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All in the family

I too agree with FK on his job description, but as a passenger, that's another issue. I guess what I'm saying is that the size of a stateroom as given in the rules should be seen as a "minimum" standard, (as is with all building codes) especially for high paying customers... Middle passages, Working passages, crew quarters etc... all could and probably should be in the 2 to 4 ton range. High passengers however should be a bit higher. I know there are specialty rooms like gyms, theaters, etc... covered in the rule books, but I still think over all "common space" should be looked at when your bank notes depend on happy customers. If you run a military/merc/"mostly cargo" ship, no worries, but if you make your money on happy passengers, better think about tweaking the numbers in favor for more "leg stretching space". Lots of staterooms sharing one common corridor may demand a "two square" wide hall for instance... complete with carpet, paintings, nice lighting effects with holographic ceilings depicting skies set on a "day and night" schedule of the target world for instance... helps passengers with the acclimation process...
Anyway, as usual lots of ideas with little or no time to pursue them right now.
Back to work... :-(
But would you spend $10,000 a week to do it?
if you double stateroom size you'll have to double the ticket price. would you spend $20,000 a week to live in a 10' by 20' steel box instead of a 10' by 10' steel box?