Originally posted by Marvo:
The WEG d6 Star Wars is a good game except for the d6 Fate Die. No matter how good you are you can still screw up 1 in 6. To me that makes little sense.
That depends on your game master. The D6 Star Wars only gives
suggestions on how to handle a "1" on the Fate Die.
What we did was simple: "1" on the Fate Die meant that you loose the "1" and the highest die in your roll. Basically, you lost 2-7 points on your total--just a low roll. That's all.
A "6" on the Fate Die meant "roll another Die and add to increase your total".
So, for us, the Fate Die wasn't that big a deal. And, both of those uses of the Fate Die were straight from the rules, as suggested uses.
I used a slightly harder system for "fumbles" so to speak.
When a "1" would come up, I (the GM) would roll 1D.
1-3 = Add up normally.
4-5 = Loose the "1" and the highest from your total.
6 = A complication. A fumble.
Given that, it was rare that a real fumbled occurred.