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1248 Book Update

After a slow period I'm now midway into the Virus section, which is gonna need a good playtest.

Speaking of which , we hope to be announcing something about that very soon.
Originally posted by MJD:
After a slow period I'm now midway into the Virus section, which is gonna need a good playtest.

Speaking of which , we hope to be announcing something about that very soon.
Woohoo. Sounds good and I'm looking forward to it. I've got my little testing group all primed for it... <WEG>

Whether that is a good thing depends on who you kill.

You may get your wish (reading, not killing) very soon.
I guess killing Avery is not an option...

MJD, don't be a nasty Santa and deprive me of my Milieu 1248 with the paper buy plan for Christmas.
Ok, this is a more than slightly off the wall idea, but...

The premise of T2k is that you are trying to rebuild the world after a disaster that smacks much of it several TL's straight down. More than a few of the mcguffins within T2k's adventures play specifically to this theme.

Given that, and the practical consideration that must have had an impact upon Loren and the rest for later works, has this had any impact upon the way you have reconstructed the TNE universe?

Just curious,


My group is ready to begin the playtesting of 1248, as well. We're bringing the current campaign to a nice transition point sometime in the next month or two, with the hopes that 1248 will be available for playtesting sometime in December or January.

Looking forward to it, and thanks once again,
WHAT! No Third Imperium sourcebook for Februrary! Back to the typewriter! {slash} {slash} {slash}

MJD, from all you tell us this is going to be great, so keep up the excellent work but any hints or anything that you would like us help with...

All you need do is drop a load of eggs or something contraversal and we on the list will fight it out and hopeful restore your brain cells.
Well, I'm going to need feedback on the Virus section. The rules will need shaking down.

We're ready to go over here in Texas.
Just let us know if you would like our input. (One of my players is a big TNE fan, and is looking forward to seeing this book come out. He's already got big plans for when we start running under this setting.)

Thanks, and keep up the great work,
Originally posted by MJD:
Very unofficially, here's a question...


Suppose QLI offered a 'Bearers of the Flame' subscription package from now. What this means is you pre-order the book in print form now. You get access to a secure playetest area where the raw draft will appear for discussion, playtest and development...

Would this be of any interest?
Yes it would be...where do I sign up, I don't mind being broke.

BTW, factionwise..
A.What if anything happened to the Sol's out rimward during/after Hard Times?
B.Children of Earth - canon or heresy?
C.Did Virus take offense or action to the bombing of Cymbeline during the Rebellion? Was this the basis of the Vampire Highway? Some TNE and COE material referenced Virus was doing pilgrimages to Cymbeline.
The solomani are covered in BotF.#

CoE is unofficial and ignored. Sorry Harold.

Virus is not a monolithic entity. Reactions vary from one entity to the next.
Nathan Brazil wrote:

"B.Children of Earth - canon or heresy?"

Mr. Brazil,

While I stand in awe of Mr. Hale's work; one cannot help but totally respect the time, effort, creativity, and thought that went into crafting the CoE Setting, I am also glad that the CoE will not be part of Traveller's Canon. The CoE prospect of Earth becoming home to yet another cast of outright loonies saddened me.

For whatever reasons, Earth has suffered greatly at the hands of the OTU's creators. From the militaristic satraps of the Interstellar War era carving out an empire for themselves to the Space Nazis of the Solomani Sphere and 'everytime' in between, Earth accounts for nothing, is peopled by nobodies, and remains all but a backwater. Having Earth infested with Psionic Pseudo-Muslims during the Viral Era; complete with negative reaction rolls when meeting anyone else not of their 'faith' and committed to the idea of crusade-jihad - supposedly 'only' against Virus but we know how quickly that can change, disgusted me. Virus released, the Third Imperium dead, interstellar civilization nearly destroyed, and Earth still a home to nothing but LOONIES. (sigh)

I'm heartened to learn that, in M:1248, Earth may actually become a world your PCs may actually want to visit, that a PC might actually want to call it home. That's a great step up from the wretched world and the equally wretched peoples that have inhabited Earth for most of the OTU's history.

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:

While I stand in awe of Mr. Hale's work; one cannot help but totally respect the time, effort, creativity, and thought that went into crafting the CoE Setting, I am also glad that the CoE will not be part of Traveller's Canon. The CoE prospect of Earth becoming home to yet another cast of outright loonies saddened me.
I totally agree with you on this (all of it). I saw the TNE period as a fine opportunity to have the Terrans re-build the trade union of the pre-3I period (or something inspired by it), but this time to do more with it than just build a comfortable little realm for themselves.
I'd like to add, as a long time Supplement 10 Solomani supporter (and a little bit of Alien Module 6, but mostly nothing thereafter), I too think it would be wonderful to rehabilitate Earth. Leave Luna to the Loonies. Give Earth back to the Terrans who are not entirely insane, morally bankrupt, or socially retarded.

The Zhos aren't a bad people, just have a different outlook. The Imps aren't bad, they just have some quirky social caste nonsense here and there. The Vilani, other than being a bit bureaucratic, are a respectable people. The Solomani should manage to rejoin this cadre of human races in a manner befitting the proud Terran heritage, rather than as an accumulation of all the defective forms of human thought and social structure......

(Yes, I am a Solomani who does not like the Party, does not like SolSec, and still thinks the Solomani ideals of independence, entrepeneurial spirit, and a desire to travel, explore and build something greater are what Earth should really be contributing....)
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Nathan Brazil wrote:

"B.Children of Earth - canon or heresy?"

Mr. Brazil,

While I stand in awe of Mr. Hale's work; one cannot help but totally respect the time, effort, creativity, and thought that went into crafting the CoE Setting, I am also glad that the CoE will not be part of Traveller's Canon.
I certainly understand and, even agree with, the esteemed Mr. Whipsnade's comments here. However, one thing I am hoping that the good MJD will answer is how the CoE is decanonized - did you utterly write them out by detailing that period of Terran history or is there still wiggle room for Referees to fit them in while still following the overall arc of BotF? Much as with the DGP material that is so beloved by some (and most of which I have no use for), I do hate to have something irretrevably plowed under as it were. I'd rather that an out were left for those who might wish to have the CoE be a virus induced abberation in TTU while still following, overall, the path of BotF. It is not difficult to imagine an almost OTU where the CoE is defeated shortly after the period described in Mr. Hale's works, allowing for a much more democratic Terran Federation. Just some small thoughts on a quiet night here in Wisconsin...

Thank you. I'll stop blathering now.
