Well, I went and asked Avery, but he had just answered a vaguely similar question (which I didn't notice until after asking), and might decide it's the same thing (which it isn't) and therefore not answer it.
AAAnyhow... Tonnage, as far as I know, has always been the volume of 1 tonne of LHyd. Whether that's 13.5, 14, 14.124, 11, or whatever, we must remember that the stuff of importance is LHyd. Gelling or slushing or crystalizing, while probably the storage medium of the future, is not what this measurement is based on.
By allowing the GM to specify what he wants to call a Dton, and making sure he knows what his choices are, will still work. It would be nice to know why 13.5 and 14 have been used, but it's not absolutely critical, I guess.
Thank you all for your input on this matter; I hope we've all learned something, and that if anyone else has anything to contribute, they will feel free to do so.