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Abandoned scout

Abandoned scout

  • Run screaming like a little girl and hide in a cave for the rest of your life.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
When I originally posted this poll 18 years ago, I really didn't expect it to still be going. The various answers show some very intelligent well thought out answers to a situation probably best found in a grade B movie. The common thread among all of the answers was a love of the game, whatever version you play, along with the value taken in man's basic need to wee what is over that hill. Look at the one answer no chosen a single time in the 18 years this poll was up "Run screaming like a little girl and hide in a cave for the rest of your life." how many of you would have been on a sailing ship in the age of sail finding out the truth of the far horizons? Thank you all for your responses.
Considering that everything would be unreadable and incomprehensible there would be zero chance of using it to fly. Hide until a better idea occurs.
A better idea just occurred to me. Sell it to Bill Gates for $50 Billion. AFTER transferring citizenship to tax free country.
Is that legal?

Of course. If you do it BEFORE realizing profit. E.g. I'm walking through the forest and see a diamond sticking out of the ground. I kick some dirt over it and keep walking. I have incurred no tax liability. Later, after I have given up my citizenship I offer someone money to disclose the location...
Of course. If you do it BEFORE realizing profit. E.g. I'm walking through the forest and see a diamond sticking out of the ground. I kick some dirt over it and keep walking. I have incurred no tax liability. Later, after I have given up my citizenship I offer someone money to disclose the location...

The different legal systems make a difference. And whether the diamond is natural or jewelry will make a difference. Taking an abandoned item differs from taking a left or mislaid item. Here you can be done for “theft by finding”. Hence the need for a lawyer. Taking a vehicle on a public highway is usually frowned on unless you can prove permission. And finding valuable stuff could be treasure - which is its own rules. So if I was looking to throw the book at you, something could be found. Would the crew be illegal aliens?
The different legal systems make a difference. And whether the diamond is natural or jewelry will make a difference. Taking an abandoned item differs from taking a left or mislaid item.

Nope, NOWHERE in the US doing what I said to do would cause a legal liability for the person disclosing the location.
Instead of Bill Gates, I would trade it to Elon Musk. He is actually working to bring planetary travel into reality. The price would be an island with a mansion in a tax free zone, A pile of money, and a round trip to any planet on the ship he creates from the tech learned from the scout ship. It makes jobs for a lot of people, Gives a better hope to expand off this one planet. Never miss a chance to thumb your nose at the self-important bureaucrats reaching into your pockets.
You can have the mansion, and the tickets. I want my own ship. So Elon, here's the deal
You get the ship, when you figure out how it works and how to build another one, I get a ship.

