Most real life actives are most limited by atmospheric noise and surface curvature.
and yes, the 4th order drop off is a problem. But for ranges in system, not a big issue.
We were/are able to receive a 25W signal at ranges in double digit light-hours (Voyager II). IIRC, it used multiple 3-5m dishes.
Most military radars emit huge (kW) powerful pulses; partly to rise above the terrestrial RF noise clearly, partly due to albedo issues, partly due to size issues for the receiver... as most military radars are actually quite small antennae dishes... so signal strength is important.
Someone did the "Definitive Sensor Rules" for T4... quite realistic...
And NASA has never really discussed use of active sensors for broad-field work. At ranges past in-system, they have little use; however, they are quite viable for in-system search. NASA does, however, have a history of Atmospheric penetrating radars for planetary mapping. Venus was mapped this way. Discussion of mapping titan this way was held, I don't recall if it made the launch or not. Several cometary and asteroid mapping mission plans (Which may have been scrapped) included radar and ground penetrating radar imaging....
As for visual imaging, accuracy is down to small factions (IIRC Hundredths) of arc-seconds. Radio-astronomy is, IIRC, about the same...
It is said that Arecibo could "pick up a cell phone on jupiter"; or somewhere around 2-5W at source over 4-6 AU. Since Voyager II could transmit at a peak 26 watts, that's a very reasonable assumption; voyager could be picked up past the orbit of neptune with Arecibo (and, IIRC, the VLA, and several of the 34m dishes...) Now, the 70m dishes are required.
So, 26 watts, from a 3.66m dish, being picked up over 12Light-HOURS, by a 70m dish.
radio accuracy of the DSN antennae: (NASA Press Release)
An analogy of successfully getting a DSN transmitter signal into Voyager-2's limited receiver window, would be like throwing a baseball across thousands of miles of ocean, and being able to get that baseball to pass through a very small port-hole window of a moving cruise ship.
The spacecrafft speed si about 30LM/year.
So, a 5m dish (1/14th the size, so 1/196 the reception power), at 1kW, (40x the power, or 6x the signal range) should get half a light hour or so (roughly 23lm) of viable return... so that's 12lm, or so of viable round trip, assuming perfect albedo; let's chop the signal again, for that, and we still get a decent wide-field radar at roughly 6LS, or just under an AU. In a single shuttle mission, one could, in theory, put up a 10m dish...
Perhaps it's time to write to Virgin Galactic, and see if they want to put NASA to shame on the "Asteroid Threat" scene, too... Oh, wait, how are we going to power a 1kW radar system...
Voyager II transmitter data:
May 04 commo with both voyagers