More interior space for cargo and passengers seem to me to indicate that the drop tank is the only fuel tank.
I think you have to take it all in context as a whole, specifically:
CT Book 5, High Guard, Page 27:
"Disposable fuel tanks may be added to the ship to
increase its range.
...the result is more interior space available for cargo and passengers."
Implies to me that one must have the some range capability on board. If you look at the only(?) canon example that fits:
The Gazelle can make J2 with it's internal tanks of 60tons. The Drop Tanks increase its range and result in more interior space available, in this case for drives and weapons (more on that in a tic*). The Drop Tanks provide for +100tons (J4 retained) or +90tons (J5 dropped) with the internal tankage making up 40% of the required fuel for jump. I've generally used this as the requirement for adding Drop Tanks in MTU. And IIRC T20 did something similar, though I think they used 20% (or J1 worth?). That seemed quite reasonable to me too. The point being the Drop Tanks don't connect directly to the Jump Drive fuel feed, but through the ship's fuel tanks. Using the ship's fuel pumps.
* The only way I figure Drop Tanks may work is if the hull is actually calculated to account for them from the start, both for cost of the hull to accommodate them and the bridge to permit handling. This covers allowing them through Jumpspace (when retained) and maneuvering with them at speed and suited to the config of the ship. My early attempt at reconciling them, prior to and similar to the FF&S rules. What this means among other things is, the Gazelle is not broken with 4 hardpoints. It
is a 400ton hull with 100tons of Drop Tanks that can be ditched. You get to keep the hardpoints. What this means is military (generally) ships can (appear to) exceed the 1 hardpoint per 100ton rule. But, see the EDIT followup below...
As to interfering with jump due to the 100d limit: Not referenced here, canon or speculation?
Canon, I'm pretty sure, but can't recall where atm. MT maybe? Somewhere there is a misjump roll DM for using Drop Tanks. That implies that you can't clear the 100D of the tanks before the jump, meaning it has to happen pdq after sucking down the fuel. Pretty sure I didn't just make it up
Another effect I don't recall noted yet (contradicted/changed by FF&S) is that Drop Tanks are not armoured, and can't be, and are extremely vulnerable to damage in combat per HG. Not that anyone would enter combat with them attached
(...hmm, I had other thoughts whizzing around but I type too slowly, they'll come to me again I expect.)
EDIT: I recall one of those thoughts now. TCS threw a wrench into my reasoning above for the way hulls and drop tanks should be handled by stating clearly that drop tank tonnage does not count towards hardpoints. Stupid TCS