I like Hal's Question #3 (though he didn't number them).
I also like the Bottle of Champagne suggestion. It ought to be something that would act as an 'incentive'.
Toth's #6: Answer: Because they're a bunch of mind-bending, thought-reading, privacy-destroying freaks of nature? <*grin*>
My questions:
1. Does Marc view the history of the Imperium (and perhaps real world history) more as a series of actions by "Great Men" or by "Societal Forces" where the Great Men are merely the guy in place at the time? Or something half-way between?
2. What's the single biggest mistake you thing CT contains? (ie something you'd take back if you could, in retrospect)
3. What's the single best thing in CT? (The thing you are most proud of)
4. What's the single thing you most wish you had added or done with CT that you did not?
5. Looking back, all these years after, would you do it again, knowing what you know about the personal costs and the time involved and the fall of GDW, DGP, etc? Has it really all been worth it to you personally? (I'm not really talking money, but that may fall into it - I'm more interested in the personal side of things, I actually find the human dimension behind the game as interesting)
6. Did you ever have a reason or logic for what made Yaskodray any different than every other Droyne?
7. Have you been surprised by the die-hard fan base of aging grognards (yes, that's me you're thinking of...) the game's various iterations have spawned? And if so, was it a pleasant surprise?
8. What would you like to see for the future of Traveller? Where do you see it or yourself with relation to it in 5 or 10 years?
9. What are your thoughts on the whole sub-licensing experience? Have you generally been happy with the results/quality/effects? Or have you wished that you had more control of the licensee's output? Or have you been pretty happy with it? (This isn't a matter of taking shots at old licensees, more I'm curious about the general experience from an IP rights holders perspective)
10. Having made Ye Olde Game, do you ever get to play it? If not, do you play any other RPGs? And if you do play Traveller, what's your favorite career path and race?