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2320AD Errors, Layout Issues, Etc...

The marathon proofread continues, most of the way through Core worlds now...

  • Page 47, column 2, Gotta get away sidebar: "...or not monitored..." should this be "...are not monitored..."</font>
  • Page 47, column 2, Gotta get away sidebar, last sentence has some punctuation missing: perhaps it should read "Such urban areas, which are extremely rare, are known as Blights to the authorities and Havens to other, less law-abiding types."</font>
  • Page 50, Column 1, The Tribal Nations: "...central authority in United States..." should this be "...central authority in the United States..."</font>
  • Page 52, Column 1, Military Presence: "...while Naval Base is for..." should this be "...while a Naval Base is for..."</font>
  • Page 52, Column 1, "Interface Capabilty..." should be "Interface Capability..."</font>
  • Page 52, Column 2, Airship Net: "...has a airship transport..." should this be "...has an airship transport..."</font>
  • Page 55, Column 2, about half-way down: "...seeing on opportunity..." should this be "...seeing an opportunity..."</font>
  • Page 56, Column 1, New Ground sidebar: "The main criteria is that is the world..." should this be "The main criteria is that the world..."</font>
  • Page 57, Column 2, Half-way down: "...but it does have program working..." should this be "...but it does have a program working..."</font>
  • Page 59, Column 1, Notes: "...are though to be capable of..." should this be "...are thought to be capable of..."</font>
Still going through the manuscript (e-mailed to me a couple of weeks ago-Sorry guys!)and have noticed that the character sheet doesn't print well. There's a doppler effect on the fonts.
This makes things like 'fortitude','armor(ar)','reflex','will', 'melee' etc seem heavy and blurred. There isn't much of this problem on the boxes so it makes me wonder if a stroke has been added or an attempt at a drop shadow has been made? The aforementioned 'armor(ar)' and all the text next to the abilities (within the title bar) becomes unreadable for me.
is anyone else seeing this or has my printer gone insane?
Overall, the book looks great. I purchased mine at RPGNow. Seems that whatever computer I open it on (and whatever version of Adobe), I get a font error and blank, white pages around 68 through 74...
Does it mention what font is missing? Sounds like a corrupt file with the white pages. I'd see if you can get RPGNow to reset the download for you and grab it again. If that doesn't work, drop me an email and I'll set up a download in the eLibrary for you and see if you can get it that way.

Thanks. I have an email in to RPGNow already (though I haven't heard back... a few days now).
The actual error message was insufficient data to process EXT89 font...
New one on me.
I think re-downloading from RPGNow is the best option. If it does not work, I will let you know.
P.S.: Thanks for the prompt response.
Just went back to RPGNow and re-downloaded. File works perfectly now!
Anyway, shouldn't complain. At least it finally works!!!
Yup corrupted download. Happens sometimes. Glad you were able to get a good download this time!

Mine downloaded fine when I cheated and did it at work. Huge server, much power, then I saved it on a jump drive. It works fine now....

Perhaps I am just being particularly blind, but where are the stats of the shipmounted weapons (lasers and Particle Beams) that the sample ships mount?

Drew South
I'm not sure if this an errata item or not but what is a dton? I see it used the ship profiles but I haven't found anything that says explicitly what a dton is. I see 3 possibilities:
a. Displacement ton
b. dekaton = 10 tons = 10,000 kg
c. deciton = 0.1 ton = 100 kg

If it's possibility b the SI abbreviation for deka is da, the SI abbreviation for deci is d.
"Other Foundations" sidebar p. 41: double period at end of description of "Alberta Farmers' Cooperative", another after "Paix Avec les Xenos" description.

Map of the Chinese Arm on p. 130: extend the red 'travel line' in the Canadian Finger to Eriksson at AC +17 534-105.
Page 267: Airfilm Train description, last sentance starts "A n" - extra space breaks up 'an'.

Page 278: top of page, under Combat Walker Accessories - Drone mount, it refers to "a Hund Whisperdrone (p.00)" '00' should be '221'.

Page 291: Section heading "VoidShark-class Defensive" is a mix of bold and normal font.

Page 292 - stats blocks. The VoidShark is listed as "new commercial" and the Dark Venturer on p. 293 is listed as "new military". From the descriptions, should those be reversed?

Page 308 - Naval Terminology sidebar. Inconsistant use of bold font in subsection headings.

Page 340 - I didn't find anything wrong here, I just loved the references to the works of H. Beam Piper in the Kennedy-class ship names.
Page 47-48 - Under Earth/Sol data, it reads "In addition to Earth itself, the Solar System boasts eight other planets" - I'm guessing that was written before Pluto got 'demoted'?

Page 59 - Brazil. Third sentance of the description - "Brazil's has always been..." should read "Brazil has always been..."

Page 60 - Inca Republic description - it looks like an indent got missed before "Hoping to attract foreign investment..."

Page 68 - the "Nations of the Middle East" sidebar is located after the "Oceana" section heading, should be before
Page 93 - description of Kingsland - extra space in heading makes it read "The Buny ip's Hat"

Page 102 - Description of Kimanjano, the sentance that starts on 101 and carries over with "The surface of several word in the system" - 'world' should be plural.

Page 117 - inconsistant capitalization in first paragraph, used "Home Office" once, "HO" once and "Home office" another time. [I take it there's no Colonial Office?] Same paragraph - shouldn't "admiralty" be capitalized?

Page 133 - 'Native Life' section, second paragraph needs to be indented.
Same page - under the description of the colony [after the data block] is the sentance "The remains of Japan's failed colony (2190) can be found on the big continent." But the map only shows one large continent, with a few large islands.

Page 134 - The second para in the second column that starts with a parenthasis, "(From a news conference...)" reads like it should be a sidebar, but it is not in a grey box.

Page 143 - second para. "Since to formally declared independence in 2307, Heidelsheimat has been quietly building up its military forces..." Change the first part to "Since formal declaration of indpendence in 2307..."
Same page, second column, second para, line 8 - "So far the war ha been..." should be 'war has been'

Page 149 - Eriksson's Principal Trading Partners are listed as "Kanata, Cold Mountain," and has a trailling comma. Should Canada be listed, or just drop the trailling comma?
Page 128 - First column, last paragraph, just above the Tanstaafl free legion box
"Tanstaafl was hit hard bt he ravages of the wa, and saw
an affective 50% casualty rate. AS the Kafer fleet fled back", should read
"Tanstaafl was hit hard by the ravages of the war, and saw
an affective 50% casualty rate. As the Kafer fleet fled back"
continuing on the second column
"o Kafer space," should read "to Kafer space,"