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Originally posted by Flynn:
You might consider looking in the Empty Quarter sector for an appropriate world, to better keep with the Stellar Reaches theme. ;)

Here's some help in that area, if you need it:

Looks like Sambra (EQ0620) or Thisuel (EQ3211) have the atmosphere and hydrographics you are looking for...

Hope this helps,
Since I'm publishing MTU in Stellar Reachesas well, I think it will be more fitting to keep with that theme, and provide the Empty Quarter locations as well asan OTU alternative. Oh, and Sambra is a bit too much developed (Starport A, too much population) for the "backwater outpost" theme I was trying to build on (and i can't find Thisuel); such an adventure on a well-populated world would be somewhat more complicated, but I am willing to work on that approach as well.
Also, I'm trying to find away to balance this adventure out; ofcourse, psionics are limited by psi-points (or whatevertheseare called), but agtroup with no PSIs wouldstill have difficulties. Ofcourse, the Aboleth's Larva will have very limited range, maybe only neural-interface range (these larva go through a victim's nose, ear, mouth or eye and attach to the brain, hence a few space zombies to satisfy their fans
); but the Aboleth would probably havesomething like a PSI Strength of 9 or 10 and double the amount of Psi Points tha a Human of the ame PSI Strength.

Also, as the Aboleth is limited in Psi power, I'll have to write Referee guidelines for how to strategically use them for an interesting and challanging mind war.
I'm still looking for input regarding the abilities (both Psionic and mundane) of the Aboleth, and how to allow the PCs a fighting chance against this monstrosity (while keeping it, ofcourse, challanging to overcome).
Aboleth for Classic Traveller
Number appearing 1D

Str 13
End 10
Dex 6
Int 7
Edu na
Soc na
Hits 24 to KO / plus 9 more to kill (66 to destroy totally) D8/D3

Psionic Strength Rating 5
Ability: Specials Send Thoughts
This ability causes a target at up to “medium” range to experience vivid hallucinations for 2D minutes. Player may make a 8+ after half the time rounding up to “snap out of it”. A bonus of =1 or =2 may be granted for Int “A” or better.

Ability: Read surface thoughts (Standard)

Ability: Shield (standard)

Four tentacles
Wounds D4 or treat as 1D per tentacle
Special attack: A blow from an aboleth’s tentacle can cause a terrible affliction. A creature wounded by a tentacle must roll 8+ or begin to transform over the next 1D hours, the skin gradually becoming a clear, slimy membrane. An afflicted creature must remain moistened with cool, fresh water or take 1D wounds of damage every day. The slime is an attack on the genetic level by a microbe. The victim must receive medical attention with a basic medical kit or better (See LBBs) and a medic or the condition will worsen until it covers the entire body. While not immediately fatal it is incapacitating and painful making the player roll 8+ every round to avoid succumbing to the pain.

8+ to heal plus 1D days recovery time. (With bonuses for medical skill)

Special Attack: Mucus Cloud
An aboleth underwater surrounds itself with a viscous cloud of mucus roughly 1 foot thick. Any creature coming into contact with and inhaling this substance must roll 8+ (with bonuses for high End) or lose the ability to breathe air for the next 1D hours. An affected creature suffocates in 2D minutes if not treated. Attention from a medic to clear the airway is a 8+ for success.

Skills (if intelligent)

Armor: As Mesh

Animal char
+1 to all attacks due to Str
+1 to surprise characters

Attack on 6+
Flee 8+
Speed 2x (in water)

Mass 2800-3000kg
Length 6-12 meters

According to the stats the Aboleth is intelligent! So either make then a civilization or strike out the Int score and make them monsters.
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
Aboleth for Classic Traveller
Number appearing 1D
Probably only one at the time unless you enter either a really infested place or a cave where several of those were burried for eons.

Str 13
End 10
Dex 6
Int 7
Edu na
Soc na
Hits 24 to KO / plus 9 more to kill (66 to destroy totally) D8/D3

I think they'll HAVE an EDU score, though the things they'll know about... would be really, really weird from a Human perspective.

Psionic Strength Rating 5
Ability: Specials Send Thoughts
This ability causes a target at up to “medium” range to experience vivid hallucinations for 2D minutes. Player may make a 8+ after half the time rounding up to “snap out of it”. A bonus of +1 or +2 may be granted for Int “A” or better.

A nice ability; a +2 DM for INT A+ would be fine. Also, how many Power Points it would use?

Ability: Read surface thoughts (Standard)

Ability: Shield (standard)

What about some kind of limited domination/"Skum"-creation power? Or would it be left to its larva, who'll creep into people's braincase through the nose and attach themselves to the brain and control its lower functions, ala System Shock 2?

Four tentacles
Wounds 4D or treat as 1D per tentacle
Special attack: A blow from an aboleth’s tentacle can cause a terrible affliction. A creature wounded by a tentacle must roll 8+ or begin to transform over the next 1D hours, the skin gradually becoming a clear, slimy membrane. An afflicted creature must remain moistened with cool, fresh water or take 1D wounds of damage every day. The slime is an attack on the genetic level by a retrovirus. The victim must receive medical attention with a basic medical kit or better (See LBBs) and a medic or the condition will worsen until it covers the entire body. While not immediately fatal it is incapacitating and painful making the player roll 8+ every round to avoid succumbing to the pain.

