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Aspects of the Rebellion Era that snap people's disbelief suspenders

Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
How do we express such trans-subsector associations on a UWP line?
I don't see any reason to do so. If you insisted, I suppose you could use the trade code section; it has been drafted to serve other purposes than trade codes before, but for that very reason there may not be room for more.</font>[/QUOTE]Why not do it this way:

New comment codes
Cc = county court (or county capitol if you prefer)
Cd = duchy court (or duchy capitol)
C:nnnn = system's noble owes fealty to court at hex nnnn

The way the last works is all 'normal' worlds owe fealty to their county court, and systems that are county courts owe fealty to their duchy court.

If you want you could extend this ...

Cs = sector duke's court
Ca = domain archduke's court
Ci = Imperial court

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />How would we display them on a map?
Possibly with color-coding. County borders would work if counties are contiguous (as I'd suppose that many of them were), but there's no reason why some couldn't interpenetrate.</font>[/QUOTE]One way is like this. (Yes, I know some of those borders are not canon.) Alternatively you could use dotted-lines for internal borders. (Neither addresses the issue if interpenetration.)

Regards PLST
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
How do we express such trans-subsector associations on a UWP line?
I don't see any reason to do so. If you insisted, I suppose you could use the trade code section; it has been drafted to serve other purposes than trade codes before, but for that very reason there may not be room for more.</font>[/QUOTE]Why not do it this way:

New comment codes
Cc = county court (or county capitol if you prefer)
Cd = duchy court (or duchy capitol)
C:nnnn = system's noble owes fealty to court at hex nnnn

The way the last works is all 'normal' worlds owe fealty to their county court, and systems that are county courts owe fealty to their duchy court.

If you want you could extend this ...

Cs = sector duke's court
Ca = domain archduke's court
Ci = Imperial court

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />How would we display them on a map?
Possibly with color-coding. County borders would work if counties are contiguous (as I'd suppose that many of them were), but there's no reason why some couldn't interpenetrate.</font>[/QUOTE]One way is like this. (Yes, I know some of those borders are not canon.) Alternatively you could use dotted-lines for internal borders. (Neither addresses the issue if interpenetration.)

Regards PLST
Originally posted by 313:
Now as to the cold sleep question 1000Cr is the price of a "Low Passage ticket" the ship
As for my off-the-cuff costs for long term coldsleep? Fine. Instead of reducing the price by a mere 400%, let us instead reduce it by 4000% (quite an extreme reduction, I assure you, given the comparable costs of going into continuous full-body cryo-sleep on Earth today).

200 billion x 52 weeks x 25 Cr = 260,000,000,000,000 Cr/year. Two hundred sixty trillion credits. Sorry, but that’s hardly supportable.

It also doesn’t explain where the tens or hundreds of billions of extra Aslan magically appeared from. That number is too large.

Remember also that I didn’t even attempt to assess the economic costs of having “hundreds of billions” kept out of the workforce. The cost would have lots and lots of zeroes after it.

Originally posted by 313:
operator incures costs of 100cr to operate a low pasage trip this includes the inducement of hybernasion, hybernation and revival, this is fore short term (a week and a half to a month)hybernation on a moving starship carried out on a limited sacle (usualy betwean 5-100 soles) the costs of long term mass hybernation at a fixed lacation will be much less say 1000Cr per year per individual
19.23 credits/week is only a little less than my just-reduced 25 credits/week. As we saw above, the cost, even so reduced, is still completely unsupportable.

Originally posted by 313:
, now compeare this to the cost of having that same indvidual on welfair?
200 billion people on welfare? The entire Aslan Allegiance Code (not a true guarantee of Aslan numbers, just the closest I can get from the data) population of the Trojan Reaches is 315 Billion. Are you stating that 66% of them would either have to be on welfare or coldsleep? Or that there were 66% more than the UWP populations sitting around in coldsleep?

Scenario #1: If we go with the first assumption, you can cut the budget of the area by 66%, because without those people that’s what’s going to happen. I didn’t bother inverting my population/budget queries to account for the loss of 66% of the workforce before getting the GWP, so I can’t show accurately what would happen, but I think it’s readily apparent that it wouldn’t be good.

