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5.10 Errata Thread?

been working that last few days creating a DB of errata with custom web form for entry etc.

I have noticed that book 2 hasn't had many errata entries yet. people are reading book 1 and 3 first it seems.
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been working that last few days creating a DB of errata with custom web form for entry etc.

I have noticed that book 2 hasn't had many errata entries yet. people are reading book 1 and 3 first it seems.

Did you notice that up-thread I posted TWO documents in TWO separate posts:

T5.10 DRAFT - Book 1 Errata (WHU).docx
T5.10 DRAFT - Book 2 Errata (WHU).docx

I have about 5 pages of Book 2 Errata - It was the first book I looked at. :)

The two posts look like they are a Double-Post, but they are not.

See attachment: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showpost.php?p=604003&postcount=38
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Did you notice that up-thread I posted TWO documents in TWO separate posts:

T5.10 DRAFT - Book 1 Errata (WHU).docx
T5.10 DRAFT - Book 2 Errata (WHU).docx

I have about 5 pages of Book 2 Errata - It was the first book I looked at. :)

The two posts look like they are a Double-Post, but they are not.

See attachment: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showpost.php?p=604003&postcount=38

missed the second one :P sorry it really did look like a double post.
Book 1:

p.206 Mechanic- Tactics Mod- Tactics + flux but p.207 example has Characteristic + Tactics + Flux ( for a value of 14. Presumably p.206 is correct.

p.176 textual - working age example has true age of 9 months but working age of 18 months!
True age (per text) should be years not months for used items. Otherwise we have a problem.

p.153 Textual - Skills Language should be after p.154 JOT and before Leader. The text from p.152. stops and restarts on p.154.

p.143 Textual - Bureaucrat appears as a gloss on pp 141 & 143, should only be on p. 141.

p.157 Textual - Chart for Musicians skill/knowledge advancement appears below header for next skill - Naval Architect. Should be above the header.

p.175 Logic - "inspecting an object". This should reference p. 144 (Craftsman) and p.63 (Trader) but is not consistent as it allows only one determination of a QREBS per skill:

"A skilled individual can check an object: it takes about
an hour to carefully look it over, test its operation, disassemble and reassemble it looking for flaws or problems. The
inspector must have a skill related to the object. ...An as-inspected QREBS for the object is then created,
randomly substituting one correct value for each level of inspector skill (to a maximum of 4). "

It is possibly intended to be in addition to the Craftsman/Trader Skills - but this is unclear.
Book 1:

p.131 - Textual - Text explaining Destructive is the same as that for Dangerous - presumably something else was intended.?

p. 130 - Textual - Transit example:

"Transit/Travel Tasks
To travel to a destination in a deep space fighter.
Easy (1D) < Dex +Small Craft
All three individuals have Edu 7, which in conjunction
with Small Craft-3 requires a roll of 10 or less. Using one die,
success is guaranteed."

Stated Char. is Dex, but Edu used in example.

p.201 -Logic - Who acts when?

"Who Acts When?
Within the Combat Round, everyone moves (if they
choose to) to change Range bands.
Everyone Targets at once. Each Player Character decides who he or she is going to attack, and each can change
his or her mind as the action in the Round progresses
The participants each Attack separately. Players volunteer their characters to Attack if they want. The Referee interrupts with Non-Player Character Attacks where appropriate. As the Attack phase progresses, every participant has
the opportunity to make an Attack."

This seem incoherent, especially considering that the Initiative rules (p.212) are optional. eg:

I attack first. No I do with a snap shot, No I shoot first as I have chnged my mind and fire a snap shot before your snap shot etc.

Really not sure what was intended here.
Book 1.


Vehicles (especially Flyers) at Speed 5
or greater can move between Band 6 and
Band 6 in one Round."

This should read
"Vehicles (especially Flyers) at Speed 5
or greater can move between Band FIVE(5) and
Band 6 in one Round."

p.216 Mechanic - The Observer Process
The rules here do not tally with those p.150. Not sure which is correct?

p.216 Rules:
"The Observer Process
A Forward Observer identifies a Target, communicates
with an Indirect Fire weapon operator, and tells it the Target’s location identifiers (he may give coordinates by voice,
or transmit data).
On the Forward Observer’s command (Fire One!) by
communicator, the weapon shoots one ranging shot. It arrives in the next Round.
The shot may deviate from a direct hit: roll Flux twice:
once for vertical deviation and once for horizontal deviation.
The Forward Observer observes the impact of the shot.
Hit! If it hits, he tells the weapon operator (Hit! Fire For
Effect) and the weapon now fires one normal shot. It hits in
the next Round.
Miss! If it misses, he tells the weapon operator (Miss!
Up X Left Y) and the weapon fires a ranging shot (which now
does not involve Flux, and will hit as directed). It hits in the
next Round and the process repeats.
Deviation Scale. Indirect Fire weapons deviate in units
of 50 meters. This may keep the hits in the same Range
Band, or may move it to another Range Band."

