Remember, that these sensor rules are being developed for the MayDay/Starter Traveller-style Range Band version (not the original measured-vector movement version) of Book 2 starship combat.
1 Range Band = 10,000 km.
(I use the term "band" and "hex" interchangeably. When I say either "band" or "hex", I'm speaking of a unit that measures 10,000 km.)
Here are the broadstrokes...
(Remember, I'm just thinking out loud here...these aren't finished rules by no definition...they're here so that we can brainstorm and message them together).
There four basic flavors of sensor packages for starships:
Class I, with range of 15 bands.
Class II, with range of 30 bands.
Class III, with range of 45 bands.
Class IV, with range of 60 bands.
--> Players will simply pick a sensor package for their ship. Once these rules are finished, we could come up with some prices for the various packages. Commerical and private vessels will tend to have Class I sensors, while miltary vessels (and some scout ships) will tend to have Class IV sensor suites.
When considering sensors for a vessel, a player will need to know four things about his ship:
--1-- Sensor Suite (above)
--2-- Sensor Quality (below)
--3-- PowerPlant Letter Code (considered in hexidecimal notation)
--4-- Computer Model number
Sensor Quality is just a task assigned to using the ship's sensors.
Easy Sensors will have a base 4+ throw.
Routine Sensors will have a base 6+ throw.
Standard Sensors will have a base 8+ throw.
Difficult Sensors will have a base 10+ throw.
Challenging Sensors will have a base 12+ throw.
Formidable Sensors will have a base 14+ throw.
Insane Sensors will have a base 16+ throw.
Impossible Sensors will have a base 18+ throw.
Thus, a ship could have a Standard Class I Passive Sensor Package (which denotes that the ship's passive sensors have a max range of 150,000 km, rolled with a base 8+ throw).
When listing the ship's sensors on the ship's data sheet, we'll follow this format:
Standard Class I Passive Sensors
0: 4+ / 1: 6+ / 2-10: 8+ / 11-15: 10+
What we're reading here is that we've got Standard (base 8+) Class I (max range 15 bands) Passive sensors.
In the same hex, the throw to use these sensors is 4+. In the hex surrounding the ship, the throw is 6+. From 2-10 hexes out from the ship, the throw is 8+. And, at 11-15 bands, a 10+ throw is required to detect objects with these passive sensors.
-----DMs to the SENSOR THROW-----
I will add situational modifiers to these rules once they are completed. Right now, though, working with DMs will just bog the ideas down.
The only DM of concern at this point is the ship's Computer Model number. This will be used as a positive DM on any sensor throw.
So, with the passive sensors I listed above, if that ship had a Computer 1bis, then the sensor operator could use a +1DM on any of those throws listed.