Scenario #2: If the second assumption, then 260 Trillion credits are going down the tubes each year for nothing gained back. That’s approximately 1.2% of the entire Aslan Trojan Reaches GWP. Just to keep 66% of the population out of work and not adding to the GWP? The economic brake would be huge. And remember, that isn’t 1.2% of the clan governments’ budgets, that’s 1.2% of the total GWPs.

So, if the 200 billion are “inclusive”, then how did unemployment get to over 66% (an amount so severe the clan governments over them would have collapsed)? If the 200 Billion are “exclusive”, where did 200 billion extra Aslan come from? Were 200 billion shipped in from the rest of Hierate? That would require 1000Cr/jump/Aslan. 20+ jumps just to cross the Great Rift (and in J-5 ships, there isn’t going to be much space for low-berths). Just to get them across the rift, that’s 4 quadrillion credits; and this doesn’t cover getting them to the Great Rift J-5 passage, nor getting them to storage points after the crossing.

Further, none of this addresses the costs of the vessels (nor the costs of coldsleep aboard them) necessary to ship the frozen masses across twenty to thirty parsecs in the Ihatei action (it isn’t going to be in J-5 ships meant to cross the Great Rift). 200 billion coldsleep berths? I just don’t see it. What are the costs of hiring and provisioning the necessary number of Medical-3 personnel to revive them? What are the death rates among so large a population of popsicles? Families knifed apart en masse. Ick.
Originally posted by 313:
Now as to the cold sleep question 1000Cr is the price of a "Low Passage ticket" the ship
As for my off-the-cuff costs for long term coldsleep? Fine. Instead of reducing the price by a mere 400%, let us instead reduce it by 4000% (quite an extreme reduction, I assure you, given the comparable costs of going into continuous full-body cryo-sleep on Earth today).

200 billion x 52 weeks x 25 Cr = 260,000,000,000,000 Cr/year. Two hundred sixty trillion credits. Sorry, but that’s hardly supportable.

It also doesn’t explain where the tens or hundreds of billions of extra Aslan magically appeared from. That number is too large.

Remember also that I didn’t even attempt to assess the economic costs of having “hundreds of billions” kept out of the workforce. The cost would have lots and lots of zeroes after it.

Originally posted by 313:
operator incures costs of 100cr to operate a low pasage trip this includes the inducement of hybernasion, hybernation and revival, this is fore short term (a week and a half to a month)hybernation on a moving starship carried out on a limited sacle (usualy betwean 5-100 soles) the costs of long term mass hybernation at a fixed lacation will be much less say 1000Cr per year per individual
19.23 credits/week is only a little less than my just-reduced 25 credits/week. As we saw above, the cost, even so reduced, is still completely unsupportable.

Originally posted by 313:
, now compeare this to the cost of having that same indvidual on welfair?
200 billion people on welfare? The entire Aslan Allegiance Code (not a true guarantee of Aslan numbers, just the closest I can get from the data) population of the Trojan Reaches is 315 Billion. Are you stating that 66% of them would either have to be on welfare or coldsleep? Or that there were 66% more than the UWP populations sitting around in coldsleep?

Scenario #1: If we go with the first assumption, you can cut the budget of the area by 66%, because without those people that’s what’s going to happen. I didn’t bother inverting my population/budget queries to account for the loss of 66% of the workforce before getting the GWP, so I can’t show accurately what would happen, but I think it’s readily apparent that it wouldn’t be good.

Scenario #2: If the second assumption, then 260 Trillion credits are going down the tubes each year for nothing gained back. That’s approximately 1.2% of the entire Aslan Trojan Reaches GWP. Just to keep 66% of the population out of work and not adding to the GWP? The economic brake would be huge. And remember, that isn’t 1.2% of the clan governments’ budgets, that’s 1.2% of the total GWPs.

So, if the 200 billion are “inclusive”, then how did unemployment get to over 66% (an amount so severe the clan governments over them would have collapsed)? If the 200 Billion are “exclusive”, where did 200 billion extra Aslan come from? Were 200 billion shipped in from the rest of Hierate? That would require 1000Cr/jump/Aslan. 20+ jumps just to cross the Great Rift (and in J-5 ships, there isn’t going to be much space for low-berths). Just to get them across the rift, that’s 4 quadrillion credits; and this doesn’t cover getting them to the Great Rift J-5 passage, nor getting them to storage points after the crossing.

