Good question. I think meson blasts are much smaller than nukes, so they'd cause much less interference.
Therein lies an interesting perception :devil:
Page 48 of HIGH GUARD lists the three separate tables used for rolling damage against the target ship. It also lists the five basic modifiers to any damage roll used in the game. Those five modifiers are:
1) Armor acts as a positive modifier to the damage roll. Looking at the damage table, high damage rolls do less overall damage to the target, so the Armor Modifier is actually a penalty.
2) ALL factor 9 attacks are modified by a +6 to damage rolls
3) All nuclear attacks are modified by a -6 to their damage roll for surface damage effects ONLY. In other words, you do not modify the damage roll of a nuclear missile when rolling on the radiation damage table.
4) only applies to pulse lasers, for which meson weapons and nuclear missiles are not subject to.
5) Only applies for when damage is rolled on the interior damage table AND the roll on the interior damage table is the result of having rolled a modified 3 through 5 on the surface damage table. Again, not applicable for the damage roll on the radiation table.
As an interesting aside? The most damage that can be done to a crew aboard a target ship is CREW-1, regardless of whether the attack was from a nuclear missile, a meson bay weapon, or a spinal mount. Where Spinal mounts excel against a target ship over meson bay weapons and/or nuclear missile weapons is that the spinal mounts can more massive damage to computers that are not fiber optics computers.
In all? HIGH GUARD seems to imply that Meson "misses" are as radioactive as ordinary nuclear weapons. The only real difference is - HIGH GUARD never implemented what happens when you have a near miss such that it only does radiation damage - not internal damage