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2300 CD ROM CORRECTIONS - Please assist

It doesn't look like that is on the CD, LordVan, so I guess GDW didn't publish it. Every challenge article relating to 2300AD is on the CD, as is Star Cruiser and the associated page of counters. But a (very) quick look through the Challenge articles didn't turn up anything like the article you mentioned. Perhaps someone else will recall that article and who published it.
Just got the CD. These issues do not seem to be covered yet...
Missing Pages
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge40.pdf, 18+, Page(s) after 54, (Anatomy of a Space Mine) Missing
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge60.pdf, 6+, Page(s) after 41, (X-Wing Down) Missing
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge32.pdf, 9-??, Page(s) after 38 but before 44, (Cayuga Class Close Escort) Missing pages on special locations TAC and all after.
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The Director's guide has been covered in the links above. I think the issue is that FFE hasn't had a chance to rescan it yet.
Dissapointed in the CD

I was dissapointed with the CD. I bought the first edition and there was a rush of emails regarding the problems and missing pages/faint scans but then nothing came of it. I don't get on here often, so I may have missed the fix for those who needed it. The CD was great in the areas that it did cover but there were to many missing pages or cropped sections for my liking.
Thread necromancy (request for update)

I'm about twenty years late to the 2300AD party, but was looking to get the CD from FFE (I've got the CT CD-ROM, which is great). Any idea if the problems mentioned have been addressed. That is, has anyone gotten a copy lately and, if so, how is it looking now?
I would like to ask the same question as Sandcaster. Has anybody bought a copy of the 2300AD CD-ROM lately, and have all those missing bits been included? And if not, is there anywhere else I can get those pages?
Looks like there hasn't bee a lot of activity on this in a while, however, I just ordered the CD-ROM for Traveller 2300/ 2300AD, so I'll let you know when it arrives.
2300AD Players Guide
P21 sidebar clipped
P49 & P50 illustration clipped

2300AD Directors Guide
P66 Repeated twice
P67 to 70 missing
P74-77 missing
P81-83 missing
P88-90 missing
2300AD Director's Guide is a bit faint

Rotten to the Core
P4 sidebar clipped
P25 page edge clipped
P26 sidebar clipped

Nyotekundu Sourcebook
P17, 29, 30, 55, 56, 67, 68, 73, 74, 85 & 86 are all clipped.

Challenge 42
P23 missing
P36 missing
P38 out of place

Missing Pages
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge40.pdf, 18+, Page(s) after 54, (Anatomy of a Space Mine) Missing
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge60.pdf, 6+, Page 40 and pages(s) after 41, (X-Wing Down) Missing
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge32.pdf, 9-??, Page 43, (Cayuga Class Close Escort) Missing page on special locations TAC and all after.

All these are current issues with the CD I just received.
I'll send a copy of this to FFE. Perhaps they still have a number of the uncorrected cd's, one of which I received.
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I just received a "partially corrected CD" from Mark Miller,

2300AD Players Guide
P21 sidebar clipped Fixed
P49 & P50 illustration clipped Fixed

2300AD Directors Guide
P66 Repeated twice Fixed
P67 to 70 missing Fixed
P74-77 missing Fixed
P81-83 missing Fixed
P88-90 missing Fixed
2300AD Director's Guide is a bit faint New pages are Fixed, but old ones are the same

I have not yet checked the rest.
I haven't checked the rest of the errors listed (but I will - and will post). I should point out, the version I have is "partially corrected" and the "corrected" CD should be available "by the end of the year" (quotes by MM)
Marc has asked me to put together a complete list of issues users have found with the 2300AD CD...

Is wyrmwood's list above the best, most complete list?
My apologies; I'm not a 2300AD fan, just a loyal minion of Marc's...
So I know of no other 2300AD forums.

Perhaps if you would e-mail me at don.mckinney@gmail.com with relevant information, so we do not break any board rules, with further details?

One more question:

The comments above for the Players' Guide, is that the 2nd Ed. Adventurers' Guide?

And the comments above for the Director's Guide, is that 2nd Ed?
The only outstanding issues with the partially corrected CD:

2300AD Director's Guide is a bit faint

Missing Pages
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge40.pdf, (pdf numbering, 18+), Page(s) after 54, (Anatomy of a Space Mine) Missing
2300CDROM:\2300AD\Challenge60.pdf, 6+, Page 40 and pages(s) after 41, (X-Wing Down) Missing
Here's the list I've given Marc for the original 2300AD CD-ROM release:

2300AD Players Guide (2300AD-11b.pdf): pp. 21, 49-50 clipped. 
2300AD Directors Guide (2300AD-11c.pdf): pp. 67-70, 74-77, 81-83, 88-90 missing; p. 66 repeats; could use darker rescan.
Nyotekundu Sourcebook (2300AD-15.pdf): pp. 17, 29, 30, 55-56, 67-68, 73-74, 85-86 clipped.
Kafer Dawn (2300AD-28.pdf): p. 26 missing.
Now is the Time (2300AD-32.pdf): p. 7 missing.
Rotten to the Core (2300AD-37.pdf): p. 4, 25-26 clipped. 
Challenge32.pdf: pp. 39-52 missing. 
Challenge40.pdf: pp. 55 missing; page numbers mixed up.
Challenge42.pdf: pp. 23, 36 missing; p. 38 out of place.
Challenge43.pdf: pp. 66-71 missing.
Challenge60.pdf: pp. 43-44 missing (pp 40 and 42 are ads). 
Challenge65.pdf: p. 48 missing.

What about OCR? Are there any issues with the OCR?