Further, none of this addresses the costs of the vessels (nor the costs of coldsleep aboard them) necessary to ship the frozen masses across twenty to thirty parsecs in the Ihatei action (it isn’t going to be in J-5 ships meant to cross the Great Rift). 200 billion coldsleep berths? I just don’t see it. What are the costs of hiring and provisioning the necessary number of Medical-3 personnel to revive them? What are the death rates among so large a population of popsicles? Families knifed apart en masse. Ick.
Originally posted by 313:
Now as to the cold sleep question 1000Cr is the price of a "Low Passage ticket" the ship
As for my off-the-cuff costs for long term coldsleep? Fine. Instead of reducing the price by a mere 400%, let us instead reduce it by 4000% (quite an extreme reduction, I assure you, given the comparable costs of going into continuous full-body cryo-sleep on Earth today).

200 billion x 52 weeks x 25 Cr = 260,000,000,000,000 Cr/year. Two hundred sixty trillion credits. Sorry, but that’s hardly supportable.

It also doesn’t explain where the tens or hundreds of billions of extra Aslan magically appeared from. That number is too large.

Remember also that I didn’t even attempt to assess the economic costs of having “hundreds of billions” kept out of the workforce. The cost would have lots and lots of zeroes after it.

Originally posted by 313:
operator incures costs of 100cr to operate a low pasage trip this includes the inducement of hybernasion, hybernation and revival, this is fore short term (a week and a half to a month)hybernation on a moving starship carried out on a limited sacle (usualy betwean 5-100 soles) the costs of long term mass hybernation at a fixed lacation will be much less say 1000Cr per year per individual
19.23 credits/week is only a little less than my just-reduced 25 credits/week. As we saw above, the cost, even so reduced, is still completely unsupportable.

Originally posted by 313:
, now compeare this to the cost of having that same indvidual on welfair?
200 billion people on welfare? The entire Aslan Allegiance Code (not a true guarantee of Aslan numbers, just the closest I can get from the data) population of the Trojan Reaches is 315 Billion. Are you stating that 66% of them would either have to be on welfare or coldsleep? Or that there were 66% more than the UWP populations sitting around in coldsleep?

Scenario #1: If we go with the first assumption, you can cut the budget of the area by 66%, because without those people that’s what’s going to happen. I didn’t bother inverting my population/budget queries to account for the loss of 66% of the workforce before getting the GWP, so I can’t show accurately what would happen, but I think it’s readily apparent that it wouldn’t be good.

Scenario #2: If the second assumption, then 260 Trillion credits are going down the tubes each year for nothing gained back. That’s approximately 1.2% of the entire Aslan Trojan Reaches GWP. Just to keep 66% of the population out of work and not adding to the GWP? The economic brake would be huge. And remember, that isn’t 1.2% of the clan governments’ budgets, that’s 1.2% of the total GWPs.

So, if the 200 billion are “inclusive”, then how did unemployment get to over 66% (an amount so severe the clan governments over them would have collapsed)? If the 200 Billion are “exclusive”, where did 200 billion extra Aslan come from? Were 200 billion shipped in from the rest of Hierate? That would require 1000Cr/jump/Aslan. 20+ jumps just to cross the Great Rift (and in J-5 ships, there isn’t going to be much space for low-berths). Just to get them across the rift, that’s 4 quadrillion credits; and this doesn’t cover getting them to the Great Rift J-5 passage, nor getting them to storage points after the crossing.

Further, none of this addresses the costs of the vessels (nor the costs of coldsleep aboard them) necessary to ship the frozen masses across twenty to thirty parsecs in the Ihatei action (it isn’t going to be in J-5 ships meant to cross the Great Rift). 200 billion coldsleep berths? I just don’t see it. What are the costs of hiring and provisioning the necessary number of Medical-3 personnel to revive them? What are the death rates among so large a population of popsicles? Families knifed apart en masse. Ick.

You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan. Being a second son of a non-noble isn't a big deal because the first son doesn't get anything either.

Also, remember that most noble "second sons" don't go anywhere. They simply stay and serve the first sons and their families.

So, the ihatei are those noble "second sons" whose ambition does not allow them to remain, and their associated followers. This, of necessity, is not a huge number, and certain not anywhere in the "billions".

Again, the only way the "ihatei invasion" works (and I am using the word "works" very loosely) is if it is a full-on preemptive war by the Aslan on this side of the Rift. And even that ends up being pretty irrelevant as they only end up holding onto a dozen or so worlds.

