An example might be Age of Sail ship crews, where you have a clear separation between the specialists, and the commissioned officers.
With the introduction of steam engines and more sophisticated ship systems, and the need for retention, you had to have a career path mapped out.
On sailing ships this was also true where you had specialists like a Sailing Master (advised the Captain on what sail to set in what conditions), Navigator, and other skilled Masters who were not officers but given some privileges of officers.
The USAF has always maintained that to fly an aircraft you had to be a commissioned officer. They have always struggled to keep flight officers for transport and utility aircraft. Most officer joining the USAF want to be fighter pilots.
Now with drones, they are having even more issues. Few pilots were willing to give up flying real aircraft and fly drones. They have grudgingly start allowing enlist personnel to fly some classes of drones. There is at least some consideration to bring back WO to be drone pilots.
Ship captains/commanding officers, used to have an awful amount of responsibility and power, especially those in charge of warships, before the age of telecommunications, since they had the capability to commit their nations to war.
I vaguely recall prize ships were sent back under the auspices of available midshipmen.