Something design systems should avoid is giving bonuses for sloped armor and some cost in mass. A sloped plate covering an area weighs exactly the same as a vertical plate covering that area with the same line-of-sight thickness. Also, the additional "ricochet" benefit of sloped armor isn't really a thing nowadays.
Modern penetrators are actually designed to turn into the armor, so highly sloped armor can be a bit less protective. And advanced energy weapons don't richochet.
One reason armor is sloped nowadays is that thinner plates are *much* cheaper and easier to to manufacture and can be made with fewer defects. Rolling mills have a maximum thickness of plate that they can make.
Actually, sloping slightly reduces overall armor mass for the same thickness of slab, as a rectangular solid maximizes the surface area... and multiple slopes interact to shave surface area as well as volume... but that's a minor bit. The other benefits are the main reason to do so.
On the other hand, sloped armor is no benefit vs many air attacks, as they come in closer to perpendicular to the face...