(BTW, son recently decide that things like "Dilithium Crystals" or the recent Trek movie's "Red Matter" are all "Isotopes of Unobtanium". He makes me so proud.)
BTW: http://www.graphene-info.com/graphene-mass-generation-image is a start on the graphene/mass thing.
I couldn't find any good references to the inertial/gravitational mass difference paper to see if anyone has actually followed up on it. (It's conventional wisdom that they're the same, and all our experiments to date seem to back that up, but it's a fun idea to imagine what we could do if they only APPEARED to be the same....)
A kid after his old man.
Interesting about gravity/acceleration. One theory is that time is only an apparency (note we only measure by observing motion in space, NEVER measure "time" itself) and the time slowdown due to gravity/acceleration is nothing more than the slowing of motion (matter & energy) due to the force on that vector. IF that is true, inertial compensation would negate time dilation when accelerating or being under tremendous gravity (black hole)... :alpha: