SOC-14 1K
Our administrator and friend, Wil Hostman aka Aramis, is having an extremely tough time right now with his wife in the hospital. Details are at the end of the current Chatter thread for his Space:1889 game; since he posted about it there, I don't think he will mind my copying it here.
He and his wife could really use your prayers right now, or good vibes or good thoughts if you are not the praying kind.
My wife is in hospital. Blood clot in her leg. Very serious.
Me, I'm bordering on basket case. I'm holding together right now, but I am stressed to tension wire.
And I just remembered: Always clear the inhaler FIRST.
I'm having massive asthma issues due to wildfires.
Prayers are appreciated.
Ben died because he had a blood clot that caused an aneurism in the brainstem (or so I've been told by his mom). This is dangerously similar. I'm about to retreat into some TV, and then call it a night.
He and his wife could really use your prayers right now, or good vibes or good thoughts if you are not the praying kind.
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