8+ to heal plus 1D days recovery time. (With bonuses for medical skill)

I like that

Special Attack: Mucus Cloud
An aboleth underwater surrounds itself with a viscous cloud of mucus roughly 1 foot thick. Any creature coming into contact with and inhaling this substance must roll 8+ (with bonuses for high End) or lose the ability to breathe air for the next 1D hours. An affected creature suffocates in 2D minutes if not treated. Attention from a medic to clear the airway is a 8+ for success.

Hmmm... would the mucus enable the victime to "breath water" (by inserting certain micro-organisms into the lungs)?

Skills (if intelligent)

Armor: As Mesh

Animal char
+1 to all attacks due to Str
+1 to surprise characters

Attack on 6+
Flee 8+
Speed 2x (in water)

Mass 2800-3000kg
Length 6-12 meters

According to the stats the Aboleth is intelligent! So either make then a civilization or strike out the Int score and make them monsters.
Yes! It had a civilization - sometime in the distant past. Think the ruined city in H.P. Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness" or the burried catacombs in the Martian Gothic computer/console game.

Thank you for your hard work
Aboleths absorb the memories of their victims, and have the full memories of their parents, so their Edu score could vary from 0 to how high do you want to go.

And an adult Aboleth is going to have much higher Str and End scores.

From the SRD:
Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17.

The aboleth is a revolting fishlike amphibian found primarily in subterranean lakes and rivers. An aboleth has a pink belly. Four pulsating blueblack orifices line the bottom of its body and secrete gray slime that smells like rancid grease. It uses its tail for propulsion in the water and drags itself along with its tentacles on land. An aboleth weighs about 6,500 pounds.
Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17.

Yes on a scale from 1-30

CT goes from 1-15

A Str of 13 is kinda high.

It is dangerous not instantly deadly.
Edit: perhaps Str 13 per tentacle?
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Dungeon crawls aren't all that bad, especially if you build up to it the right way. Searching though the colony, slowly building up the tension...
Shadows the CT module is kind of a dungeon crawl so I don't see a problem with a dungeon crawl in Traveller...like sigg said above it's kinda how you run it.

Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Also, I'm trying to find away to balance this adventure out; ofcourse, psionics are limited by psi-points (or whatevertheseare called), but agtroup with no PSIs wouldstill have difficulties. Ofcourse, the Aboleth's Larva will have very limited range, maybe only neural-interface range (these larva go through a victim's nose, ear, mouth or eye and attach to the brain, hence a few space zombies to satisfy their fans
); but the Aboleth would probably havesomething like a PSI Strength of 9 or 10 and double the amount of Psi Points tha a Human of the ame PSI Strength.

Also, as the Aboleth is limited in Psi power, I'll have to write Referee guidelines for how to strategically use them for an interesting and challanging mind war.
If the PC's have access to firearms or explosives then they might not get within range of the Aboleth. For a true "horror" style format you might make them merchants or some other type that wouldn't have ready access to a lot of high tech firearms and C4

"That thing is down there! And we've only this auto pistol!"

So how large would the colony be? I was thinking of doing the space allocations loosely based on LBB2, i.e. 8m^2 of residental space per resident, An LBB2 ship powerplant as the local generator, and other components (farm and medlab, for example) based on the assumptions of my LBB2 Expanded (linked from my sig). These will be the "rules of a thumb" for how big the buildings will be.

There will be several interconnected pressurized buildings, and an outside landing pad (with underground fuel tanks), for the very least.
Massive underground or aboveground multileveled “tanks” ¾ filled with water. Large vault like chambers interconnected by water filled corridors. Really alien spaces to be sure.

Figure at an average of 9 meters that the average “stateroom” allocation would have to be about 20 dtons or more. They are big so hallways and other spaces would be proportionately larger as well. As a ballpark estimate say at least 4-6 times larger than humans for displacement purposes.
I was talking about the New Arkham (human) colony, but I like your description of the Aboleth caverns/colony.
Is it me or does an Aboleth sound like the monster from that cheesy late-80s monster flick "Leviathan"?
Never saw that movie or even heardof it; I was thinking of something more Cthulhu-esqe ala the Shoggoths in H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountainsof Madness.
I was talking about the New Arkham (human) colony, but I like your description of the Aboleth caverns/colony.
Oops! My bad.

How about a central settlement of 2,000 townspeople with 20,000 farmer/miners (about 500 square miles of sparsely settled land)

That gives you a manageable “city” you can map out in a night’s work and gives you enough farmers and other NPCs to get a real riot going.
Well then it looks like there would really be something strange going on.
Perhaps a breeding program?

OK, looks like just a village with . . .

An admin bldg.
Medical clinic
Recreation center
Dry goods store
Green grocer (off world foods)
Hardware and tractor store
Starport complex (a cinderblock building with a radar and nav beacon.
Security bldg.
Power station
Storage bldg.
Ok, more data on the New Arkham system, made using LBB6. Note that the captain of the exploration ship that first surveyed the system was quite a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft's writings; despite initial bureaucratic resistance, his Cthulhu-Mythos-related names stuck.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">ORBIT NAME UPP REMARKS
Primary Yog-Shothoth K0 V Solitary
0 Cthulhu Y200164-8 Survey Base, Pop. 17
7 Dagon Y500000-0
60 Hydra Y100000-0
1 Planetoid Belt Y000000-0
2* New Arkham D323264-9 Mainworld, Pop. 438
3 New Kingsport YS00000-0</pre>[/QUOTE]