You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan. Being a second son of a non-noble isn't a big deal because the first son doesn't get anything either.

Also, remember that most noble "second sons" don't go anywhere. They simply stay and serve the first sons and their families.

So, the ihatei are those noble "second sons" whose ambition does not allow them to remain, and their associated followers. This, of necessity, is not a huge number, and certain not anywhere in the "billions".

Again, the only way the "ihatei invasion" works (and I am using the word "works" very loosely) is if it is a full-on preemptive war by the Aslan on this side of the Rift. And even that ends up being pretty irrelevant as they only end up holding onto a dozen or so worlds.

You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan. Being a second son of a non-noble isn't a big deal because the first son doesn't get anything either.

Also, remember that most noble "second sons" don't go anywhere. They simply stay and serve the first sons and their families.

So, the ihatei are those noble "second sons" whose ambition does not allow them to remain, and their associated followers. This, of necessity, is not a huge number, and certain not anywhere in the "billions".

Again, the only way the "ihatei invasion" works (and I am using the word "works" very loosely) is if it is a full-on preemptive war by the Aslan on this side of the Rift. And even that ends up being pretty irrelevant as they only end up holding onto a dozen or so worlds.
Originally posted by 313:
OK some of my statments from my last post where not self suporting within the post it's self and i am drawing from an almalugum of verous sorces from Classic through TNE with also adapting stuff from GT lots of little things sacterd over 30 years of game info. I would like to also point out that some of my clames are baced on ocasinal off hand notes in "fluff text" (and even cannon conterdicts it's self, even from the same author)
Yes, canon does contradict itself on occasion. Which is why it is a good idea not to take any single statement as the gospel truth. Unless, of course, it 1) is one of the ones that's not contradicted anywhere and 2) is internally consistent.

...eg. the TL 14 Trepida grav tank is stated as being "new" and being intrduced as of 1109 and the Astrin grav APC flowed it by three years (p.86-87 Rebelion soursebook GDW 1998)
That's a valid argument, but it's not final proof of anything. There could be reasons why the Imperium employed some Astrins. It doesn't mean it doesn't employ TL15 tanks too.

Now as to the cold sleep question... [snip]
If (as I assume) you're basing you claim on the statement in Rebellion Sourcebook (or was it Referee's Companion?) that there are so many ihatei because the ships had been stacking up just across the Great Rift for decades, then the cost of keeping them on ice is irrelevant, because, except for maintenance, it has already been paid when the transport was bought. But I've challenged the canonical statement itself, on the grounds that (IMO) it doesn't make sense. It's not reasonable to expect an ihatei admiral to sit on his duff for decades waiting for the Imperium to self-destruct.

Originally posted by daryen:
You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan.
I've always assumed that most ihatei expeditions include a broad cross-section of Aslan society. They're going off to set up a colony of their own. Surely they need to bring along women and low-status males too. Maybe not in the exact same proportions as their origin society, but it can't be too different (Which, incidentally, means that most of a shipload of ihatei will be non-combattants).

There is another possibility: The expedition that deliberately sets out to find a remote colony of Aslans and move in. Such an expedition would be mostly upper-class male combattants. But such an expedition would be limited in its choice of target to worlds with Aslan inhabitants.

Being a second son of a non-noble isn't a big deal because the first son doesn't get anything either.
How true.