P.150 Skill use:
"Traditional Fire Control
The individual knows the procedures used to call in indirect fire weaponry. The first step is to call in a preliminary
(or targeting) round. If that is not a direct hit, then a second
round is called in (and a third or however many are required).
When a preliminary round hits the target center, then the
Forward Observer commands Fire For Effect.
To call in indirect fire weaponry on a target (preliminary)
Average (2D) < Edu + Fwd Obs
Success places the first hit Flux times 100 meters from
the target center. The character is observing the target and
observes where the hits land. Failure indicates that the character does not see the hits impact; repeat task.
If the first round is not a hit, standard practice calls for
the point of impact to be shifted 400 meters toward the target. The second shift is 200 meters; third shift: 100 meters.
To call in indirect fire weaponry on a target (adjusted).
Average (2D) < Dex + Fwd Obs + Mods
Character states the increment of shift (400 meters, 200
meters, 100 meters). Referee shifts the fire and indicates if
it hit or missed.
To call artillery fire for effect (final)
Easy (1D) < Dex + Fwd Obs
Local conditions can influence the accuracy of Forward
Observers: climate, weather, atmosphere, confusion."

It is unclear why the difference or whether both might be used?
Book 1.

P.225 - Combat examples.

Some weird stuff happening here:

Note 3:
"3 The Size=5 synthetics are all crouched to reduce their visual size to 3. At R=3 Size minus Range is zero. No one sees anything."

Vision rules simply state that:
"Size minus Range gives apparent size. A Size-5 Person at Range=5 looks about the same size as a Size-6
Vehicle at Range=6. If Size minus Range is less than zero, the object to too far away to see (or to be attacked)."

And obviously a size 5 object at range 5 would look like nothing otherwise :)

Inter alia p.187 example confirms this:
"resolving a Vision Action
at Range=5 and Size=5 uses 5D."

BUT! p.190 - Vision contradicts this:
"Benchmark. Object Size minus Range. If zero or less, the
Action cannot be attempted".

However, the example on the very same page ignores this and uses the earlier definition:
"Vision Constant = 16. Benchmark = Size minus Range
= 6-6 = 0
. Mod = +2 Vfast."

Note the benchmark =0.

And, p.191, the example again allows benchmark = 0

"An unaided human V-16-RGB has a 40% chance of noticing a person Size = 5 at R=5. Roll 16 or less on 5D (=40%
chance of success).".

[So actually they had a pretty good chance of seeing (if not hitting) the synthetics.]

Note in the examples p. 225, the synthetics are NOT in cover or "concealed" per se, despite the description.(& see p.206):
"The unseen attackers crouch behind a ferrocrete retaining wall covered in vines, about 200 meters distant, R=3."

If they were in cover, they would have a penalty for firing from cover as a mod. per pp.205-206. No (attacker) cover penalty is noted in any of there firing.

I *think* this simply follows the p.186 comment:

"Most people (sophonts) are Size=5. A half-hidden person is Size=4, as is a small sophont. Just a head or a limb is Size=3. "
Book 1.
P.225 Textual? - Combat examples.

Round 3 Note 7:
"7 SN 8. R=3. Bee is crouching Size=3. S-R=-0. Attack Mode=
Single (-1D). Target number is 8 on 2D. She rolls 7 and hits."

As Bee fired - aimed fire - she should be size +1 per p. 206.

P.225 - Clarification - Combat examples.
Note 14:
"14 The second shot is Bullet-2 (6+4=10) which penetrates the
window (Ar=9) with 1 point. Trent takes 1 Hit Point reducing Dex 8
to Dex 7."

This is a shot that has come through the transpex window. No idea how big it is, but there is no damage location rolled so it looks like the impact is assumed to be to Trent's head and he has no helmet listed. Otherwise it would fail to penetrate his armour an Item not a suit/Dress/Armour (Cloth - 8 Ar 14).
Book 1.
P.226 Textual? - Combat examples.

The first day of the war. Round 3 note 21

"21 SN 9. R=4. Size=4. S-R=0. Attack Mode= Aimed Fire; Not
Moving. -1D. Damage Select= P2. Target is firing +1. He must roll 10
or less on 3D. It fires at each of the attackers."

Target used snap fire so mod should be +3 per p.206.

p.226 Textual? - Combat examples
The Flyer attack.

Not sure why Flyer loses mod-8 for speed when moving to range 3.

Text says:
"The Flyer advances to R=3; it has now identified the MachineGun and attacks and misses.11
Gunner returns fire and hits,12 inflicting a single hit to
some body panels.13"

note 12 says:
"12 SN 12. R=3. Target Size=6. S-R=+3. Attack Mode= Aimed
Fire; Still. -1D. Damage Select= Full Auto. Target Speed=8 (normally
Mod -8, but the Flyer is directly approaching: Mod 0. Gunner must
roll 12+3 on 2D, which is automatic. The Flyer is hit."

But rules for movement say :
"Vehicle cannot move closer than
Range Band 3 unless moving
directly toward Target."

If the example is right the rule should reference Range band 4.

