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2320AD Errors, Layout Issues, Etc...

Under the Beta Cameron entry

Small nitpick, sidebar on the beanstalk should be moved over. As the entry talks about the reattaching and the only with the sidebar does it make sense what has caused it to snap.

Also, some of the images like the Aliens or cold weather gear are very small, perhaps they can be enlarged with deadtree printing, as it is hard to make out details.
Thanks to everyone for contributing to this thread. Having lots of eyes on the preview product to ferret out mistakes is invaluable and will make for a higher quality product. The corrections and advice about layout issues have been noted and I'll be integrating them into the final version which is currently in production.

Ted Lindsey
Unless someone found it:
Page 119, Colonial data says for Adlerhorst:

Date founded 2231, independent since 2213

Those sneaky thiefing hill-tribes did it again, stealing a world before it was colonised ;)
Chapter 17 is a mismatched layout

It is too wide for normal pages and information gets cut off on both sides

I, of course, did not notice this until AFTER i got it printed and bound

Also the lettering on most of the maps of the arms is complete gibberish (too large and it looks like the letters were condensed)
Chapter 17 is a mismatched layout

It is too wide for normal pages and information gets cut off on both sides

Done in landscape on purpose.

Also the lettering on most of the maps of the arms is complete gibberish (too large and it looks like the letters were condensed)

Sounds like a font issue, though all the fonts should be embedded. What version of Adobe are you using to view the PDF?
Was the font issue on the character sheet resolved? When it was printed there appeared to be an off-line stroke which blurred the type. At least it was on my printer/PC. It made some of the headings on the sheet look blurred.
a couple of things that i noticed when i was reading through:

1. there is no map for austin's world.

2. the beanstalk for indonesia is mentioned, but there is no date given for when it was constructed. similarly, there is no mention of the name of the city that the freihafen beanstalk grounds at. given the importance of beanstalks and the prestige that they bring, that stood out.

3. it looks like several of the colony world descriptions were cut and pasted from the colonial atlas without updating the population figures. dukou's stood out as the exemplar (the population at the top of page 153 doesn't match the population in the text below).

4. the population of chengdu seems to have jumped a lot in the past 20 years. (now 22 million, previously 5.5 million.)

5. i don't know if this is an error, but it looks like port ayers in new canberra is the largest city on tirane by a long shot (12 million).

now that i know where to report errata, i'll go back and pay more attention. i know there were other things that jumped out at me.
p. 233 LK-1a4 description
"It uses the
now‑popular combination of a 30mm grenade launcher for
area fire and a precision weapon for."

sentence fragment
A few errors

Found some errors. The Table at the top of page 227 is missing the Wakizashi and in it's place appear to have the sword from T20. The price is in credits. On the same table, the Ceramic Knife's cost is also in credits.

p235, the Quinn M-22, the price of the weapon is in the Type: text rather than below in price which only has the price of the ammo.
freihafen colony name

freihafens colony is called Friesland in the table on page 81, but named Freiland in the description.
both names are possible: Friesland is an old country at the north sea cost of germany and the neatherlands, and "Freiland" would mean "Free Country" in english (probably intended). keep in mind that "Freiland" in german is almost exclusively associated with chicken, since the term is only used to describe eggs produced by chicken allowed to live on a field as opposed to boxes (boxed-chicken farms are dubbed chicken KZs).
If the colony was to be named "Freiland", the colonists would have to endure the mockery of the entire teutophone world and would hate their founders by the bottom of their hearts ;-)
pg 133 1st sidebar, last sentance. Reads "...bullets just right through..." should read "...bullets just pass right through..."

pg 147 Kanata Services: Solar Power Satellite, Rectenna ->but the world map on pg 146 does not show a rectenna. I persume that the error is on pg 147 and not 146 as I find it difficult to believe that a colony of 373 000 have such an expensive piece of equipment.
Last edited:
-pg75 Tirane/Tundukubwa 1st par, last line reads "..crops or consumption.." should read "...crops for consumption..."

-pg75 Tirane/Tundukubwa 2st par, last line reads "..criminals deomonstraes." should read "..criminals demonstrates."

-pg78 Tirane/Tunghu 2nd par reads "..in more sever restrictions on.." should read "..in more severe restictions on..."

-pg 95 Avalon/New Pacifica College Education reads" : 78%BDOD" -Same as what aramis found on pg 161, I understand that this "BDOD" does
not show up as existing on your copy, it does on mine (in both places). I am using Adobe 7.0.7 on a PC.

-pg 95 Avalon/New Pacifica 2nd par reads "..types to synthesis the B-complex.." should read "..types to synthesize the B-complex.."?

-pg 104 Kimanjano/Okavongo Major Cities: has an extra tab, giving a big blank area before the first entry, same as jcrocker found for
the entry on Fromme in the same page

-pg 198 Ssuushni'a/Services: Should not it have "Solar Power Satellite" listed? They have a Rectenna listed.

-pg 194 Stark/Akcheektoon nation/Services: Should not they have a Rectena listed? The map seems to show they do and they have a
solar power satellite listed.

-pg 201 Ylii/Evloution and History: Wait a sec, the 2nd last par says "It was only about 500 years ago that the Ylii managed to regain
space travel" but the last paragraph says "The "modern" Ylii resumed interstellar space travel only 900 year ago." --Something is not
adding up here.

-pg 203 Aquilans/physical decription: I am just not getting this, what do you mean by they were "2-3 long" Do you mean 2-3 meters(?!?!) length
between their front and back?
Another SNAFU

I donwloaded the E-Book version and fond a mistake on page 86;

It sais in the description of King that New columbia is half way between the noth Pole and the Equator... yet, both colony are in the southern hemisphere... Is the Map wrong?
From the e-book from QLI I downloaded last Monday

-pg 135 Daikoku/Far Riyadh: Where is it on the world map? I see the symbols for the 3 major Japanese cities but no symbol that I can assoicate
the Arabian colony.

-pg 145 Chengdu: Interface Capability: Has Catapult listed but is is not on the world map
Services: Powernet has no % listed

-pg 146 Doris Stellar Data: Last two entries are headed by "Planets" and "Asteroids Belts". The same entries in all other systems
begin with the words "Number of ..."

-pg 146 Kanata Planet Data: Missing entries for Biodiversity and Natural Resources

-pg 146 map of Kanata: A military base is listed in the colony data but it does not show up on the map

-pg 147 Doris/Kanata Services: Powernet has no % listed

-pg 149 Eriksson Law Level: Listed as 5 here but in the table of UWPs on pg 81 it is a 4 for the Canadian, Scandanaivan Union, Sung colony entries

-pg 153 Epsilon Eridani/Dukou Military Presence: Entry is listed with a blank space instead of 'None'

-pg 194 Stark/Akcheektoon Services: Powernet has no % listed

-pg 195 Xiang/Home of the Mother: Missing entry for Natural Resources
>From the e-book from QLI I downloaded last Monday

Probably not worth continuing to post all of these as they have been pointed out in several other threads here.

perhaps it would be better to wait for the corrected PDF edition (the version being sent to print) and point out all the errors that have crept into that version