Originally posted by Hemdian:
New comment codes
Cc = county court (or county capitol if you prefer)
Cd = duchy court (or duchy capitol)
C:nnnn = system's noble owes fealty to court at hex nnnn
Regards PLST
Yes, I like the idea. But the comment space can only hold so much. Further, the comment codes would have to allow for referencing other sectors (as the Trojan Reach and Reft subsectors, I believe, report in to the Sector Dukes of the Spinward Marches and Deneb, respectively, unless I'm mistaken).
Originally posted by Hemdian:
New comment codes
Cc = county court (or county capitol if you prefer)
Cd = duchy court (or duchy capitol)
C:nnnn = system's noble owes fealty to court at hex nnnn
Regards PLST
Yes, I like the idea. But the comment space can only hold so much. Further, the comment codes would have to allow for referencing other sectors (as the Trojan Reach and Reft subsectors, I believe, report in to the Sector Dukes of the Spinward Marches and Deneb, respectively, unless I'm mistaken).
Originally posted by Hemdian:
New comment codes
Cc = county court (or county capitol if you prefer)
Cd = duchy court (or duchy capitol)
C:nnnn = system's noble owes fealty to court at hex nnnn
Regards PLST
Yes, I like the idea. But the comment space can only hold so much. Further, the comment codes would have to allow for referencing other sectors (as the Trojan Reach and Reft subsectors, I believe, report in to the Sector Dukes of the Spinward Marches and Deneb, respectively, unless I'm mistaken).
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Yes, I like the idea. But the comment space can only hold so much. Further, the comment codes would have to allow for referencing other sectors (as the Trojan Reach and Reft subsectors, I believe, report in to the Sector Dukes of the Spinward Marches and Deneb, respectively, unless I'm mistaken).
Nothing is known either way about Reft. It's not an unreasonable assumption, since Reft is split into two by the Great Rift and the two sections belong to different domains (Hm... maybe it does say flat out somewhere that the coreward/spinward part of Reft reports to the Duke of Deneb... I'll have to try to dig out the reference).

Anyway, Duke Quinn of Tobia is sector duke of the Trojan Reach. He is mentioned in an issue of Travellers' Digest.

Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by daryen:
You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan.
I've always assumed that most ihatei expeditions include a broad cross-section of Aslan society. They're going off to set up a colony of their own. Surely they need to bring along women and low-status males too.</font>[/QUOTE]I completely agree that the expeditions include a cross-section. This is mandatory, as they need to be able to create a fairly self-sustaining society right after landing.

My point is that the only reason an expedition is launched is because of the noble "second sons". Yes, the vast majority of the expedition are "normal" Aslan, but the expedition would not exist without the actual noble "second sons".

My point is just that there can't be *that* many noble "second sons" that are even trying to set up expeditions. Most of them seem to be quite content killing other Aslan in the military, gaining honor, and trying power plays on their older siblings. It takes an interesting mix of personality traits to make an ihatei.

Maybe not in the exact same proportions as their origin society, but it can't be too different (Which, incidentally, means that most of a shipload of ihatei will be non-combattants).
I think (I could be wrong here) that it has been specifically stated that a significant percentage of an ihatei expedition are non-combatants. These expeditions just aren't good for combat unless they significantly outclass the opposition.

One more point on freezing all these ihatei. The only ones that need to be frozen are the ihatei proper (i.e. the actual noble "second sons"). All of the followers would not be frozen, as they are most likely productive members of society, and there is no reason to remove them from society if there is no expedition on the way.

But, if you freeze the "second sons" and ship them away, they won't be any use when they get to wherever they are going, as no one is going to follow them.

I honestly don't know where this idea of uncountable numbers of ihatei being frozen and shipped across the Rift came from. Canon or not, it is outright idiotic.

Of course, this all begs the real question: Why would any Aslan noble on the "home" side of the Rift send anyone (ihatei or not) across the Rift? On the coreward side they have six subsectors worth of frontier. On the rimward side they have seven sectors of frontier. Now that is stupid!
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by daryen:
You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan.
I've always assumed that most ihatei expeditions include a broad cross-section of Aslan society. They're going off to set up a colony of their own. Surely they need to bring along women and low-status males too.</font>[/QUOTE]I completely agree that the expeditions include a cross-section. This is mandatory, as they need to be able to create a fairly self-sustaining society right after landing.

My point is that the only reason an expedition is launched is because of the noble "second sons". Yes, the vast majority of the expedition are "normal" Aslan, but the expedition would not exist without the actual noble "second sons".

My point is just that there can't be *that* many noble "second sons" that are even trying to set up expeditions. Most of them seem to be quite content killing other Aslan in the military, gaining honor, and trying power plays on their older siblings. It takes an interesting mix of personality traits to make an ihatei.

Maybe not in the exact same proportions as their origin society, but it can't be too different (Which, incidentally, means that most of a shipload of ihatei will be non-combattants).
I think (I could be wrong here) that it has been specifically stated that a significant percentage of an ihatei expedition are non-combatants. These expeditions just aren't good for combat unless they significantly outclass the opposition.

One more point on freezing all these ihatei. The only ones that need to be frozen are the ihatei proper (i.e. the actual noble "second sons"). All of the followers would not be frozen, as they are most likely productive members of society, and there is no reason to remove them from society if there is no expedition on the way.

