-pg75 Tirane/Tundukubwa 1st par, last line reads "..crops or consumption.." should read "...crops for consumption..."
-pg75 Tirane/Tundukubwa 2st par, last line reads "..criminals deomonstraes." should read "..criminals demonstrates."
-pg78 Tirane/Tunghu 2nd par reads "..in more sever restrictions on.." should read "..in more severe restictions on..."
-pg 95 Avalon/New Pacifica College Education reads" : 78%BDOD" -Same as what aramis found on pg 161, I understand that this "BDOD" does
not show up as existing on your copy, it does on mine (in both places). I am using Adobe 7.0.7 on a PC.
-pg 95 Avalon/New Pacifica 2nd par reads "..types to synthesis the B-complex.." should read "..types to synthesize the B-complex.."?
-pg 104 Kimanjano/Okavongo Major Cities: has an extra tab, giving a big blank area before the first entry, same as jcrocker found for
the entry on Fromme in the same page
-pg 198 Ssuushni'a/Services: Should not it have "Solar Power Satellite" listed? They have a Rectenna listed.
-pg 194 Stark/Akcheektoon nation/Services: Should not they have a Rectena listed? The map seems to show they do and they have a
solar power satellite listed.
-pg 201 Ylii/Evloution and History: Wait a sec, the 2nd last par says "It was only about 500 years ago that the Ylii managed to regain
space travel" but the last paragraph says "The "modern" Ylii resumed interstellar space travel only 900 year ago." --Something is not
adding up here.
-pg 203 Aquilans/physical decription: I am just not getting this, what do you mean by they were "2-3 long" Do you mean 2-3 meters(?!?!) length
between their front and back?