The marathon proofread continues, most of the way through Core worlds now...
- Page 47, column 2, Gotta get away sidebar: "...or not monitored..." should this be "...are not monitored..."</font>
- Page 47, column 2, Gotta get away sidebar, last sentence has some punctuation missing: perhaps it should read "Such urban areas, which are extremely rare, are known as Blights to the authorities and Havens to other, less law-abiding types."</font>
- Page 50, Column 1, The Tribal Nations: "...central authority in United States..." should this be "...central authority in the United States..."</font>
- Page 52, Column 1, Military Presence: "...while Naval Base is for..." should this be "...while a Naval Base is for..."</font>
- Page 52, Column 1, "Interface Capabilty..." should be "Interface Capability..."</font>
- Page 52, Column 2, Airship Net: "...has a airship transport..." should this be "...has an airship transport..."</font>
- Page 55, Column 2, about half-way down: "...seeing on opportunity..." should this be "...seeing an opportunity..."</font>
- Page 56, Column 1, New Ground sidebar: "The main criteria is that is the world..." should this be "The main criteria is that the world..."</font>
- Page 57, Column 2, Half-way down: "...but it does have program working..." should this be "...but it does have a program working..."</font>
- Page 59, Column 1, Notes: "...are though to be capable of..." should this be "...are thought to be capable of..."</font>