And a pile of money. I'll handle the living accommodations. But in the end, I get a ship.
A way to use a Suliman scout might be to use it to set up and supply a colony. Take some time to actually learn how to fly it and land it without incident. Determine what it takes for regular maintenance and fuel. Find a nice unoccupied Agricultural garden type world to colonize. Take a lot of video and beauty pics showing that it is a nice place to go. Make a workable plan that does not take government interference. Find a nice island owned by a friendly government. Use the turret mounted weapons to remove the government fools that think they have a right to your ship. Gather the still living officials to negotiate a realistic deal. to do so, put them in the empty air raft bay and seal them in. Put a note on the door that if they try to open a door, the first door to open will be the big one that keeps the oxygen in the bay that they need to breath. Conduct negations on the moon, where they can look out the port and see Apollo 11's LEM base. Be sure to wear a Vacc-suit with helmet on. Take one of the bodies previously deceased with fancy insignia, set it in view of their view port. and let them know that they are next if the negotiations are not to your satisfaction. Be sure to let them know that their families will be taken care of by the company you are growing and a stream of very well to do people will be coming through their jurisdiction buying supplies and needing all the comforts they can supply. Their little country will become the first Star Port to new worlds. If those guys aren’t smart enough to see the benefits to their careers, then do they really need the oxygen you have been providing them free of charge?
You could take 7 passengers per month to the colony with supplies.
Charge for passage to the colony, extra for freight. The cargo cay will take 56 cubic meters allows for tools, food, medical supplies and equipment. No room for heavy equipment unless you leave the air raft behind.
The air raft would be very useful scouting the area around the colony. If the colony has breathable air and vegetation, it would progress much faster.
Round trip tickets for a small news crew or a corporate exec on a fact-finding mission could be 10 times more as a corporation would have the funds and a reason to see what they could.
Many towns in the old west employed Boosters to advertise how great their town was and to get more settlers to move in. A colony would benefit the same way. "Come live with us under the beautiful green skies of our colony on Prosperity, around the sun of Bernard's Star. Raise a family as large as you want, keep what you produce on our tax-free planet. live in a paradise of your own making! Why stop at the federally mandated two kids when you could have twelve here! The Prosperity colony will be forming a government soon, be a part of it. Seats are available to go now!"
Part of buying a ticket to go would of course include waivers covering dangers and agreements to abide by specific civilized colds of honor known as laws. Limited and specific requirements detailing general offenses and punishments. "Sexual congress with someone not joined to you be marriage will result in the offender being staked out by the watering hole of a predator.”
How much would Elon Musk pay to let some of his engineers study the drives and other components of the ship? Sell him “Engineering tickets”. Those tickets would allow corporate representatives to study the drives while in use to and returning from your colony. No disassembly or destructive actions allowed. They do get to watch instrument reading, measure whatever fields they are equipped for, use a seat in the control room, and take video recording inside the ship and through any viewports. If they wish to access the computerized maintenance manuals, the ticket cost goes up.
Separating companies from their funds to get the colony self-sufficient I would think would be under P.T. Barnams rules of business, “Charge what the market will bear, and There’s a fool born every minute.”
Colonies in the frontier west grew quickly with married couples having very large families. A mother could have 10 or 12 kids without anyone thinking her bad, just very blessed and overworked. Think about requiring the use of any type of birth control on the colony banned.
Considerations for potential colonists would be a certification by a phycologist that the potential colonist and spouse are mentally stable to live in a frontier colony. Specific needed professions may allow for a discount on colonist tickets. General practice medical doctors would be hard to get. Farmers would be needed, those with a useful agricultural degree even more. Soil samples and climate data would help choose the types of crops to try. Professional who are experienced finding useful minerals would help. Think of bringing back a cubic meter of Glowing Proxima Fire Diamonds found on the slopes of an active volcano a decent distance from the settlement. They would make natural diamonds cheap in comparison. A good supply of iron, coal, copper or any other useful mineral would help the long-term survival of the colony. A creative chemist might find different food sources similar to earth foods, but because the protein chains are left-handed instead of right, the body would be it as no calorie roughage instead of high calorie snacks. That type of food stuff would be useless on the colony, but would be an export item when bulk carrying capacity becomes available. Countless other useful products are possible with the help of properly educated professionals as discussed in another thread.
Population would grow like a virus. 6 new colonists per month, producing a child 1 per year. Children pair up and start producing their own kids one a year at about 18. Men would take more dangerous work while women die in child birth. Disease factors would be lower and genetic issues would be screened out in the ticketing process. Each colonist couple should average over 6 kids per couple, up to 12. Medical care and equipment would be a priority dropping death rates due to all causes, another sales factor allowing more stringent ticket selection.
An Earth based business based on a tax free island with a decent security force, training compound for ticket holders, Ticket sales/selection office, Medical clinic with a quarantine clinic, office for your legal team, boat docks, warehouses, company personnel office handling company people, Tech control office, and mansion for all island residents and guests, and the Star Port with facilities for fuel refinement and personnel and cargo handling.
Everyone arriving at the island from anywhere would go through the clinic to check for disease and genetic factors. They would check potential ticket holders, company personnel, and returnees from off world. It would be bad for busines to allow a virus through the Star Port in any direction of travel.
A company perk would be for company personnel to get pair of tickets after 10 years of good service to the company, if they pass the qualifications.
Any emergency requiring mass evacuation of the colony for biological are hazardous reasons should be found out with in the first three months. It would make for a very crowded return trip and a better prepared next trip to figure out how to handle the situation.

It would probably be a good idea to park the ship in a deserted canyon, lock it properly then use the air raft to go fetch a lawyer. Take the lawyer some place impressive then talk about hiring him to handle negotiations and anything else that may come up. Let hi know right up front you are creating a new international business of a new type and he will be a senior partner. If the lawyer isn’t drooling yet, it’s time to get someone else. Plan out all steps to take and contingencies for contingencies for anything not going your way. Guard you back carefully, hire the best you can find, plan ahead. Remember, the dark side of the moon is a great place to hide bodies of double-crossers.
Always remember, the stakes you are playing for is the long-term survival of the human race. Anyone getting in the way of that goal may not need any more oxygen as they placed themselves ahead of the entire race. Use that as a mission statement and put it everywhere. “The survival of the human race is our business.” In very fine print is the second line. “Those in our way will be considered as wanting the genocide of the human race and will be treated as such!”
Pretty good plan, but I see a couple drawbacks.

1) Using the turreted weapons to settle legal disputes will come across as uncivilized and ill mannered. I am sure there is a means of demonstrating the ship's weaponry in a safe manner, that will get your point across in a much more friendlier tone. The trick is not to get them to do what you want them to. The trick is to get them to WANT to do what you want them to do.

2) The rest of this is dependent on a knowledge of the workings of a Sulieman class vessel, and an ability to read Vilani. Not something many native Terrans have these days.
2a) But if anyone does, they are on these boards here. :)

3) Of course, it occurs to me that a scout/courier may have a computerized translator, or have the ship's controls labeled pictographically in such a way as to be obvious.

4) Selling tickets to study the ship is a great idea. Even better than mine of a swap for a new ship.
Learn to fly the ship, go into orbit, and start blackmailing satellite owners! :devil:

You could make more money putting new satellites into orbit. Very quickly they would figure out that paying insurance for launch to orbit was not needed...
Launch costs by themselves significantly reduced.

Twenty million is like four million starbux, and you could charge like an hour taxi time, which would cost the operator maybe a couple of thousand.
New York or T-bone? :rofl:

Stake it until it's dead!