I know that making 1-G of acceleration equal to 10 m/s^2 makes the math alot easier, and the 0.2% difference is irrelevant for all practical purposes and usages of starship accelerations. That's the metagame perspective of starship acceleration.
My question is about the in-game perspective of starship acceleration. If a character were to read a technical manual, would the technical specs standardize on 10 m/s^2 as 1-G of acceleration, or would they defer to a standard earth gravity value of 9.80665? Would different races or interstellar governments use different values? Perhaps 10 is the Imperial standard, but the Zzorks of planet Zzorkenstein1 use a value of 14 because their world has a higher gravity. Or perhaps the Zzork value of 14 is equal to the Imperial value of 10 due to unit of measure conversions.
1 Do not ask me for stats for the Zzorks or the location of planet Zzorkenstein. I made them up for the sake of this example.
Baron Ovka
My question is about the in-game perspective of starship acceleration. If a character were to read a technical manual, would the technical specs standardize on 10 m/s^2 as 1-G of acceleration, or would they defer to a standard earth gravity value of 9.80665? Would different races or interstellar governments use different values? Perhaps 10 is the Imperial standard, but the Zzorks of planet Zzorkenstein1 use a value of 14 because their world has a higher gravity. Or perhaps the Zzork value of 14 is equal to the Imperial value of 10 due to unit of measure conversions.
1 Do not ask me for stats for the Zzorks or the location of planet Zzorkenstein. I made them up for the sake of this example.

Baron Ovka