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1248 Book Update

But I'd the option to just buy the PDF versions, since I prefer PDFs to printed books.
I'd like both. I like to read things on real dead trees, but I also like having a soft copy to refer to later. It'd be really nice if hard copies came with a CD containing a PDF.

I would be very interested in that. I'd even consider changing my Face-To-Face campaign over to a 4I, to playtest the setting.

Originally posted by MJD:
Very unofficially, here's a question...


Suppose QLI offered a 'Bearers of the Flame' subscription package from now. What this means is you pre-order the book in print form now. You get access to a secure playetest area where the raw draft will appear for discussion, playtest and development. You get the raw PDF as the book is completed and (probably) a pretty version later on, and of course the full book as it comes off the presses.

Of course, the final version will contain a few things that won't be posted in the playtest area, but there you go.

Would this be of any interest?
I'd pay for it.
The question is: "at 40,000" do you feel that you are in the middle, nearing the end or what I hope for just finished the Prologue.
Actually I'm not quite finished the first chapter; history up to 1248.

At this moment, the black Curtain is opening and the fleets are pouring out. The Imperial Regency is sending froces to assist Vland despite earier conflicts, bringing the division and break up of the Imperial Regency just a bit closer.

Sufren has just fallen, and Reformation Coalition forces are engaging Vampires on the Vampire Highway.

Over to Rimward, the Hivers are in the middle of their containment campaign against the Second Rule of Man, and to Trailing the Gods of Thunder are pushing into the Hive Federation despite resistance.

It's 1211, and the Calm is about to descend. After this comes the Storm...
Originally posted by MJD:
Actually I'm not quite finished the first chapter; history up to 1248.
Hang on... one chapter is going to be about 45000 words?! If that's anything like what we wrote for SJG's Transhuman Space: Under Pressure, that's going to end up being about 50 - 60 pages right there (including art/layout), isn't it? Are all the chapters (how many are you planning?) going to be that big???
So what's the total wordcount that you're aiming for here - about 180,000 words? (I'm assuming 20,000 words for each other chapter, that is) Or less than that?
Originally posted by MJD:

Over to Rimward, the Hivers are in the middle of their containment campaign against the Second Rule of Man, and to Trailing the Gods of Thunder are pushing into the Hive Federation despite resistance.

It's 1211, and the Calm is about to descend. After this comes the Storm...
Ooooooo this is stuff I hadn't heard hints of before. The Intrigue-o-meter is spiking. :D
...erm, do you have a ballpark on when a 1248 book is going to be available? What's the word on releasing an advance PDF of the whole shebang?
#Is sitting with Visa card clenched between his teeth, Star Viking cape tied around his shoulders*, and prepared to leap to his keyboard as soon as the word of release comes.#

*Okay, it's really an old Star Wars beach towel.
Today I finished the Calm and started on the Storm.

The Grand Fleet of all Humaniti just entered the Black Imperium....
Originally posted by MJD:
The Grand Fleet of all Humaniti just entered the Black Imperium....
Hey, at this rate you're going to let slip all the secrets before we see the book! Save us some suspense for the final product here! :D

(feel free to cackle maniacally and say nothing else but "oh boy, wait til you guys see what I'm doing HERE!!" in your next update instead ;) )
I don't know about that, EDG. Except for the Hiver tidbits, he hasn't said anything we didn't already know.

And even those Hiver tidbits lead to more questions. I guess he just wanted to make sure Hiver fans knew they weren't being ignored ...