SOC-14 1K
There's also the point that all the clever looking new ammo innovations that inspired MWM and co when initially writing bk4 and the rest have come to nothing in the larger scheme of things. There's no point in sticking in ammo types that never lived up to their supposed potential in the 80's in a game written for the 21C.
I have two problems with this (three, if you include the observation that this seems clearly to be a post-hoc rationalization intended to excuse sloppiness).
First, this is a significant departure from established Traveller canon. *If* the designer actually believed that the ACR needed to be far less effective than in previous versions of Traveller, then I think he should have explained this in the rules. Personally, I think that this is a careless mistake, rather than any intentional design decision. I recall during playtesting that the designer seemed unaware that assault rifles actually use less powerful cartridges than rifles. So "careless mistake" seems far more plausible to me than "intentional deviation from established canon".
Second, you seem to be suggesting that there will be no significant evolution in chemically propelled slug throwers over the next few thousand years. This seems to be unsupported by the recent history of weapons technology.
In larger calibers, both HEAP and kinetic energy penetrators have seen tremendous improvements in performance over the last 30 years. And while small arms have improved less, the reason is economics, rather than technology. Replacing a combat rifle is an extremely expensive proposition. The weapons themselves cost a lot of money. Ammunition stockpiles that have accumulated over decades must be replaced by new ammunition. Allies must agree to the new ammunition, or logistical requirements are complicated dramatically. There are no inherent technological reasons that require small arms performance to remain stagnant at 1950s levels.
In any case, these rationales seem like little more than an attempt to excuse sloppiness on the part of the MGT design team. I personally expect that they will correct the error in Mercenary, so I wouldn't be too eager to defend the current ratings, if I were you.
EDIT: Of course, giving the ACR a significantly greater armor penetrating capability will expose the primary weakness of equating penetration and damage -- the high penetration weapon will be unreasonably lethal against lightly armored targets. So some rules work will need to be done. At the very minimum, I think that MGT should include an "armor piercing" damage class. Such rounds would halve the target's armor protection. The ACR could be classified as an AP weapon and its damage could remain the same as the assault rifle. Yet the ACR would be much more capable against armored targets. This mechanic would probably work well enough for most small arms (I've used it in some of my homegrown RPG combat systems), though it will break down with larger weapons.
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