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Another Autodoc Idea


SOC-14 1K
Starship autodoc, LBB 8 and 2 design
Designed by Kurega Gikur, produced by General products.
Top end Autodoc 60400-04-PP222-8EC5(F) Cr1,830,910
Doc unit: 434 kg 150 liters (.15 cubic meters)
Total displacement ½ dton

Fuel=6 Duration= 1 TL=15
30/75 (none)
4 v. light arms with 20 touch sensors ( +sen )

2 visual sensors ( +tele +LI +PIR +AIR ), 2 audio sensors ( +sen ), 2 olfactory sensors ( +sen )
1 voder,
2 magnetic sensors (MRI), 2 radiation sensors, 2 mass sensors, 2 neutrino sensors, 1 gravitic imager
1 scanning electron microscope, 1 genetic sequencer

4 spotlights, 1 speaker, 1 power interface, 1 brain interface, 1 program interface
1 radio (5km)
1 holo recorder (3D), 1 holo display (3D)
1 mechanical package, 1 electronic package
1 medical package
1 Respirator/compressor that charges one six liter oxygen tank and one, six liter mixed atmosphere tank.
Expanded Pharmacy
electronic circuit protection

Science-2, Medical-4

Once the patient is placed on the bed the robotic arms immediately place the sensors and auto injector in the correct places. The unit will always ask permission for treatments before performing them but will act if no answer is given.

The unit is designed to work off starship power but can function on an internal fuel cell for 24 hours. In the most extreme emergencies an alarm will sound, a lid will close and the unit will become a medical low berth and a dialog box on the main display will read , “ Situation critical seek expert medical assistance!

Frankly I am not sure who would buy this thing. For MCr1.8 you could hire a medic for several years. The cost includes the low berth, stationary medical robot and drugs. :confused:
And, how many folks would freak out (depending on robot acceptance in YTU) finding they had been/were about to be treated by something that looked like a robot? Hmmmmm. You might need another two arms for restraints........
Depends on whether the flesh and blood doctor has booze on his breath.
Good point, classic ship’s surgeon from the old days.

I suppose that the military might need them. Most of the time hospital ships would be totally empty so you don’t want to staff them with any more Doctors than you need to. Medic 1 and 2 can be trained in a singe term.

Patch’em up and send them back to the line or home. I figure combat medicine must be something of a volume business so that might make them more cost efficient. Especially if you can count on an operational life span of 50+ years.
Originally posted by Fritz88:
And, how many folks would freak out (depending on robot acceptance in YTU) finding they had been/were about to be treated by something that looked like a robot? Hmmmmm. You might need another two arms for restraints........
No, just one dexterous arm with a hypo of sedative.