How I work around the small craft G-limit issue:
Pilot Armor TL-9 25,000CR
Because of the cramped conditions and the lack of full power inertial compensators in craft less than 40 tons without small craft bridges ordinary vaccsuits and combat armor are too cumbersome to wear. Pilots and crews of such craft in the military wear specially designed suits designed not only for protection against spalling and other physical impact damage, but to protect the wearer from injury due to high G maneuvering.
The vacc-tight suit is woven from ballistic cloth with mesh reinforcement in the joints and seals. Overlapping ballistic ceramics further cover the joints and shoulders, with shin, forearms, and thigh protective plates that are inserted in pockets. A clamshell cuirass protects the upper torso (lighter in composition than regular combat armor) and has sockets for plugging in the acceleration reduction systems onboard the craft the wearer is crewed on. The helmet has datalink jacks for connecting to the craft avionics and targeting systems, 100 PWR radio, and contains a combination filter / compressor mask for use when a vacc-tight seal isn’t required.
A manually-variable camo film is standard on the hard surfaces.
The suit provides armor at the level of Combat-1.
Fighters and other combat small craft are assumed to have ejection capsules with rescue beacons for crew life support. Sucks to be a fighter pilot but that's why they get to paint artwork on their ships.
Pilot Armor TL-9 25,000CR
Because of the cramped conditions and the lack of full power inertial compensators in craft less than 40 tons without small craft bridges ordinary vaccsuits and combat armor are too cumbersome to wear. Pilots and crews of such craft in the military wear specially designed suits designed not only for protection against spalling and other physical impact damage, but to protect the wearer from injury due to high G maneuvering.
The vacc-tight suit is woven from ballistic cloth with mesh reinforcement in the joints and seals. Overlapping ballistic ceramics further cover the joints and shoulders, with shin, forearms, and thigh protective plates that are inserted in pockets. A clamshell cuirass protects the upper torso (lighter in composition than regular combat armor) and has sockets for plugging in the acceleration reduction systems onboard the craft the wearer is crewed on. The helmet has datalink jacks for connecting to the craft avionics and targeting systems, 100 PWR radio, and contains a combination filter / compressor mask for use when a vacc-tight seal isn’t required.
A manually-variable camo film is standard on the hard surfaces.
The suit provides armor at the level of Combat-1.
Fighters and other combat small craft are assumed to have ejection capsules with rescue beacons for crew life support. Sucks to be a fighter pilot but that's why they get to paint artwork on their ships.