P.179 - mechanic - Table L1, L2, L3.

Table L1 (1D) and Tables L2/3 (2D) on p.179 (and p. 264) are not the same with Tables L1(2D) and L2(1D) which appear ref. pp. 208 & 222.

The former relate to mishap damage, the latter to battle damage.
The only difference I can see is that:

- the table labels are swapped,
- p.179 L2/L3 breaks the equivalent table p.208 L1 into two parts
- p.179 L2/L3 conflates armour and vehicles into one column with odd results (Torso as a hit location for vehicle). Where the equivalent table (L1) on p. 208 separates them out.

Charts: - Textual -
T5-016 (nr p.230) Knock down descriptions omits requirement to be also > C2.

T5-017 Immediate Action - text missing.

As is reads:
"Immediate Action
Character may remove
Function Damage by an entire
Round to
Check Double Skill (2D)"
Book 1.
P.225 Textual? - Combat examples.

Round 3 note 9 & 10

Enna’s shot hits9 and Bee falls
behind the wall Out-Of-Action.10

9 Hunting Carbine-5 fires Bullet-2 for 2D damage (5+6)=11.

10 Unless the situation calls for a different treatment, Bee (as a
non-player-character) is simply Out-Of-Action and is ignored for the
remainder of the encounter.

Since no hit location was rolled, this results seems to ignore Bee's armor value of 12, which would have resulted in no hits to Bee.
Book 1 p.219 - Textual/mechanic?

Nuclear weapons and Massive explosions.

Chart covers NW on tables ME 4-7.

However ME7 is less dangerous than ME6

There is no explanation (here in book 1) of where ME 1-3 are?

As an aside, it is not clear to me which weapons are area weapons (only/all those with blast?.)
Book 1.
P.225 Textual - Combat examples

Footnote 5 says:
James is wearing Quilt-9 with Ar=18; Bullet-2 inflicts 2D
damage (6+2= 8 Hits). James’ Quilt absorbs all 9 points and he is
unhurt (maybe a bit shaken).

The two hit amounts should agree (8 versus 9). Since James's C2 is 9, the end result would be the same in any case.
Book 1. p. 43
Random size variation table

Should the Varys really be 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0? Doesn't make sense to me.
I think 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 makes more sense. Or am I missing something?

Book1 P.234-238 - textual -

I think many if not all the gun maker examples or porked. To take just 2 examples:

aCT-9 AutoCannon Turret -9 R=6 Cr30000 300 kg Pen-5

Tech level is 8 from W3, Turret adds no TL, Pen damage type appears to be produced from thin air. Rules state:
" Hit Type determined by other details of the weapon" No other characteristics identified as sub type. No reason to suppose Pen.
FWIW Weapon is space weapon (Turret. The weapon mounted in a standard turret on a starship or spacecraft.)

BHAGMP-8 Basic Heavy Assault Gun Man Portable -8 R=6 Cr5775 12 kg Bang -1 Blast -3 Pen-2

Again " Hit Type determined by other details of the weapon" Pen damage type appears to be produced from thin air

Mass = 9 x 1.3(Basic) x1.3 (Heavy) = 15.1 not 12.

Weapon is <20Kg so not Portable?

Table bottom p. 107 - rows change in portabilty class:

Portability (blank) 0 0 x1.0 0 < 20 (blank)
C Crewed 0 0 x1.0 +1 Hi Recoil + < 40 P Portable
F Fixed 0 +1 x1.0 +4 20 200 C Crewed (Semi-Portable)
P Portable 0 +1 x1.0 -2 200 500 T Turret
V Vehicle Mount 0 +1 x1.0 0 500 1000 V Vehicle Mount
T Turret 0 0 x1.0 0 1,000 100,000 F Fixed

No idea what should be correct.
I have misplaced my copy of my T5.09 pdf. I went to re download it but that version has now been replaced by the new version 5.10. I was going to check the 5.09 version - part of which I printed off - against some of the current errata. Grateful if someone might know where I can find the old 5.09.

Book 1 p. 192 - mechanic- textual

Sound - Check hearing states:

"Mods. Mods based on circumstances from the Master Mods table (as applicable). Higher Mods are better."

The example proceeds:

"Or, the room is noisy. Noise Mod= -12. He must roll 16- 1-12 = 3 or less on 1D. He rolls 5, and can’t make out any- thing."

unable to identify this mod value in master mods p.264 onwards.
I have misplaced my copy of my T5.09 pdf. I went to re download it but that version has now been replaced by the new version 5.10. I was going to check the 5.09 version - part of which I printed off - against some of the current errata. Grateful if someone might know where I can find the old 5.09.


If you downloaded it from DriveThru, it should still be in your library. Otherwise, the files did have different names so you probably did not erase the original unless you actually deleted it.
If you downloaded it from DriveThru, it should still be in your library. Otherwise, the files did have different names so you probably did not erase the original unless you actually deleted it.

I went and looked after seeing this, and in my case, my old purchase link was updated with no opportunity to get the old version.