Glen Allen Mcinnes
wile clasic traveller had a somewhat generic feal to it when it came to equpment and encouraged the implomtaison of "Gun, Gun +1". to add varity to the equpment at large 23AD gave suspifics and details for the equpment to be had espechily the small arms but had a limeted number, just enough to get the campain going, we (the groupe I played with)expected more kit to be released in sorce books and adventures we moved on to other games with out aquiering many of the sereas we expected somthing along the lines of a combat equpment guide like the weapons guides released for T2K or the 2300AD Ground Vechicle & Equpment Guides if the game had they bean released we may have kept with it longer. I'm starting this thread so as to encourafe people to post any kind of combat equpment Weapons, Armor or any other tactical gear.