Second Edition shows a Size Z Drives having a rating of 6 in a 2000 ton hull (LBB2 '81, p. 22), and lists ratings for hulls up to 5000 tons.
Jump Drive Z: 125Td, 240MCr.
P-Plant Z: 73Td, 192MCr.
Maneuver Z: 47Td, 96Mcr.
Drive Z yields a rating of 6 in hulls from 800-2000Td, 4 in a 3000Td hull, 3 in a 4000Td hull, and 2 in a 5000Td hull.
Neither version of the freighter uses a standard hull (LBB2 "standard" as per the table at the top left of p. 22).
Hulls with different drive bay sizes can be constructed at MCr 0.1 per ton, as per the paragraph below that table.
A volume discount probably applies.