Book 1.
P.225 - Combat examples.
Some weird stuff happening here:
Note 3:
"3 The Size=5 synthetics are all crouched to reduce their visual size to 3. At R=3 Size minus Range is zero. No one sees anything."
Vision rules simply state that:
"Size minus Range gives apparent size. A Size-5 Person at Range=5 looks about the same size as a Size-6
Vehicle at Range=6. If Size minus Range
is less than zero, the object to too far away to see (or to be attacked)."
And obviously a size 5 object at range 5 would look like nothing otherwise
Inter alia p.187 example confirms this:
"resolving a Vision Action
at Range=5 and Size=5 uses 5D."
BUT! p.190 - Vision contradicts this:
"Benchmark. Object Size minus Range.
If zero or less, the
Action cannot be attempted".
However, the example on the very same page ignores this and uses the earlier definition:
"Vision Constant = 16. Benchmark =
Size minus Range
= 6-6 = 0. Mod = +2 Vfast."
Note the benchmark =0.
And, p.191, the example again allows benchmark = 0
"An unaided human V-16-RGB has a 40% chance of noticing a person Size = 5 at R=5. Roll 16 or less on 5D (=40%
chance of success).".
[So actually they had a pretty good chance of seeing (if not hitting) the synthetics.]
Note in the examples p. 225, the synthetics are NOT in cover or "concealed" per se, despite the description.(& see p.206):
"The unseen attackers crouch behind a ferrocrete retaining wall covered in vines, about 200 meters distant, R=3."
If they were in cover, they would have a penalty for firing from cover as a mod. per pp.205-206. No (attacker) cover penalty is noted in any of there firing.
I *think* this simply follows the p.186 comment:
"Most people (sophonts) are Size=5. A half-hidden person is Size=4, as is a small sophont. Just a head or a limb is Size=3. "