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About those missing pages on the MT CD...

Is there anyone out there with a copy of the MT Player's Manual willing to scan the missing pages of it for those of us who only have the CD? There are four pages missing from the CD. They've been noted on the Fixing the MT CD thread for nearly a year, and the omission was noted before then, too.

The missing pages are 27, 28, 63, and 64. (Page 4 is also missing, but it may be blank...) Page 63 is quite important.

Similar scans of pages from Classic Traveller which were omitted from the CT CD are already posted in CotI's File Library section.

The Fair Use policy here on the site, and the more recently updated pdf version over at FFE both explicitly allow posting of such scans "about a page at a time." Marc Miller apparently doesn't have the time to scan these (not that it would take long). But I doubt he will mind if we make the CD he's selling more valuable by posting the missing bits so that people (like me) who only have the CD can actually play the game. It would be great if such scans were then posted/linked on the errata section of farfuture.net!

So, can some generous MT fan, interested in expanding the game's playership, please take a few minutes to scan the missing pages of the Player's Manual for us poor souls who just want to be able to play the game?

Perhaps bringing it to Marc's attention so that it can be added as errata at the FFE site, as was done with other missing pages, would be a more appropriate approach?
I did. A year ago. That's why I said he apparently doesn't have time. It strikes me this is exactly the sort of thing this community is here for.
No, Marc forgets things, largely because so many people are tossing stuff in front of him.

Trust me. I have his attention, and I have to fight to clear the clutter at times myself.

OK, I'm on this; let me see what I can get done.
I just checked the DTRPG version; it DOES have the "missing" pages. (but it also has watermarks, so I'm not hacking those pages out, even tho I could, since it would void my DTRPG EULA...)
No, Marc forgets things, largely because so many people are tossing stuff in front of him.

Trust me. I have his attention, and I have to fight to clear the clutter at times myself.

OK, I'm on this; let me see what I can get done.

Thanks, Don. It will be nice to have this available at last. Posting better scans of individual pages on the ffe website would be a great way to patch these problems, as was done with CT.

Still, it could get done faster via community involvement. If I had the books, I'd gladly do the scans, prep them for the site, and submit them to Marc for posting on the web for the improvement of the CDs' usability, but I don't have them.

I checked through the CT books to see if I could help out by scanning missing content, but all the missing pages of books I own had already been posted here, which was the right idea, because it's faster. I believe it was only much later that they were all linked from the ffe site, though that is obviously ideal.

aramis: Interesting that DTRPG version is different. I thought they were the same files. I wonder if they have a usable version of the Imperium game map....
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I have the books (1st printing I think)
I have a scanner
I have Adobe Acrobat Standard
I have the 5 min per page to get the job done

I need permission. And if you're the one saying yes, you better be able to 'prove' you can give permission.

DonM is Marc's "agent" to this board; when he says Marc has spoken, Marc has spoken.
I wasn't going to post them here anyway... I'm trying to see if I can get them posted on the FFE website, where they belong. I'll announce here as soon as they are up.

Page 4 is a blank page; the others are important...
Thanks for the offer, Swiftbrook. As long as Don's on the job, I'll wait on that; I'd be happiest to see this get done right and posted on the ffe site, though volunteer help from the community sure makes sense as a way to get it done fast.

Since we're on the subject... DonM, as far as correcting the rest of the MT CD problems is concerned (and the CT CDs, for that matter), do you think you & Marc would be open to getting community assistance getting better scans of the stuff that people here have? I'm guessing that you could get plenty, and speed things up without requiring so much work on Marc's part.

I realize the other MT CD stuff is a much lower priority, not being part of the basic MT ruleset, and the whole project will probably wait until after T5 is out the door, but community help could make it a less daunting project, despite some likely cat-herding problems.
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I realize the other MT CD stuff is a much lower priority, not being part of the basic MT ruleset, and the whole project will probably wait until after T5 is out the door [...]

Oh heavens no, surely it doesn't have to wait that long.
Actually, I know such a project is already in the works, and I've already verified some of the scans. In fact, the four pages I'm using come from the new scans.

I do not have any idea of a timeframe for such being available for MT.

Note that I have a CD of CT fixes in my hands at this moment for review. So, I suspect that is probably coming sooner than the MT revision.

And, before you ask, there's a beautiful version of the Imperium 1990 map on this disk of fixes.

I now need to go through the fixes, compare them to my known issues list, and make sure things are really fixed.
Note that I have a CD of CT fixes in my hands at this moment for review. So, I suspect that is probably coming sooner than the MT revision.

And, before you ask, there's a beautiful version of the Imperium 1990 map on this disk of fixes.

Yay! Cool. Looking forward to that. Though I won't be able to buy it very soon. Will owners of the old, uncorrected CD be able to get the corrected one cheap? (This is becoming a whole separate thread. Don't let me distract you from the missing pages!)
Will owners of the old, uncorrected CD be able to get the corrected one cheap? (This is becoming a whole separate thread. Don't let me distract you from the missing pages!)

Marc was looking at how to do take care of the original buyers. I don't have an answer yet...
Marc was looking at how to do take care of the original buyers. I don't have an answer yet...

K. I'll keep paying attention.

BTW, Don - Downloaded both missing pages pdfs. The MT pages are great. The CT pages I mostly had from posts in the CotI file library, or already had in the original books.

One question though. (Since the main point of this thread is concluded anyway, I'll continue the hijack of it.) I'm wondering about the FFW countersheets included there. Were some of the CDs sent out without those? My copy included them, and included the front and back (only the front is on the downloadable pdf). Also, the countersheets on the downloadable pdf are just as poor quality (almost unreadable details) as the ones on the CD. They're scanned at too low a resolution for tiny type in black-on-color, and then jpeg compressed way more than they should be. If you're currently working on editing a corrected CT CD, an improved version of these countersheets would be a great addition. As a download, hi-res scans would get unwieldy, unless the countersheets were their own separate files, but they'd be very welcome!

Thanks again for all your work.
I'm wondering about the FFW countersheets included there. Were some of the CDs sent out without those? My copy included them, and included the front and back (only the front is on the downloadable pdf).

Perhaps. I built the PDF based on complaints.

Also, the countersheets on the downloadable pdf are just as poor quality (almost unreadable details) as the ones on the CD. They're scanned at too low a resolution for tiny type in black-on-color, and then jpeg compressed way more than they should be. If you're currently working on editing a corrected CT CD, an improved version of these countersheets would be a great addition. As a download, hi-res scans would get unwieldy, unless the countersheets were their own separate files, but they'd be very welcome!

I've seen separate countersheets, but the files were way to big to include in a PDF for download. I was just trying to fill the gap while we wait for Marc to prepare a new CD.