Based on some posts in the TNE Errata thread, I looked up some info on a notional frigate size vessels for comparison to Traveller space requirement rules.
Although this notional frigate design is a student design from the Naval Post Graduate School's Total Ship Systems Engineering program, it was done using a standard US Navy tool for ship design, which I believe incorporates many fairly current US Navy practices and recommendations on space requirements etc. The specific design was called the Regional Deterrence Ship and the report developed for it can be found here (http://www.nps.edu/academics/gseas/tsse/subpages/1992Project.html). Overall this ship has a total enclosed internal volume of 666137.8 cu ft which equates to 1347.4 Traveller dtons.
The ship also has total accommodations for 192 persons, which includes 21 Officers, 24 CPOs, and 147 enlisted personnel.
If you just consider the berthing and sanitary spaces for all these personnel the deck area required for an officer works out to a little over 100 sq ft per officer, about 38.8 sq ft per CPO, or about 23 sq ft per enlisted person. Looking at typical Traveller starship maps, a standard "deck square" is about 24 to 25 sq ft depending on rules system, which would suggest about ~50 sq ft per dton. As such, the data for the notional frigate suggests the berthing and sanitary requirements for an officer is about 2dtons (or so), for a CPO maybe about 0.75 dtons or so, and for an enlisted person about 0.5 dton or so.
In addition to this though, there's other stuff to also consider including; General Sanitary Spaces, Ship Rec Facilities, Food Service Spaces, Food Service Spaces, Food Storage & Issue, Med & Dental, Ship Store Spaces, Laundry, Barber, Postal Facilities, Religious Serv Spaces, Personnel Stores, CBR Protection, Life Jackets, etc, plus the Sewage Sys. Including these adds about another 1.18 dtons per person.
In addition to this there are also spaces such as; Damage Control Spaces, Ship Admin spaces, A/C plant, Refrigeration plant, Storerooms & Issue Rms, and Accesses/passageways to be considered. If these were added it would account for another 0.91 dtons per person. Finally, there is also the tankage requirements for items such as Fresh Water and Sewage, which would add another 0.01 dtons/person
Adding this all up would equate to maybe around 4.2 dtons or so for Officers, 2.9 (or so) for CPOs, and maybe about 2.6 dtons per enlisted person.
Based on some posts in the TNE Errata thread, I looked up some info on a notional frigate size vessels for comparison to Traveller space requirement rules.
Although this notional frigate design is a student design from the Naval Post Graduate School's Total Ship Systems Engineering program, it was done using a standard US Navy tool for ship design, which I believe incorporates many fairly current US Navy practices and recommendations on space requirements etc. The specific design was called the Regional Deterrence Ship and the report developed for it can be found here (http://www.nps.edu/academics/gseas/tsse/subpages/1992Project.html). Overall this ship has a total enclosed internal volume of 666137.8 cu ft which equates to 1347.4 Traveller dtons.
The ship also has total accommodations for 192 persons, which includes 21 Officers, 24 CPOs, and 147 enlisted personnel.
If you just consider the berthing and sanitary spaces for all these personnel the deck area required for an officer works out to a little over 100 sq ft per officer, about 38.8 sq ft per CPO, or about 23 sq ft per enlisted person. Looking at typical Traveller starship maps, a standard "deck square" is about 24 to 25 sq ft depending on rules system, which would suggest about ~50 sq ft per dton. As such, the data for the notional frigate suggests the berthing and sanitary requirements for an officer is about 2dtons (or so), for a CPO maybe about 0.75 dtons or so, and for an enlisted person about 0.5 dton or so.
In addition to this though, there's other stuff to also consider including; General Sanitary Spaces, Ship Rec Facilities, Food Service Spaces, Food Service Spaces, Food Storage & Issue, Med & Dental, Ship Store Spaces, Laundry, Barber, Postal Facilities, Religious Serv Spaces, Personnel Stores, CBR Protection, Life Jackets, etc, plus the Sewage Sys. Including these adds about another 1.18 dtons per person.
In addition to this there are also spaces such as; Damage Control Spaces, Ship Admin spaces, A/C plant, Refrigeration plant, Storerooms & Issue Rms, and Accesses/passageways to be considered. If these were added it would account for another 0.91 dtons per person. Finally, there is also the tankage requirements for items such as Fresh Water and Sewage, which would add another 0.01 dtons/person
Adding this all up would equate to maybe around 4.2 dtons or so for Officers, 2.9 (or so) for CPOs, and maybe about 2.6 dtons per enlisted person.