to
* Mora (Spinward Marches 3124)
However, at J4, moving low berths between the Spinward Marches and Diaspora sectors ought to take 1.5 years at the minimum. Read the timeline for Duke Norris and see if you can spot any "travel lag" between his postings in Diaspora/Old Expanse and his return to the Spinward Marches. If there is "none" then the writer may have "goofed" in organizing the duke's backstory.