But, if you freeze the "second sons" and ship them away, they won't be any use when they get to wherever they are going, as no one is going to follow them.

I honestly don't know where this idea of uncountable numbers of ihatei being frozen and shipped across the Rift came from. Canon or not, it is outright idiotic.

Of course, this all begs the real question: Why would any Aslan noble on the "home" side of the Rift send anyone (ihatei or not) across the Rift? On the coreward side they have six subsectors worth of frontier. On the rimward side they have seven sectors of frontier. Now that is stupid!
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by daryen:
You numbers of ihatei is silly. The ihatei proper are the "second sons" of the nobles, not all Aslan.
I've always assumed that most ihatei expeditions include a broad cross-section of Aslan society. They're going off to set up a colony of their own. Surely they need to bring along women and low-status males too.</font>[/QUOTE]I completely agree that the expeditions include a cross-section. This is mandatory, as they need to be able to create a fairly self-sustaining society right after landing.

My point is that the only reason an expedition is launched is because of the noble "second sons". Yes, the vast majority of the expedition are "normal" Aslan, but the expedition would not exist without the actual noble "second sons".

My point is just that there can't be *that* many noble "second sons" that are even trying to set up expeditions. Most of them seem to be quite content killing other Aslan in the military, gaining honor, and trying power plays on their older siblings. It takes an interesting mix of personality traits to make an ihatei.

Maybe not in the exact same proportions as their origin society, but it can't be too different (Which, incidentally, means that most of a shipload of ihatei will be non-combattants).
I think (I could be wrong here) that it has been specifically stated that a significant percentage of an ihatei expedition are non-combatants. These expeditions just aren't good for combat unless they significantly outclass the opposition.

One more point on freezing all these ihatei. The only ones that need to be frozen are the ihatei proper (i.e. the actual noble "second sons"). All of the followers would not be frozen, as they are most likely productive members of society, and there is no reason to remove them from society if there is no expedition on the way.

But, if you freeze the "second sons" and ship them away, they won't be any use when they get to wherever they are going, as no one is going to follow them.

I honestly don't know where this idea of uncountable numbers of ihatei being frozen and shipped across the Rift came from. Canon or not, it is outright idiotic.

Of course, this all begs the real question: Why would any Aslan noble on the "home" side of the Rift send anyone (ihatei or not) across the Rift? On the coreward side they have six subsectors worth of frontier. On the rimward side they have seven sectors of frontier. Now that is stupid!
Once agin I fall in to old habits due to the fact that many people I game with are on nilly the same wave-length as I that we (of whom I am usalialy the worst ofender) can ocasnaily leave out assumed facts in evadence, also on my numbers I fogot to menchion that many of the colinests would be drawen from wider aslan space (not just the Trans-rift popluasions) so given the structure of aslan sicioty no one Treasury would be footing the bill, so the other implied beniefits would seam to make sence to a government or other large organisation (and since when have govenments spent money in a compleatily intleagent manner) I was just trying in my owen ham fisted manner to point out that it was posibale just highily Improbable.
Once agin I fall in to old habits due to the fact that many people I game with are on nilly the same wave-length as I that we (of whom I am usalialy the worst ofender) can ocasnaily leave out assumed facts in evadence, also on my numbers I fogot to menchion that many of the colinests would be drawen from wider aslan space (not just the Trans-rift popluasions) so given the structure of aslan sicioty no one Treasury would be footing the bill, so the other implied beniefits would seam to make sence to a government or other large organisation (and since when have govenments spent money in a compleatily intleagent manner) I was just trying in my owen ham fisted manner to point out that it was posibale just highily Improbable.
Once agin I fall in to old habits due to the fact that many people I game with are on nilly the same wave-length as I that we (of whom I am usalialy the worst ofender) can ocasnaily leave out assumed facts in evadence, also on my numbers I fogot to menchion that many of the colinests would be drawen from wider aslan space (not just the Trans-rift popluasions) so given the structure of aslan sicioty no one Treasury would be footing the bill, so the other implied beniefits would seam to make sence to a government or other large organisation (and since when have govenments spent money in a compleatily intleagent manner) I was just trying in my owen ham fisted manner to point out that it was posibale just highily Improbable.